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12-25-2007, 04:59 AM
On TV now - some colonial-type city - Williamsburg I think - is having a fireworks show choreographed to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".

Really turns me off, actually. Maybe I'm jaded or just tired, but I have to wonder 'Why?' WHO is the celebration for? God? Blah. I'm unsure if he cares one bit. Why should He? What's the benefit?

I'm starting to understand celebrations (and grieving btw) are principally for the participants, NOT the honorees.

We "Celebrate" Christmas for US. NOT for GOD. We see time and again "At this time of year, lets put-aside our anger and bitterness and be NICE to somebody."

Why the hell aren't we just nice all the time? I sorta think God would be MORE-honored by us striving to be 'good' and junk all year 'round.

whatever...I'm tired. But not sleepy.

Pale Rider
12-25-2007, 06:00 AM
On TV now - some colonial-type city - Williamsburg I think - is having a fireworks show choreographed to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".

Really turns me off, actually. Maybe I'm jaded or just tired, but I have to wonder 'Why?' WHO is the celebration for? God? Blah. I'm unsure if he cares one bit. Why should He? What's the benefit?

I'm starting to understand celebrations (and grieving btw) are principally for the participants, NOT the honorees.

We "Celebrate" Christmas for US. NOT for GOD. We see time and again "At this time of year, lets put-aside our anger and bitterness and be NICE to somebody."

Why the hell aren't we just nice all the time? I sorta think God would be MORE-honored by us striving to be 'good' and junk all year 'round.

whatever...I'm tired. But not sleepy.

Ask any little kid, (maybe not your own...), what Christmas is, and I'd bet the majority say "Santa, and getting presents," not "it's Jesus' birthday." That's where it starts. People relate more to what's on TV than any original thought they may have. That's what's wrong with society today. Whether people like to admit it or not, they're all sheep. There is so little individuality anymore in the world because it isn't taught. No one wants to step outside of the box for fear of being ostracized. People just follow each other and trends anymore without even realizing they're doing it. They're in lock step and they don't even realize it. They "celebrate" Christmas.... "because that's what everybody else does."

Stop for a second today and ask yourself, "what is it that I'd like to do that I've never done because I was afraid someone would tell me I was stupid?" Be bold and do it. People be damned. Find your independence. Find your individuality... and ENJOY it.

Joy be to Christ my Lord, on this haloed day.

12-25-2007, 06:16 AM
I agree Christmas can seem diminished with the commercialization of it..

But it still does bring families together to share and embrace on what family means...

It brings a lot of us who are too spread out across our country to bear all kinds of weather, traffic, etc...to get back to each other...

So if we can overlook all the commercial hype....we can see the good that it really is...
Family, a love of each other and others around the world, and our purpose of being here and understand the true meaning of why...It can also reconnect us with our spiritual beliefs and why we are here...Sure we should do that everyday, but sometimes we forget and this is a great reminder...

God bless us all and..
Merry Christmas..:cheers2:

12-25-2007, 07:47 AM
I'm starting to understand celebrations (and grieving btw) are principally for the participants

of course.....God doesn't need any help to remember us, we need help to remember him......Christmas at least reminds everyone of him once a year.....Sundays remind some of us of him once a week.....prayer reminds even fewer, daily.......

12-25-2007, 08:24 AM
thats a really excellent point, we should remember god

of course.....God doesn't need any help to remember us, we need help to remember him......Christmas at least reminds everyone of him once a year.....Sundays remind some of us of him once a week.....prayer reminds even fewer, daily.......