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  1. Latest Propaganda-Du-Jour, courtesy of George Soros....
  2. Dem fringe candidate talks gun control
  3. Trump in Dallas
  4. 'Cuckservatives' ... real, or imaginary ?
  5. 9/16 Republican Debate (top 11 candidates)
  6. Trump not even fit to be a DP member!
  7. Carson edges Trump
  8. Anchor babies
  9. Third Time's the Charm: Federal Appeals Ct Voids Provisions of DC Gun Control again
  10. Presidential plans - specifics
  11. Can you list your Presidential preferences in order?
  12. I guess there IS that.
  13. Jeb Right On Trump and FL Casino
  14. Trump Leads But Falling: CNN
  15. Hillary and Sanders
  16. GOP candidate Carson: Islam inconsistent with Constitution
  17. Kristol 3rd party ticket: Cheney/Cotton if Trump wins nomination
  18. GOP candidate Carson: Muslim shouldn't be elected president
  19. Walker plummets to bottom of GOP list
  20. Walker is done, drops out of race
  21. Walker Out
  22. Megyn Media Ho
  23. Perry and Walker Out-Who Will Be Left?
  24. Left Turns Fire At Fiorina
  25. Would YOU support a Pres candidatewho says Sharia Law superseded the US Constitution?
  26. Is being the early frontrunner the kiss of death?
  27. Is this the "real" Carly Fiorina? If so....
  28. My Point on Pundits and Journalism
  29. Trump announces "boycott" of Fox News
  30. Candidates that should drop
  31. Breaking: Boehner To Resign From Congress
  32. Do you support candidate who wants Constitution superseded by religion of Liberalism?
  33. Abortion Barbie makes her life's work defending Planned Parenthood
  34. No Free Stuff
  35. Trump Vs. the Pope
  36. Media thumps Trump, but polls show he's winning big
  37. Fiorina defends CIA waterboarding
  38. Donald Trump's tax plan
  39. If trump drops out tomorrow....
  40. BTW, the Natl Debt hasn't increased since March 2015
  41. Trump should go on the Megyn File.
  42. Russia begins air strikes in Syria; Obama admin concedes they have a legitimate role
  43. Trump in New Hampshire
  44. Fetal Tissue Research
  45. Planned parenthood hired protesters to throw condoms at Carly Fiorina.
  46. Hillary lashes out at staff over gay-friendly passports
  47. The Democrat Party, of course, is the party of the KKK
  48. New Speaker vote on Oct. 8th
  49. Fiorina on what she would do if Trump won the nomination
  50. Nutcase shoots dozens in Oregon community college
  51. Romney isn't running.
  52. Hillary trying to change her image... again
  53. Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare
  54. Secret Service agents: Hillary is a nightmare to work with
  55. 50 Years
  56. Chaffetz announces bid for Speaker
  57. An idea for a campaign prop
  58. Joe Biden's rough weekend
  59. Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade
  60. Why We're Still Debating Guns In 2015
  61. Democrats desperately pushing the fallacy, govt can do something about mass shootings
  62. McCarthy withdraws from speaker race, vote postponed
  63. If Obama has Roberts in his back pocket.....
  64. Trump and a supporter from Colombia
  65. Another +1 for Trump
  66. Donald Trump says Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed
  67. The only law that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation
  68. Obama needs to get out of town
  69. Kanye West — President
  70. Ben Carson butchered my brain!
  71. Ryan for Speaker?
  72. CNN won't pit Dems against each other in Tuesday's debate
  73. Trump Supporter - “Obama has failed us. We’re taking back America!”
  74. Jeb Bush has a new plan to 'repeal and replace' Obamacare
  75. So, what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?
  76. Trump in New Hampshire
  77. The "Gun Control" farce
  78. Busted ! CNN Uses Jeb Bush Staffer Planted In Audience To Frame Donald Trump
  79. CNN Debate Moderator Was Member of Clinton Global Initiative
  80. Vegas "Democrat Debate" Comedy Show
  81. Hill and Bill's scandals
  82. Constituencies
  83. Democrat Debate
  84. OMG Bernie
  85. My Thoughts On The First Dem Debate
  86. FactChecking the Democratic Debate
  87. Hillary VS Stalin
  88. Comic Book Villains Now Conservative Constitutionalists
  89. Trump, Carson threaten Republican debate boycott
  90. Huckabee wants poor people sold into slavery
  91. Homelessness
  92. Judge: Texas can deny birth certificates for US born children of some immigrants
  93. Heard Joe is running
  94. White House issues threats as Obamacare enrollments stall
  95. Jim Webb drops out
  96. School cancelled election results
  97. Mia Matsumiya - Online Harrassment
  98. Latest ABC News/Washington Post poll
  99. Biden: I’m not running for president in 2016
  100. Who Keeps Electing Black Women Activists?
  101. CLINTON HEARING: Hillary Has Coughing Fit!
  102. The Fence
  103. Chafee Drops Out
  104. Above the Law Billary Strikes Again
  105. Trump Halloween Mask
  106. Rand Paul brings up an interesting pont
  107. Obama defends Black Lives Matter movement
  108. America Is Not The Greatest Country In The World... Anymore
  109. Justice Dept.: No criminal charges for ex-IRS official
  110. Trump Change: More GOP Voters Than Ever Say He’s The Man
  111. Ben Carson Surges in Iowa, Runs New Ads in Early States
  112. Jeb Bush Still Thinks Soviet Union Exists!
  113. Clock Boy Heads to Qatar
  114. Timeline: Gowdy Committee Verifies Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Cover Up
  115. How did Santorum and Huckabee
  116. The Liberal War on Children....
  117. A Song For Gabosaurus
  118. Trump launches new attack on Bush
  119. For those COMMON CORE supporters....
  120. Happy Birthday
  121. Trump Embarrass Ford?
  122. If you have 55 minutes. Learn what politicians really mean with their words.
  123. CBS/NYT Poll: Ben Carson edges out Donald Trump
  124. Republicans find a way to avoid a destructive Congressional war: SURRENDER!
  125. Debate Tonight
  126. The Doctor
  127. Debate Speakers
  128. Speaker Ryan: "....honest differences honestly stated"
  129. Who's votes Count
  130. POLL: Jeb Vs Hillary?
  131. Finally, Some Guts
  132. CISA 'Cyber Security' Bill Passes
  133. One Repub debate moderated by liberals. When will we have Dem debate mod by conservs?
  134. Bernie Sanders and Marijuana legalization
  135. Sheriff David Clark is MY Hero
  136. Dear Abby: My husband cheats.....
  137. You Only Thought You Were As Good As Hillary Clinton
  138. List of Presidential candidates in order - v2
  139. Govt used to protect our rights. But now it tries to solve our problems. Wrong track?
  140. Compulsory Voting
  141. Carson jumps out to lead!
  142. Teddy had it right...
  143. Probable Hillary 2016 Off Shoot Uses Latino Kids For Propaganda
  144. Republicans Score Big Victories From Coast to Coast
  145. Let's teach the kids about Trump
  146. Sanders trouncing Trump, media ignores
  147. Ben Carson is a REALLY strange person
  148. What Will They Call Him?
  149. Carson lies about scholarship offer from West Point
  150. Republican "Brand"
  151. The cover-ups for Hillary begin
  152. Reuters Polling
  153. Carson Blows Up at Reporters
  154. Compare (D) with (R)
  155. Nevada Senate Race
  156. Hillary Clinton and her scandals
  157. What to do? Bank Drug Money Laundering & Sanction Breaking
  158. Would you vote to disband all religious cults that can only grow their tribes by viol
  159. Judges use Obama’s own words to halt deportation amnesty
  160. Bush, Kasich seal their fates by pandering to illegal immigrants
  161. WATCH: BBC Propaganda Hit Piece
  162. The Trump Way on Immigration Suits Republicans, Poll Shows
  163. Are you voting for who will win ...
  164. Trump Models 'Deportation Force' After Inhumane Eisenhower
  165. Honor Killings
  166. When will Americans with a brain recognize the JACKASS in the room?
  167. University Prof Exposes Mind Control Programs in Universities
  168. Most very likely THE Greatest President Ever! Screw Oreilly
  169. Trump surges to 42 percent in poll
  170. Pay no attention to this if you are liberal, or have me on IGNORE.
  171. Hillary: Raise federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.
  172. Hillary Clinton Is A Joke
  173. Irony. Jon Voit's words PRIOR to Obama's election!
  174. Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward
  175. What kind of President do you want?
  176. Carson and voters - new poll
  177. A Hundred Thousand Homelss Vets
  178. Some Thoughts
  179. Highlighting Hypocrisy
  180. Obama off the deep end: Republicans "are afraid of widows and orphans coming in"
  181. USA Today Editorial: Colleges Need To Step Up To Protect Free Speech
  182. Trump wins the general election in a landslide.
  183. Trump rises after Paris attacks
  184. Truth
  185. Hillary versus the First Amendment.
  186. On 'Non-Terrorist' Refugees
  187. Congressional Dems Attempt 3rd Way On Refugees
  188. In honor of recent events and discussions in the world
  189. Reporter puts together another lie: "Trump wants to register Muslims in a database!"
  190. Does The Left Have a Speech Impetiment?
  191. The Amazing Donald Trump
  192. Mexican have been leaving the Faster than entering..
  193. About Bush
  194. Berne Sander Says Everything is Free
  195. Dem elected Louisiana governor
  196. Hillary Reveals Her Southern Accent... Again
  197. DC Police Chief: Be Prepared To Take Terrorists Out
  198. ADL: Myths and Facts About Immigrants and Immigration
  199. Political Cartoons
  200. Civilizational Struggle
  201. Some Princeton Students Want To Be Heard Over Free Speech Blackout
  202. Cruz to win Iowa?
  203. Debt Under Obama Up $8,000,000,000,000
  204. Black Entitlement - Black Lies Matter
  205. We're Not Gonna Take It
  206. Obama Administration Is Like God
  207. A transcript of Obama "vetting" the Syrian refugees
  208. Hillary Clinton’s million little lies
  209. SOLD OUT ==> Donald Trump Packs The House In Sarasota, FL… Lines 5 Blocks Long
  210. NYT Drops 'Rodham' in Reference to Hillary Clinton
  211. Trump on 9/11 and muslims
  212. Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Warns Obama Could Spark 'Nuclear War'
  213. Rep. Babin on Clinton Emails: 'Everything Is Pointing to the Lady's Guilt'
  214. Another mass shooting. San Bernardino CA, multiple fatalities. Gun-free zone?
  215. Does your state do this too?
  216. Cruz
  217. If your candidate is polling at 5% or lower
  218. Lol
  219. I just couldn't resist
  220. The Scourge Of Guns
  221. Middle Eastern men arrested in Arizona near the border carrying steel cylinders
  222. Obama speech: No real changes. A few Special Forces, more gun control on law-abiding
  223. Trump calls for Muslim border ban ...
  224. OMG... Lt. Col. Ralph Peters
  225. "Constitution check": Can guns used in mass shootings be banned?
  226. Florida mayor bans Donald Trump
  227. Others reply to Trumps 'Ban all muslims Plan'
  228. Trump doesn't go far enough
  229. Is Trump trolling the GOP?
  230. Democrats Love Queers
  231. Obama &Cater: Am I in Hell?
  232. The Daily Ledger
  233. Conservative Latinos
  234. Poll: Donald Trump back on top, with Ted Cruz climbing into second (CBS news)
  235. What Difference Does It Make?
  236. Damn, I Should Have Written This!
  237. Trump supporters generally older, less educated
  238. What Is Going On Here
  239. Mirror Images
  240. Here's how my guy communicates...
  241. Report: Obama tried to prevent FBI from calling San Bern murders "terrorist attacks"
  242. Donald Trumps Positions
  243. Another HILLARY FBI sweep....Under the Table...not for our consumption...
  244. Mark Levin on the Left
  245. More From The Pesky Email Scandal
  246. World leaders agree on "Climate Accord" - but provide no enforcement
  247. Des Moines Register-Cruz's Crushing Lead
  248. Freedom of speech is for the foolish
  249. Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupid
  250. The LAW says Trump can keep Muslims out