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View Full Version : The Donald Is Back, Celebrity Apprentice

12-26-2007, 12:36 AM
It's official, the Apprentice is returning on January 3rd. It's going to be a celebrity edition. Some of the people i've never even heard of and some of them I can't wait to see in the boardroom against the man himself.

Piers Morgan ~ I hate that SOB, the biggest asshole on TV and can't wait to see him get ripped a new asshole in the board room.

Trace Adkins ~ Has no place even around this show.

Nadia Comaneci ~ Who in the hell is this?

Jennie Finch ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Marilu Henner ~ Thought she was dead.

Carol Alt ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Lennox Lewis ~ I would hate to be the Donald when he fires this bozo.

Gene Simmons ~ Hahahaha, could you see him working for Trump?

Stephen Baldwin ~ Finally they pick someone with talent and brains.

Tiffany Fallon ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Tito Ortiz ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Vincent Pastore ~ An out of work Soprano.

Omarosa ~ Hahahahaha she got axed hard core in season one, she is hardly a celebrity.

Nely Galan ~ Again who in the hell is this?

This sould be interesting for sure and I think it will be one hell of a comeback.


12-26-2007, 12:44 AM
gene is so gonna win


It's official, the Apprentice is returning on January 3rd. It's going to be a celebrity edition. Some of the people i've never even heard of and some of them I can't wait to see in the boardroom against the man himself.

Piers Morgan ~ I hate that SOB, the biggest asshole on TV and can't wait to see him get ripped a new asshole in the board room.

Trace Adkins ~ Has no place even around this show.

Nadia Comaneci ~ Who in the hell is this?

Jennie Finch ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Marilu Henner ~ Thought she was dead.

Carol Alt ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Lennox Lewis ~ I would hate to be the Donald when he fires this bozo.

Gene Simmons ~ Hahahaha, could you see him working for Trump?

Stephen Baldwin ~ Finally they pick someone with talent and brains.

Tiffany Fallon ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Tito Ortiz ~ Again, who in the hell is this?

Vincent Pastore ~ An out of work Soprano.

Omarosa ~ Hahahahaha she got axed hard core in season one, she is hardly a celebrity.

Nely Galan ~ Again who in the hell is this?

This sould be interesting for sure and I think it will be one hell of a comeback.


12-26-2007, 01:00 AM
gene is so gonna win


Naaaa, I think it will be Baldwin and I hope it is.

12-26-2007, 02:20 AM
I care about Donald Trump about as much as I care about Paris Hilton..

I think they both could probably gag a maggot...

And I especially don't care about a bunch of washed up loser celebrities in some stupid show...

Good grief...haven't they got enough miles out of Omarosia..:coffee:

I do like Gene Simmons though..

12-26-2007, 02:30 AM
I care about Donald Trump about as much as I care about Paris Hilton..

I think they both could probably gag a maggot...

And I especially don't care about a bunch of washed up loser celebrities in some stupid show...

Good grief...haven't they got enough miles out of Amorosia..:coffee:

Stephen Baldwin is washed up?!?!?!?!?!?!? :poke:

As far as the Donald, he is one of the most successful people of all time. Almost everything he touches turns to gold. His show is definatly the best reality show there is other then Big Brother and Survivor(which Mark Burnett also created and produced.).

12-26-2007, 02:38 AM
i wish lindsey brittany and christina were on the show, can we say cat fight

12-26-2007, 02:38 AM
Stephen Baldwin is washed up?!?!?!?!?!?!? :poke:

As far as the Donald, he is one of the most successful people of all time. Almost everything he touches turns to gold. His show is definatly the best reality show there is other then Big Brother and Survivor(which Mark Burnett also created and produced.).

Ok, I do like Stephen Baldwins acting..

I don't care if everything Trump touches catches on fire...He's a big dickhead and I won't watch his show..

You couldn't pay me to watch Big Brother..
I do like Survivor though..:laugh2:

12-26-2007, 03:14 AM
not as bad as rosey though, i would love to see her get fired

Ok, I do like Stephen Baldwins acting..

I don't care if everything Trump touches catches on fire...He's a big dickhead and I won't watch his show..

You couldn't pay me to watch Big Brother..
I do like Survivor though..:laugh2:

12-26-2007, 09:27 AM
Gene Simmons SHOULD win, nobody in the history of the world has sold out as big as he has.

12-26-2007, 11:38 AM
Ok, I do like Stephen Baldwins acting..

I don't care if everything Trump touches catches on fire...He's a big dickhead and I won't watch his show..

You couldn't pay me to watch Big Brother..
I do like Survivor though..:laugh2:

Baldwin was awesome in 8 Seconds and Bio-Dome.

I can't wait to see him rip Piers a new asshole, I hate that guy. He bullied a little girl on America's Got Talent.

Trump has given back a lot to people in need and has done a lot for people.

Big Brother is awesome, I actually like it better then Survivor.

12-26-2007, 12:08 PM
Baldwin was awesome in 8 Seconds and Bio-Dome.

I can't wait to see him rip Piers a new asshole, I hate that guy. He bullied a little girl on America's Got Talent.

Trump has given back a lot to people in need and has done a lot for people.

Big Brother is awesome, I actually like it better then Survivor.

After making fun of President Bush for falling off of a Segway, Piers did so himself..... there is a video at the link.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/08_04/piersMS0109_468x355.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html%3Fin_article_id%3D479271%26in_page_id%3D 1770&h=355&w=468&sz=28&hl=en&start=20&um=1&tbnid=jMfEQTSkb7ASkM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPiers%2BMorgan%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1% 26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN

Ouch! The moment Piers Morgan broke three ribs falling off the Segway he said was 'idiot-proof'

If he didn't believe in karma before, Piers Morgan must surely do now.
The ex-newspaper editor, now a columnist for The Mail on Sunday's Live magazine, took great delight in making fun of President Bush for falling off a Segway - the two-wheeled, motorised, gyroscopically balanced scooter that, its makers promise, will never fall over.

His paper, the Daily Mirror, ran the headline in 2003: "You'd have to be an idiot to fall off, wouldn't you Mr President." It added: "If anyone can make a pig's ear of riding a sophisticated, self-balancing machine like this, Dubya can." So, it seems, can Mr Morgan.