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  1. The Hidden Jobless Disaster
  2. RI Gov. Lincoln Chafee to formally join Democrats
  3. Tax reductions due to capital gains and the less renowned income averaging
  4. 68 years ago today
  5. New York Times editorial board says administration has 'lost all credibility' !!!!!
  6. Carter Hull?
  7. FL Sheriff arrested for upholding the 2nd
  8. The IRS Can't Plead Incompetence
  9. Illinois Gov. Quinn (D-IL) gets gun-bill signing extension
  10. Your congress and President accomplished this so far this year
  11. 5 points in favor of the patriot act
  12. Obama's Presser
  13. EPA Also Leaked Personal Info To Enviro Wacko Groups
  14. Black guy with 30 kids complains about child support
  15. Booker formally joins NJ Senate race
  16. Valerie Jarrett
  17. WOW....just wow
  18. Boundless Informant: The Guardian Breaks On Global Surveillance Data Gathering
  19. Tell me Obama
  20. More Evidence of Abuse from the IRS
  21. How the Liberals' Drum-Circle of Life Turns
  22. This Is How You Deal With Someone Who Will Not Answer A Question
  23. How Obama Told The IRS To Target Conservatives
  24. WP Op-Ed Writer David Ignatius Says Holder's Gotta Go
  25. IRS employee: Washington showed “unprecedented interest” in Tea Party groups
  26. Obama - Trust Me
  27. Oh Dear! Those Tech Companies Did Cooperate With Snoops
  28. What We've Given Up
  29. Well Intentioned Voter Fraud
  30. Happy 64th, 1984!
  31. 'OK' Jobs Report Calls For a Return To the Basics
  32. More reason to like Christie
  33. Former NSA head: Don't worry, no one has abused the phone records database *yet*
  34. Don't let this happen!
  35. Remarkable coincidence: IRS targeting conservs started same time Obama denounced them
  36. almost 30 years ago....
  37. The Crazy Wife That Sent Ricin To Frame Husband?
  38. Recorded: IRS Agent Telling Non-Profit To Keep Faith To Themselves
  39. Obama Debates Obama on Massive Surveillance of Americans
  40. State Department Officials Interfered With IG Investigations
  41. Support for Affirmative Action at historic low
  42. Princeton University evacuated after bomb threat
  43. Whole problem with phone-records-database program, is that *govt* owns the database
  44. Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor?
  45. Actress urges gun safety... and loses half her Twitter followers
  46. Did our current government allow the Boston attack to occur?
  47. Private Contractors' Key Role At Issue In NSA Leak
  48. Scandal number five
  49. Obama/Christie Love Affair
  50. Biden Statement on Federal Court Ruling on NSA Wiretapping
  51. Wisconsin bill would bar police from enforcing any new Federal gun restrictions
  52. New Jersey Confiscation Law Lets Cops Take Phones Without Warrants
  53. ‘Transparent’ Obama holds off-the-record, secret session with reporters
  54. Obama's Machine May Have More Data
  55. House Investigating IRS Seizure of Millions of Medical Records
  56. NSA and telecoms Traitors and criminals or Heroes
  57. Lawmakers shocked, may retire early to avoid being pushed into Obamacare exchanges
  58. Fox News Chairman Ailes Awarded Bradley Prize
  59. Phone rec collectn didn't catch Boston bombers because IT'S NOT ALLOWED AT MOSQUES???
  60. Another, Local Reason Not To Trust Government
  61. Depending On Location Public School Enrollment May Be A Form Of Child Abuse
  62. A Reasonable Request For White House
  63. Pelosi Squirms Over Question About Abortion While Reporters Laugh
  64. DNCTV Host Shows Her Liberal Compassion Towrds Texes Residents
  65. Immigration Reform and DUI's
  66. Classic: States debate taxing green cars to recover lost gas tax revenue
  67. Obama trip to Africa June 26 could cost $60 to $100 million
  68. Campus police's new recommended method for warding off attackers
  69. A republic, if we can keep it
  70. This article might cause Gabby to send money to Christine Quinn
  71. Will Obama admit he humped the pooch?
  72. Sen. Repubs still pretending issue is citizenship instead of legal residence
  73. Supreme Court rules that Arizona can check voter ID... and then that it can't
  74. Note to me from my friend Al
  75. TWA 800 investigators now say evidence proves "ordnance explosions" outside the plane
  76. Obama should be on trial for war crimes
  77. White House threatens to veto House farm bill because it isn’t expensive enough
  78. The Administration's Culture of Intimidation and Opacity
  79. Director of IRS Tax-Exempt Determinations Office Is Obama Donor
  80. On The 8th Day God Made A Democrat
  81. Change Department of Defense to Department of Killing Islamic People on Global TV
  82. NSA Phone Records, recording, tapping warrantless
  83. DHS: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based On Hunches
  84. NSA Backdoor into all windows machines...
  85. Thousands of Tea Partiers Pack Capitol For "Audit the IRS" Rally
  86. Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"
  87. Guess Who's Getting $70 Million in Bonuses?
  88. Obama in Berlin: Climate change is the “global threat of our time”
  89. Selling ObamaCare: And so it begins…
  90. Overpaid and Underworked” Federal Employees? It’s Not Just a “Perception”
  91. Ich bin ein complete flop - why no wide-angle shots of Obama in Berlin this time?
  92. Let's not forget the forgotten man
  93. Tea party Rally, DC go to 3:30 and then see Arkady
  94. Victory is at hand
  95. Healthcare exchanges = Democrat Slush Fund
  96. 1st NSA whistle Blower now tells all. It's as bad as you can imagine
  97. NSA retailation? Quest CEO refused to play ball jail
  98. My friend Arkady speaks ...
  99. Somebody let it slip!
  100. Equality only when it's self serving
  101. Why let illegal aliens stay while keeping out those who obeyed law, applied, waited?
  102. The top 9,486 ways Jay Carney won’t answer your questions
  103. Union President ‘Racism and Rich White People to Blame for School Problems
  104. What makes you think we need "immigration reform"?
  105. Bloomberg Using Taxpayer Resources to Help Sponsor Anti-Gun Websites
  106. Supreme Court chickens out in Univ Texas reverse-discrimination case
  107. IRS Targeting Was Broader, Lasted Longer Than Previously Disclosed
  108. The Brain of a Low Information Voter (i.e. Obama Supporters)
  109. Disability benefits program for federal workers reported rife with waste
  110. Joan Walsh: ‘Obama Got the Last Laugh’ When People Died During Superstorm Sandy
  111. The US economy On Life Support as Obama Talks Climate Change
  112. Inspector General: IRS credit cards used for booze and porn
  113. Texas AG: SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision Is a ‘Huge Win for Equality’
  114. Supremes: People who wrote Calif Prop 8 don't have standing to defend it
  115. Anti-amnesty calls having an impact
  116. Palin Wants Rubio and Ayotte Primaried
  117. 'Lavish' IRS Conference Cost Taxpayers $2.8 million
  118. Justice Scalia rips 'em like they should be ripped....
  119. White House defends NSC meeting with controversial scholar Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah
  120. 26% of Obama Backers Say Tea Partiers Are More Dangerous Than Radical Muslims
  121. Looks like Polygamy and adult incest marriages are now legal
  122. IRS IG Liberal Groups Weren't Inappropriately Targeted
  123. Pelosi Praises Obamacare: “The Implementation of this is Fabulous”
  124. Any details of the "immigration" bill that just passed the Senate?
  125. Thoughtful comments about the N word
  126. Who are the real bigots on gay marriage?
  127. Obama supporters attempt to answer beauty pageant questions
  128. Hobby Lobby Just Scored a Major Victory Against Obamacare
  129. Bush/Palin 2016: the GOP's Only Chance?
  130. It's the rhetoric, not immigration hurting GOP with Latinos
  131. Flip the coin on the Paula Deen outcry
  132. Fed Govt imposes new regulations, bans on cola, candy in schools
  133. Coloradoans will hold illegal magazine swap on July 1
  134. 500,000 Contractors have the same access as Snowden but
  135. Dems who backed DOMA laud its end
  136. Social Sec will stay solvent for 20 years... *IF* we pay off 1/3 of the National Debt
  137. Does sanctioning immorality curtail liberty?
  138. America needs change
  139. Obama, bring back America's conscience and save Israel
  140. Obama, - pragmatism or conwardice
  141. At the Brink
  142. Will legalized shoplifting be the fourth wave?
  143. Arab World, or America - who needs to change?
  144. Calif gas taxes increase July 1, now 71.5 cents/gal
  145. Mongolian neo-Nazis rebrand themselves as environmentalists
  146. "It is Their Right, It is Their Duty, To Throw Off Such Government..."
  147. dress codes
  148. Would you believe, a lawsuit on **3rd Amendment** grounds?
  149. Help the homeless V.Topaller
  150. Camel for president!
  151. A lot of that going around.
  152. One Sign That All IS Lost
  153. Frightening ...
  154. Six Inconvenient Truths About Obamacare
  155. May be time to move to Montana...
  156. Please don't "help" me.
  157. A Really Broken System
  158. Should a minimum wage be a "living wage"?
  159. Check out the National Debt for the last few months
  160. How the US can get out of debt
  161. Revolution???
  162. News Flash: We still don't have a Federal Budget!
  163. Red Skeltons Pledge Of Allegiance
  164. into the gears.. search engine and e-mail
  165. If Zimmerman had NOT had a gun, Trayvon would be guilty of assault and maybe murder
  166. Legitimacy
  167. When Harry Reid was totally FOR the filibuster
  168. If I was wandering thru a neighborhood that was recently burgled
  169. CNN: Zimmerman Prosecutor excused potential black juror for being a Fox News watcher
  170. Outraged over the verdict?
  171. 577 billion truths
  172. Anyone know where to find records of bills/debates on Fed borrowing in Congress?
  173. Feds suspend review of $5.5B loan for Vegas-to-Calif. train
  174. Arkansas restores constitutional carry - no permit or license required to carry a gun
  175. 44 years ago today
  176. Obama in the Situation Room...pretending again.
  177. Zimmy v. NBC
  178. What's wrong with "reasonable restrictions" on a constitutional right?
  179. Obama talks even more about Trayvon, but never mentions the man Trayvon attacked
  180. County judge halts Detroit bankruptcy...because it's "dishonoring the U.S. President"
  181. "If Trayvon hadn't attacked and beaten Zimmerman, Trayvon woul be alive today."
  182. 44 years ago today: Giant leap for mankind
  183. How the Democrats policies keep winning
  184. Geroge Zimmerman should change his name to Ben Ghazi
  185. McCain backs Obama's call for 'stand your ground' review
  186. The history of "Stand your Ground" in America
  187. Potential for Abuse 'Enormous' With Massive Obamacare Database
  188. Terrorists assault Abu Ghraib prison, freeing 500-plus senior Al Qaeda prisoners
  189. What is causing present misery some blacks are living in, and whats keeping it going?
  190. Makes you think...
  191. Founded by Geniuses but run by idiots
  192. Why the lies blaming government forces with Gas Attack?
  193. Probably a good time to listen to this AGAIN!
  194. Obamacare explained in one sentence
  195. Were they watching the same speech?
  196. I have no doubt its true.
  197. Is The IRS Obstructing Justice?
  198. Sign to Approve 4th Trimester Abortions
  199. I found this on Frontline Revelarts
  200. Obamacare call center will not offer healthcare benefits to many employees
  201. Anyone like to see how the SENATE really works?
  202. Can we Honor Our Fellow Americans?
  203. College Republicans denied entrance to Obama's campus speech,called "security threat"
  204. 9/11 American Flag photo nearly excluded from NY museum for being too pro-American
  206. Hispanic win: ‘California can be Republican again’
  207. Bradley Manning found guilty of multiple counts of espionage, fraud, theft
  208. Obama and his jobs blunder
  209. Tennessee Newspaper to Obama: “Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove it”
  210. Obama’s Quiet Anti-Suburban Revolution
  211. Ya don’t have to be a racist to dislike the Obama’s
  212. Individuals can't afford ObamaCare
  213. Protestors don't like babies, or cookies
  214. What happened the LAST time we hit the National Debt ceiling, in 2011?
  215. Lewinsky Tape Emerges: Juxtoposition With Weiner Narrative-Quaint
  216. 25 years ago today
  217. If Republicans pass CR defunding Obamacare,will Dems shutdown govt rather than agree?
  218. Gun permit applications surge in Newtown, CT
  219. Benghazi, The CIA, and A Cover-Up?
  220. Tax matter for forum
  221. Special "gun team" of cops, now confiscating guns door-to-door in Illinois
  222. 17th amendment per the Obama administration
  223. The architect of destruction
  224. BREAKING: IRS Harassment of Pro-Life Groups Continues Despite Claims to Contrary
  225. House, Senate Reps and Staff Exempted From Obamacare
  226. Former NSA On PBS says NSA targeted Supreme Court
  227. NSA R-U 3 Drgrees from Bin Laden, AlZwarhehe? then U R a terro rsuspect!!!
  228. Groomed...
  229. Why, exactly, are we closing these embassies in the middle East?
  230. Greg Palast
  231. If they call me one. I must be one.
  232. Last Minute Deal "Congress Obamacare Exemption"
  233. This is the epitome of politics
  234. In God we trust
  235. 68 years ago today
  236. Dem Governors: Obamacare Could Ruin Our Re-election Chances
  237. The Real Obama Economy
  238. Part-time jobs account for 97% of 2013 job growth
  239. $500 million “investment” in green-job training yielded neither green jobs nor traine
  240. 70 Trillon....that's with a 'T'..
  241. Obama wants to dump Fannie and Freddie as part of mortgage reform
  242. Obama Implementation Training "Barely Off the Ground" in Many States
  243. I Don't Know What Happened in the Gosnell Case
  244. Under Obamacare the IRS Taxes Drug Companies For Selling Life Saving Medication
  245. Navy will scrap nuclear submarine USS Miami due to military budget cuts
  246. Liberalism Has Nearly Destroyed Black America
  247. Obama Cancels Private Meeting with Putin
  248. Obamacare months behind testing IT security, navigator training barely off the ground
  249. Could It Be?
  250. A sign of the times