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Abbey Marie
12-23-2007, 02:09 PM
If you are looking for a movie to watch at home:

We just saw Next, a Nicholas Cage movie on DVD. Cage has the ability to regularly see his own future 2 minutes before it happens. The FBI tries to use him to thwart a Russian attempt to smuggle a nuke into the US and set it off in a major city. Cage resists being used. Fun movie, with some interesting concepts on how you can change the future if you can see it coming.

12-23-2007, 05:09 PM
Oh, good, I thought this thread was going to be about that terrible MTV dating show!

I think I might be done with Nicolas Cage. The last movie I saw where he actually acted really well was probably Adaptation. Anybody seen The Wicker Man? Hooooooo boy!

Abbey Marie
12-23-2007, 06:17 PM
Oh, good, I thought this thread was going to be about that terrible MTV dating show!

I think I might be done with Nicolas Cage. The last movie I saw where he actually acted really well was probably Adaptation. Anybody seen The Wicker Man? Hooooooo boy!

He is one of those actors that many people don't like at all. I never saw either of the movies you mentioned, but he did a nice job in one of my all-time favorite movies- Moonstruck.

12-23-2007, 10:17 PM
He is one of those actors that many people don't like at all. I never saw either of the movies you mentioned, but he did a nice job in one of my all-time favorite movies- Moonstruck.

He was legitimately good in Leaving Las Vegas. Even though it wasn't a role that required much heavy dramatic work, I loved him in Valley Girl, same for Raising Arizona, which I think he put a lot more effort into than the average actor might.

Actually, checking the IMDB, I forgot that he was in one of my favorite movies of '06, Lord of War. Guess I shouldn't bad-mouth him so much! But, I did think he was pretty terrible in Con Air.

Abbey Marie
12-23-2007, 11:32 PM
He was legitimately good in Leaving Las Vegas. Even though it wasn't a role that required much heavy dramatic work, I loved him in Valley Girl, same for Raising Arizona, which I think he put a lot more effort into than the average actor might.

Actually, checking the IMDB, I forgot that he was in one of my favorite movies of '06, Lord of War. Guess I shouldn't bad-mouth him so much! But, I did think he was pretty terrible in Con Air.

At least Con Air didn't require much in the way of acting chops.

What do you think of Harrison Ford? I thought he was a good choice for Raiders, which highlighted his (meager) skills, but other than that, I find him to be wooden, dull.

12-24-2007, 01:15 AM
At least Con Air didn't require much in the way of acting chops.

What do you think of Harrison Ford? I thought he was a good choice for Raiders, which highlighted his (meager) skills, but other than that, I find him to be wooden, dull.

Well, you gotta keep in mind, I'm a recovering hardcore Star Wars fan, so of course I gotta give it up for Han Solo. I think 'wooden' is the wrong word, he definitely has a lack of emotion, but to me, in his better roles, it comes across as stoic and reserved. To each their own, though, I don't like Will Smith or Jamie Foxx, so what do I know?