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12-25-2007, 04:31 PM
A Visit from St. Nick (and the Candidates)
With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the House (and Senate)
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes AMT patches soon would be there.

The members were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of new earmarks danced in their heads
Pelosi in her 'kerchief, and Reid in his cap
Had just settled down for a long recess nap.

When out in the states there arose such a clatter
In New Hampshire and Iowa--what was the matter?
The voters were ready to trudge through the snow,
But just what would happen no pundit could know.

More rapid than eagles the candidates came,
Whom the voters encouraged and called out by name
Now Rudy, Obama, now Romney, now Paul!
On Huckabee, Hillary, on Thompson and all!

Then up to the house-top their coursers they flew
With sleighs full of promises, like Old St Nick, too.

Edwards adopted a populist twist,
A left-leaning version of Huckabee's gist
Hillary tried to look tougher than nails,
While Obama and Oprah hoped hope never fails.

A man tough on crime, Giuliani was he;
The same goes for Fred, just like on TV.
On Iraq, no one wavered less than McCain,
And Romney was singing a pro-life refrain.

So many candidates, so many choices--
Who could win out among so many voices?

And as for the present, what's next for the nation?
Will Congress dare act on the public's frustration
On funding the budget with less AMT,
Or passing a farm bill without subsidy,
Or acting to limit our greenhouse emissions,
Or approving a budget with no more rescissions?

But my worries are stilled on this bright Christmas Day
By the brave men and women who enter harm's way
To ensure that I'm free to ponder the news
And vote for a candidate who shares all my views.

So during this season, let's dwell on the light.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Source: www.aei.org

12-25-2007, 11:46 PM
now this is good


A Visit from St. Nick (and the Candidates)
With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the House (and Senate)
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes AMT patches soon would be there.

The members were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of new earmarks danced in their heads
Pelosi in her 'kerchief, and Reid in his cap
Had just settled down for a long recess nap.

When out in the states there arose such a clatter
In New Hampshire and Iowa--what was the matter?
The voters were ready to trudge through the snow,
But just what would happen no pundit could know.

More rapid than eagles the candidates came,
Whom the voters encouraged and called out by name
Now Rudy, Obama, now Romney, now Paul!
On Huckabee, Hillary, on Thompson and all!

Then up to the house-top their coursers they flew
With sleighs full of promises, like Old St Nick, too.

Edwards adopted a populist twist,
A left-leaning version of Huckabee's gist
Hillary tried to look tougher than nails,
While Obama and Oprah hoped hope never fails.

A man tough on crime, Giuliani was he;
The same goes for Fred, just like on TV.
On Iraq, no one wavered less than McCain,
And Romney was singing a pro-life refrain.

So many candidates, so many choices--
Who could win out among so many voices?

And as for the present, what's next for the nation?
Will Congress dare act on the public's frustration
On funding the budget with less AMT,
Or passing a farm bill without subsidy,
Or acting to limit our greenhouse emissions,
Or approving a budget with no more rescissions?

But my worries are stilled on this bright Christmas Day
By the brave men and women who enter harm's way
To ensure that I'm free to ponder the news
And vote for a candidate who shares all my views.

So during this season, let's dwell on the light.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Source: www.aei.org