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View Full Version : More voters trust Republicans than Democrats. McCain backed off support for amnesty.

12-23-2007, 02:57 PM
In a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, more people said they trust Republicans over Democrats on the issues of terrorism (by 10%), illegal immigration (by 7%), and moral values (by 4%). This sends a clear message to Republicans running for office in 2008 – they need to emphasize and run on those issues.

Some members of Congress have figured that out, like Arizona’s Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl, who backed off on their support for immigration reform perceived as amnesty, and are instead now advocating for the traditional Republican position backing border enforcement.

The big elephant in the closet is terrorism; the Democrats’ timid approach toward terrorism takes a huge gamble that there will not be another successful terrorist attack on the U.S. before the next election. If there is an attack, the Republicans’ tough approach to terrorism will have been clearly proven to be correct, and they’ll sweep the elections.

Surprisingly, more people said they trust the Democrats over the Republicans on taxes (by 2% - within the margin of error). This is perplexing, I cannot understand why anyone would prefer raising taxes over cutting taxes (unless it’s a politician who wants to spend more money, or low-income earners who do not pay taxes but who are dependent upon the government for welfare).

Click for full text... (http://www.gopusa.com/theloft/wp-print.php?p=624)