View Full Version : Religion/Ethics
Pages :
- Pork Soup?
- What Religion Are You?
- The Noahide Movement
- Conlicting Views in Judaism
- Clarifying Myself
- Does money equal power ?
- Question for TheSage
- Dispensationalism: Apostasy in the church
- Our Saudi Allies Might Ban the Letter X Because It Kind of Looks Like a Cross
- Coming To Our Shores.......NOW!
- She’s dying…so what would you do?
- "The Tea Cup" From Our Uncle.
- Does God Exist?
- Roll over from "Does God Exist" - How old is the Earth?
- Jillian say's the board is secular, shall we find out?
- Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology
- Casual Sex a Con
- Nigger / Cracker / Nips / Gooks and Chinks - why the double standard?
- The Origin of Oil Points to Young Earth
- Op-Ed: Talking with Liberals on Homosexuality
- Inspirational Music Video
- Uk Church replaces hymns with U2
- Guy Who Outted Ted Haggard Welcomed to Haggard's Former Church
- If all the gay and paedophile clergymen
- Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next
- Persecution Follows Anti-Conversion Bill in India
- Religion's hypocrisy
- More PC Run Amok
- Jesus was a rebel
- Anglican Heads Prepare for a Make-or-Break Summit
- This Is Amazing! This Little Girl Is Amazing!
- This Little Girl Is Amazing! She Claims God Is Responsible.
- Does the human soul have a gender?
- How is this for ETHICS?
- American's View Of GOP Crumbles With Iraq
- Ash Wednesday
- Homosexuals & the Scripture: From Ham to the Palestinians
- RWA, wherever you are- you'll love this
- U.S. court upholds same-sex teaching to children
- 666. How lovely.
- DaVinci Code merged w/ Lost Tomb of Jesus
- A Real Christian.
- Are They Playing Fair?
- Islam Could Become Europe's Dominant Religion, Experts Say
- When God Sanctions Killing, The People Listen
- Why I Don't Go To Church Anymore! - A good article for Christians
- Jewish Comic Has Sex With 'God'
- Values Voters Have Little To Show For Support Of Bush
- What Is a Slut?
- Fred Phelps meets gay admirer
- Scholar: 'Jesus Tomb' makers mistaken
- Homosexuality: What's Your Stance?
- The Other Son...
- Gay Babies Biological, Baptist Leader Says
- Does God answer prayer?
- Refreshing the homosexuality debate
- Two Choices
- So Much For The "God Will Protect Us" Crowd
- Gay Rights Regulations Passed in UK; Christians Protest
- Germany Cites Koran in Rejecting Divorce
- Test your knowledge of world religion
- Myths About Radical Islam
- UN Resolution Protects Only Islam From Defamation
- Religion vs. Science
- This Hymn Rules!
- Evangelicals united to end global slavery
- The Exudos Decoded
- 91% of America Believes in God
- Pope says rich nations plundered Poor
- Filipino devotees nailed to cross
- Misconception, Eggs and Easter
- Echoes of Good Friday
- U.S. divorce rates: for various faith groups, age groups and geographical areas
- Pope Stops Short Of Endorsing "Intelligent Design". Science asks, "OK?"
- FDA regulation of holy water as a drug?
- Protestors in India burn Gere effigies
- If Atheism is so "right on" then....
- Anglican head Williams says anti-gays misread Bible
- Religion of "Peace" - at work again
- My daughter's PC day at school
- The "Neutering" of the American Male
- Dislike of protests
- Mormons at the door
- Catholic leader speaks out against
- Pope Benedict in the lion's den
- Communism - serving God's purpose.
- Gay marriage evil, abortion terrorism: Vatican
- Study: Religion good for children
- Do You Love God?
- Fight over baby's life support divides ethicists
- Young Earth Creationists
- Old Earth "Scientists"
- Stalked by family honor, some Muslim women hide
- Homosexuality and gender identity confusion
- Grappling with evil
- Prayer Sites?
- Tony Dungy Message -
- Gore Replaces Gideon
- Why do I need to 'understand' Islam ?
- How Islam builds a girls school
- Doctors Turn Against Abortion
- So this is the Islam I am supposed to understand ?
- Why Men Hate Going to Church
- Dumbest Thing I've Seen In Years
- Do we have a right to make someone obey the law?
- The Incredible Shrinking Male
- Poll on porn..
- Outstanding "Passion" video
- 1st Trimester Abortion is "okay" eh? *Warning - Graphic Photo*
- Not All Muslims Condone Violence
- Benedict Draws a Line in the Sand
- Queer Marriage III
- Does GOD Love You?
- Fired for What?
- Homosexuality should have an R rating
- The scientific research homosexuality thread
- "Love Your Enemy." "Turn The Other Cheek." What Did Jesus Mean?
- A question for Global Warming Alarmists who are Unbelievers
- How do you know you're right?
- WBC protesting Falwell?
- Gay or Straight -- the 60 Minutes Report
- The Party of Family Values?
- Islamic Savages
- Interesting site.
- Pro/Anti
- Eight wives not enough for convicted bigamist.
- Creation Museum
- Queer enablers in NC despise democracy
- Dubya could learn a few things from Jesus
- In the Beginning was Nothing: A Creation Story
- Teen Charged with Hate Crime Against Gays
- Catholic Prayer
- Blogging the Koran
- Mom on oxygen pump dies when power co. cuts electricity
- Christian Lesbians are A-OK with God and Jesus!
- Can any "Old earth" Creationists (*cough 5StringJeff *cough*) Explain this one?
- A scenario..
- Clinton: How Faith Made Her Whole And Worthy
- Fighting Back
- ACLU Defend Privacy? Nah
- An Email I Just Got
- Who and what goes to "Eternal Life" ?
- Earliest hebrew text in pyramids
- Studies say death penalty deters crime
- Queer enablers = liars
- Saying "Marriage" a Hate Crime
- Time to 'Meet' Your 'New Family.'
- The SHOCKING TRUTH About Homosexuality
- Police Nab 700 In Global Pedophile Ring
- Papers show Isaac Newton's religious side
- My next door neighbor...just died in a terrible accident, while working on a truck.
- For Christians...
- The Bible
- Scenario Number 2
- is masturbating bad?
- Homosexuality/other "so called" deviant behavior - Immoral or not? Abnormal, or not?
- 1 in 4 expect the second coming this year
- Who is the better person?
- Natural And Normal
- Obvious Christian-baiting
- Question for magical-genie (God) believers
- Gigantic Mosque Angers Germans
- Bong Hits For Jesus
- Poll: Did the Biblical Flood really occur?
- Republicans Favor Universal Healthcare and Gays In Military
- What's your favorite thing about being an atheist?
- So who is really queer?
- Brother against Brother, or Brethren against Brethren?
- A Christian Interviews a Relativist... Who Wins?
- Prayers
- Resurrection Of A Lame (Dead) Duck
- Internet service delivers holy land blessings
- History Hit Job On Thomas Paine
- Vatican: Non-Catholics not true Christians
- Let's discuss queers
- Morals
- Bible pick an choose
- Belief in God by region- map
- It May Be Fiction, But This Short Little Story Was Special To Me.
- Is This the Muslim way?
- God will judge the hypocrites
- Pills not the answer to obesity, says top doctor
- Gullible is not in the Dictionary
- God Hates Fags
- Christian woman forced to convert
- Jeffrey Dahmer "got it" why can't Libs?
- Passion of the Christ - If I Was There (Tourniquet)
- Prove No God!
- Westboro Baptists strike again
- What is your purpose for being?
- why is there a banning spree ?
- *No Bishop You're Wrong: Allah Isn't Gawd: Is Moon gOd*
- Power
- Good things in Iraq
- Warriors of God?
- Are Ghosts Real?
- Really, jimnyc, Why the Banning Spree?
- A preaching sex offender
- There's no such thing as "truth"
- Whinney Christian Teenagers
- ACLU vs. God
- Like Religion, Banning is a tool for eliminating questions.
- Truth, like religion, is banning dissent.
- Opus cartoon mocking radical islam
- End of Days
- The Bible was NEVER supposed to be taken literally
- New Religion
- Do What Again?
- signs of the time
- Do You Think Scientology Is A Cult Or Religion?
- God science
- Do you want to be good?
- Homosexuality is not a Christian sin.
- Can any religious people explain this?
- Another simple question for Jafar!!!
- happiness
- A quick question for you constitutional junkies
- Kathy Griffin:"Suck it, Jesus."
- Anti-Homo People
- Heart Condition
- Liberal Christians!
- The power of forgiveness
- I've changed my mind!!!!!
- A moral study
- Is your christianity on hold while you are on the internet?
- To "Pro Death" supporters...
- why i am against the death penalty
- Why Liberals Hate Christians
- im ashamed he's a jew
- Love thy Enemy
- Marriage expiration date?
- What Christians Say..
- Marriage question
- What is your opinion of the Clintons' marriage?
- What is you opinion of the marriages of the GOP candidates?
- Presidential Bible quotes
- Max Blumenthal!!!
- Advertising adultery
- Question
- jewish activists rejecting jewish rituals
- Science must destroy religion
- Eternal Damnation - Quiz
- This is weird:
- Religous Retreats?.........anyone
- To Christians (that means libs need to not post please )
- The Desire of God
- Why a True Christian cannot be a Modern Liberal
- The Reverend wore rubber
- Other religions
- Giving Peace a Chance - Muslims reach out to Christians
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