View Full Version : US Military
- The final inspection
- What A Surge Really Means
- U.S. Nuc Sub Hits Jap Tanker In Persian Gulf
- Michelle Malkin and Bryon Preston reporting from Iraq.
- Oldie but.......Great...
- Another Vietnam?
- This is going to hit the news in the morning.....
- Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale
- poor terrorist - Warning: This is Gross but cool
- Watada's key defense: No longer an option
- Trophy System
- Web Site Kicks Sand in Faces of GIs in Iraq Asking for Mats to Ease Hardship of Sleep
- About What You'd Expect From A Prius Owner, I Suppose....
- General Wants Gay Ban Lifted
- The NRSC Pledge
- Military's New Ray Gun Causes Burning Sensation
- Touching video..Bagpipes Cryin.
- Favorite Line From A Military Flick
- Awsome video....
- Found a movie of my old army job..
- Court-martial of officer who refused to go to Iraq begins
- Video of Deadly Friendly Fire Incident in Iraq Surfaces
- Soldier tried in absentia
- Rolling Thunder call for Support..
- Awsome Video..
- Denver Volunteers Form Giant Valentine For Troops
- See? The US Government Does Recycle!
- National Patriotic Caravan Counters Anti-war Effort
- Sailor: Marine joked using Iraqi's body
- Soldier pleads in Iraqi rape, slaying
- Heroes And Cowards
- Attention Veterans!
- AWOL soldier sentenced to 7 months
- Don't F--- With Vets
- Be careful who you mess with part II
- Ran across this website....Video from Iraq...
- With Gratitude In Every Stitch
- Gen. Pace: Military capability eroding
- Here's a Reminder...Caravan moving now....“These Colors Don’t Run!”
- 2 Army units will forgo desert training
- Gatling gun... Meet....
- U.S. Commanders admit: We Face A Vietnam Style Collapse
- My heart goes out to this family
- Iraq war redefines role of women in US military
- Cool POSITIVE military video from Iraq
- Ex-Navy sailor charged under espionage law
- Military families stop in Bakersfield to spread pro-troop message
- Marine Corps Veteran Meets Biggest Fans
- “these Colors Don’t Run
- The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq
- Rolling Thunder to guard memorials
- 'Supporting The Troops'
- Bumper of my SUV
- Mental illnesses plague Iraq, Afghan vets
- Vets, military families join support troops rally
- Teachers' Institute Opens in Rasheed
- Berlin residents to protect monuments
- Whoo hoo..The Eagles flew today.
- Gathering of Eagles warm graves of fallen soldiers:
- Warning.......cute video from the Iraqi people who hate us..
- What they didn't show you on TV.
- Sexual assault reports in US military up 24 percent: Pentagon
- Ap News Break: Many Veteran Health Clinics Beset With Mold And Leaky Roofs
- It's been going on for some time
- Officers blamed for Tillman case errors
- Leaving soon posted 3/26, from a Guardsman.
- Appeal for Courage.
- Not at liberty
- Budget Experts Confirm Shrub Is Mileading Public On War Funding
- How Our Troops SHOULD Be Treated
- Battle on Haifa Street, Video
- Top Marine cites training needs
- VA patient has wrong testicle removed
- Chris Mason...
- Army Ranger speaks...
- U.S. plans to send more National Guard to Iraq
- Military offers more dignified rites
- iPOD Saves the life of a Soldier
- More National Guard to Iraq? Can we afford it?
- Gone..but not forgotten..
- More Army deserters are being prosecuted
- Pentagon weighs troop extension for Iraq
- Flawed system may hurt disabled soldiers
- Space Marines, ATTACK!
- Report: Marines broke international law
- Air Force fills out Army ranks in Iraq
- Murder charge dropped against 1 Marine in Haditha killings
- U.S. soldier on trial in Italy for Iraq killing
- Soldier killed in training at U.S. base
- A little update from the dustbowl.
- Another view from Iraq!
- After Tillman death, Army clamped down
- Army hid info about Tillman's death
- Marine Let's Us Know What He Thinks
- VA allows Wiccan symbols on headstones
- Ranger on leave from Iraq heartfelt plea
- Joint Strike Fighter is Flying
- U.S. officer in Iraq charged with aiding the enemy
- 11 soldiers arrested in home invasion
- Army officer criticizes generals on Iraq
- Armored vehicles for Iraq may be delayed
- Air Force Might Cut Pay for Surge
- Army clamping down on soldiers' blogs
- Key US Army ranks begin to thin
- U.S. Marines unlikely to report civilian abuse: study
- The War In Iraq: A Soldiers Perspective
- 15 year Anniversary
- Air Force Fleet Wearing Down
- DefendtheDefenders.
- A Loss Amongst Losses
- Who Listens?
- Area 51
- Army faults officers in soldier's death
- Mandatory Military - Should we have it?
- White House: 3.5 percent pay hike unnecessary
- White House Fights Bill to Boost Benefits
- Military uses slot machines to fund overseas recreation
- Report: Red tape blocks Marines' gear requests
- Iraq vet: 'My brain will not let go'
- Tribute to the troops.......Toby Keith...
- the on the board!!!!!!
- Military Tribute
- Bush Honors Fallen Soldiers
- Father and son serving in Iraq reunite in Baghdad
- Possible Break In Missing NAS Whidbey Officer Case
- "We support the troops but not the mission"
- 3 Brothers AWOL In Minnesota (to tune of 4 dead in Ohio)
- Iraq war veteran loses protest appeal
- Marine told to destroy Haditha photos
- Camp Lejeune water pollution, cancer link investigated
- A link to send Thank You card to US Troops in Iraq........
- Remember Me?
- Army considers longer combat tours again
- Guantanamo meeting canceled after report closure is near
- Naval Academy stepping up sexual harassment education
- Supporting The Troops
- Missing Soldier's Wife Faces Deportation
- GOP Senator says NO on pRecident's Plan In Iraq
- Little effort made to find deserters
- Marines drop case against Iraq veteran
- US soldiers charged with Iraqis' murder
- For The Youngest Heroes Of Our Heroes
- Many Europeans scared shitless not by Islamists but by Americans
- Encouragement in unjust WAR is an American disgraceful value
- Soldier To Sue Military After 5th Army Deployment
- Army misses recruiting goal again, raises worry
- Military Courtesy Quiz
- The Parents Think THIS Helps?
- General's rank could be reduced in Tillman probe
- Pentagon to implant microchips in soldiers' brains
- Marine convicted of murdering Iraqi man
- Soldier sentenced to 110 years in rape and murder of Iraqi girl
- Navy to vet: Buy your own Purple Heart
- Army too stretched if Iraq buildup lasts
- Forget the tattoo real men have glass eyes with the marine corp insignia on them!
- Real Heroes
- General Pace, You Can Save the US - by Arresting Bush for "Conduct Unbecoming"
- Some more insight on Iraq
- Army responsible for soldier's death
- Last action
- More Good News From Iraq: Fun Runs, Economic Boom & Political Progress
- Biden: Gen. Betrayus Dead Flat Wrong On Iraq
- Standing Up For the Troops
- Top Active United States Military Fighter Jets
- Depleted Uranium, Increased Risk
- Pace: Mistakes were made at beginning of Iraq war
- Remember Me
- Admiral Fallon, CENTCOM - moved
- The Left’s seditious war on military recruiters
- Here we go again!
- incredible story of a team of heroes
- George Casey tells it straight
- Murtha to testify in defamation case
- Iraq vet plans to return his medals in protest
- U.S. soldier in Iraq gets 2 years on child porn charges
- Take Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio
- Basic training
- Berkeley Marine Center Draws Anti-War Ire
- Military tactics
- Army Recruitment Meets Stated Goal
- Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez: Iraq a 'nightmare' for US
- Unfit To Print?
- Red, white, and blue in Berkeley
- Taking back the streets from Code Pinkos
- Marines face court-martial over Iraq massacre
- Even the U.S. military doesn't like Blackwater
- Clinton's Draft Avoidance
- Poem from fallen soldier honors the brave
- Vets plan to ignore ban on flag-folding recitations
- Ive heard china has 300 million in its military, is that true
- What goes around - Comes around
- GI Joe was a stud.....
- Free meal for all Vets!!!
- Paul Tibbets Has Died
- Holy crap this guy is lucky
- Afghanistan
- Michael Yon’s iconic image of hope and unity in Iraq
- New Army chopper not safe for use
- Happy 232nd Birthday
- Veterans Day Profile: Point Man, Roger Helle
- Troops Deserve More Than Bumper Sticker Support
- Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise
- Video.....America
- Seditious outrage in Olympia: Protesters block trucks, pour cement on train tracks to
- Bad News for Liberals: Military Deaths Lower than some years of "Peace"
- Clueless in Cambridge
- Army desertion rate up 80 percent
- Two Lights
- Sedition in Olympia: Anti-war mom drops baby human shield as anarchist kiddie shields
- Raw Video: Troops Enjoy Thanksgiving
- The official website, to support your troops
- Arlington Wreath Project
- CIA Destroys/Hides Evidence Of Wrongdoing - Harman Warns against - Merged
- Men of Valor: Part I of about VIII
- Marine DI says he followed superiors
- FredHeads in Iraq
- Show your gratitude!
- It's That Time of Year
- Semper Fi!! USMC Silent Drill Platoon
- A Moving Tribute
- Amazing Fighter
- Will/Did you encourage your kids to join the military?
- Navy saves ill teen on cruise
- New Blackwater Business Pitch, "Peacekeeping"
- A random encouter...
- Chart comparing Military Rank to Civilian Grades
- IG Investigating General Who Brought Pre-Med. Murder Charges
- Military has secret plans......
- War strain in Iraq may speed troop cuts
- 2 Marines ordered to court-martial
- Alternate title: Video Gamers Help to Kill Terrorists
- An answer to a dumb question
- Iraqi soldier kills 2 American troops
- If There Has Ever Been A Blog Post After KIA, I Don't Know About It
- Iran speedboats 'threatened suicide attack on US' in Strait of Hormuz
- Marines investigate deaths of Afghan civilians
- Soldier: Policy on gays may be shifting
- The US Navy and Iran
- 9 US soldiers killed in Iraq in 2 days
- Robin Williams Supports the Troops
- 121 Iraq, Afghan vets linked to murders
- Bush exempts Navy from environmental law
- A Great Old Bird Retired
- For all branches of the military.
- Soldier Messes around w/ Cab Driver in Iraq - LOL
- IAVA Needs Your Help
- Hovering Drones Rushed To Iraq
- 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Turns 15
- US troops reductions may slow or stop
- Berkeley council tells Marines to leave
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