View Full Version : Creative Writing
- Poetry and Prose for any season
- Poetry and Prose for any season
- Creative Writing Forum Guidelines
- First Thread! Welcome from Tyr
- What if this stuff gets stolen
- My new poems written for the Creative Writing Forum.
- Gary Bateman - New Member from Germany Says Hello!!
- Untitled Short Story
- Writer's block
- Wisdom in Quotations from Wise Men
- Dear Woman
- Selected Poetry From, The War In Verse and Prose, 1918, Eben B. Norris
- For presenting invited guest poet's poems..
- Please hear me
- A reply in poem form on another site
- One link to a poem I authored published in a book .
- Sonnets: Some think the Greatest Poetry Form
- A dedication in Poetic verse to Jim and his beloved Jerome
- A poem a day
- Poems beaten out of me by my Muse.
- Poetry discussion by contemporary poets
- Musings.
- Accepted for publication.....
- Poems I wrote and posted at other forum.
- My Poetry
- Thread on sonnets..
- Write an upbeat poem.....
- Poems on life lived..
- My latest win in poetry contest.
- Discussing ideas for a novel
- A separate thread for this poem!!
- For you, Robert! Sergey Yesenin.
- About Shakespeare And smoking Pot***********
- Thread for Sassy's poems
- Poem quotes....and a poem on quotes
- New thread, Home for my old poems from my younger years.
- A request to use my poem by a noted composer!
- She Is Red Sunset On A Lush Meadow Hill
- Tribute poem- written as a dedication to a friend's great poem...
- The Acheron thread
- Poetry
- Lousy poem stealing dogs.
- Poetry contest results on important contests
- Poems to be edited..
- Greatest Poets , Biographies and Examples of Best Poems
- A poem dedicated to this day, 9/11 and all that it means to Americans...
- Great writer, great poet, great lyricist, great columnist /editor -Frank L. Stanton
- in process must save afraid may lose it
- My newest critic strikes!
- Satisfying my little critic's ongoing and insightful demands.
- Free Verse poems, a new understanding of the form..
- Morning Musings.
- Top one hundred HOT POEMS at my poetry site.
- A Halloween goodie for the kids
- My daughter is not as naive as I thought
- A special poem, for my 800th poem at my poetry site!
- Thread for religious based poetry
- From Read MY Mind
- Poem presented, written by my friend and very talented poetess!
- This one deserves its own thread methinks.
- Potd, given its own thread
- A tribute to my friend.
- Poem written as a tribute to a poet leaving our fold
- For poems my 9 year old son, Justin, now writes.
- My latest poem published at
- Early Results For Debbie Guzzi's - TEN/TEN/TEN/TEN CHALLENGE
- A poem requested....
- This is why Charles Bukowski became famous, his raw and real writings
- [B]Monkey Eating Figs[/B]
- A Poetry Rant
- Creative writings...
- One hundred links for writers, not just poetry.
- Featured at Whispers
- My Collaboration Poems Thread
- Final poem of a three part collaboration series beganwith Silent one back in November
- Posted at Whispers, Today, March 3rd
- New Poetry Form Tried... Than-Bauk
- When I Was Ten
- Try, read a poem instead of so much division and brewing rancor here over candidates.
- A new feature at my poetry site
- Presented at,
- In four days.....
- Taking a short break folks .......
- New Result, a pleasant surprise.
- Friends, they are priceless....
- My dog was thirsty. But she's dumb.
- Special Offerings On Poetry
- " No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
- Paying Homage To Those Magnificently Talented But Lesser Known Poets
- Emily Dickinson, one of the greatest poets that ever lived.
- My new sonnet form(s)
- Halloween again!
- Some free verse, I rarely do...
- Song lyrics that are poetry
- To honor those that sacrificed and served
- Poetry from Danielle
- Internet links to my poetry being discussed.
- A Poem A Day, Authored By Me
- Poems From My Youth, Centuries Ago
- Care to answer yes or no??
- In Rhyme
- Life Experiences, BE THEY GOOD OR BAD
- A Christmas Poem, To remind us that blessings are fruits of faith and hope!
- An old poem(ancient history now), poetry form Lyric
- Famous people who have passed on
- Return Of The Slayer Of Dragons, Earth Spared From Destruction
- New , for contest...
- New, Epic poem...
- My attempt at poetry
- Parenting 101
- Special thread for a new special poem( used titles from my other poems as verses)
- Today's - Poem Of The Day
- Tale Of The Most Expensive Dog Ever Sold In Blackstone County
- Thread For New Narrative Poems
- Using my poem as a study document, or is it stealing?
- Do Not Weep Over His Demise
- 100 Inspiring Sites for Poets & Poetry Lovers
- Poems With Deeper Meaning, Food For Thought
- Taking time away, death...
- Angel, No Romantic Heart Could Forget
- Another poem published at
- This morn, got an email announcing that my poem has made poem of the week
- Knock me over with a feather!
- Requiem On Death, Its Fated Black Hand
- Contest judged, placements given this morn.
- New poem a deep and rewarding collaboration with Michael P. Clark and Teppo Gren
- Break..
- the first kiss -
- New poem, a rare slam....
- The morning after
- How to Write Poetry or Anything Else- (Article)
- My Three Choices In Word, Music and Poetry
- My new poetry site...
- Here comes some modern poetry
- Poems Written Solely For Contests
- The Struggle And Its Cause- True Poetry vs. Free Verse
- A New Sonnet Form I Created
- Thoughts on why sonnets are now rejected by modern publishers
- Special Tribute to mothers, greatest of love they joyously share with their children
- poetry.
- "Poetry sleuth" tracks down plagiarists
- A Tribute To An Old Man
- The Snipe's Lament
- When I Close My Eyes Baby
- A Pleasant Surprise Found....
- Quatrains and Other Musings
- New Collaboraton offer at my home poetry site.
- Poems, sad, dark and about a young life once lived..
- Quotes... Derived from long talks given me when a child, by my father- H.D. Lindley
- Reflection Essay on Bertrand Russell's "A Free Man's Worship"
- PutinDidIt
- A Dark One Written, Because This Night Sleep Is Elusive And My Mind Decides To Ramble
- My poem "Courage of Youth, Battle of Ypres, Flanders Field" was selected by the OCR
- Haiku thread
- Every Story in the World Has One of These Six Basic Plots
- Pleased to post this fine poem that was written by a member's heartbroken daughter
- A rare try at Prose poetry...
- Limericks, A New Venture For Me
- In process..
- My quotes written over the years about , - What Poetry Is.....
- New thread- Special romantic collaboration offer as promised to a dear feriend..
- Tyr,
- A Halloween Special...
- First poem with a new collaboration guy, one that is already a top free verse poet
- Dark Poetry Thread.
- Honored as Poem Of The Day
- Presenting here to force myself to do the third and final part..
- POTD, at my home poetry site....
- Words on the need for and the benefits of Dark poetry. Blog Posted:5/1/2019 11:33:00
- May poems thread- all poetry forms under this one
- New Poetry Form......
- New Contest , Using My New Poetry Form...
- Prose, I now am going to write a bit....
- A Win In My First Entry In A Premier Contest At Home Poetry Site.
- Flag Day Poem, Dedicated To Those That Have So Honorably Served, The One And The All.
- Thoreau: Epitaph On the World
- For consideration... My lost friend
- A collaboration of sorts, my new poem inspired by Jim's poem at my home poetry site.
- This Poem, Awarded Poem Of The Week at my home poetry sire
- Treasures That May Be Found In Destiny's New Shift
- Other poets writing using my new poetry form LIND68868
- Thread on my finishing my long Achilles series after thirteen months working on it.
- Old poems that have been revised
- New Story, The Tale Of The Lying Braggart From Braggadoccius, West Texas
- Home Sisters - Emma Devlin
- New Contest, my recent poem took first place, finish placements included.
- A special thread, dedicated to my very special friend....
- My newest blog at my home poetry site..
- New and Specifically Written for contest.....
- From my most recent poetry blog......
- If Only, A Brighter Light Would Shine.....
- When Dark Reality Demands A Poet Writes Using Imagination As A Release - Robert L..
- Why I Write Poetry And Hope To Gift To Others....
- When Swift, Bird of Hermes, Its Last Flight Takes, new poem added...
- Poem written in tribute to Captain Tom
- Thread for my new free verse poems ...
- Famous poet , chosen for today.....
- Dark poetry thread..
- Dream Poetry
- A Thread To Remind Me--Never, Never Again!
- A Modern, Severe Lesson On The Power Of A Poem
- Special thread, to remind to finish
- Special thread for a new venture today..
- Tribute poem, of youth and its vanishing joys.....
- New Thread, New Series- From A Time In A Past Life, As A Young Poet
- Break...
- My recently found poems , posted elsewhere, now adding here at this site..--Tyr
- New Thread, Inspired Pieces That Cry To Be Inked
- thread for links found to my poems -authored by others .
- Random thoughts in verse..
- Sunday quote, and new poem-
- Taking a break...
- Gray yellow blue dog
- Need feedback and correction please.
- New Thread, A Few Prose Pieces I Still Have
- Unbreakable Bound
- scar encrusted pearls
- ANew Poem Composed From A Delicious Dream Last Night
- new poem in works
- finding myself a poem be actsnoblemartin
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