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View Full Version : ok white liberals explain this away, hate crimes against white committed by blacks

12-26-2007, 02:01 AM
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12-26-2007, 05:44 AM
comments please

red states rule
12-26-2007, 06:07 AM
Since lib believe there is never any black racism, these white folks must have done something to provoke the attacks

After all, blacks have 200 years of oppression to make up for

12-26-2007, 06:14 AM
the liberals of europe said the jews must have done something to make hitler so angry.

sound familiar?

Since lib believe there is never any black racism, these white folks must have done something to provoke the attacks

After all, blacks have 200 years of oppression to make up for

red states rule
12-26-2007, 06:23 AM
the liberals of europe said the jews must have done something to make hitler so angry.

sound familiar?

Here is the liberal medias take on that topic Acts

Hitler 'Persecuted' Six Million Jews in WWII

By D. S. Hube | December 25, 2007 - 20:37 ET

The World Entertainment News Network seems to have an unusual notion as to what transpired during World War II. In a story about actor Will Smith's supposed positive remarks about Adolf Hitler, WENN offers the following:

Hitler's totalitarian leadership as Fuhrer during 1934 until his eventual suicide in 1945 resulted in the persecution of an estimated six million Jews in the Holocaust, and his invasion of Poland in 1939 led to the start of the Second World War.

Actually Hitler's totalitarian leadership as Fuhrer resulted in the murder of an estimated six million Jews in the Holocaust. But why get technical about accurate terminology, eh? Unbelievable.

Meanwhile, in case you're wondering about Smith's comments, Eugene Volokh says "give him a break":

It seems that "Will believes everyone is basically good" is just the reporter's characterization of Smith's statement. Nothing in the quoted material suggests that Smith was saying that Hitler was a good person. Rather, the quoted material simply reports Smith's quite plausible view that Hitler, like many other people who do evil (Smith must have used Hitler as a referent precisely because Smith acknowledges that Hitler did do evil), believe that they are doing good.


Hugh Lincoln
12-27-2007, 04:02 PM
Our country does not recognize hate of blacks against whites. We are just sitting ducks. Blacks get all the special treatment.

12-27-2007, 09:44 PM
I suppose there is NEVER any hate crimes committed by white against blacks.

Find me a white guy who has been dragged behind a truck by some black guys, or a white family whose house was spray painted with racial epithets for crime of merely living someplace, or any white person stopped on the street because they are white, or perhaps for the crime of driving through a black neighborhood in a nice car. Then perhaps I will understand.

Otherwise, you should spend more time washing your white sheets and planning cross burnings than continually spouting racist bullshit on a message board.

12-27-2007, 09:51 PM
I suppose there is NEVER any hate crimes committed by white against blacks.

Find me a white guy who has been dragged behind a truck by some black guys, or a white family whose house was spray painted with racial epithets for crime of merely living someplace, or any white person stopped on the street because they are white, or perhaps for the crime of driving through a black neighborhood in a nice car. Then perhaps I will understand.

Otherwise, you should spend more time washing your white sheets and planning cross burnings than continually spouting racist bullshit on a message board.

In other words, you excuse one form of racism because two wrongs make a right? Paybacks are a bitch?


12-27-2007, 10:05 PM
I suppose there is NEVER any hate crimes committed by white against blacks.

Find me a white guy who has been dragged behind a truck by some black guys, or a white family whose house was spray painted with racial epithets for crime of merely living someplace, or any white person stopped on the street because they are white, or perhaps for the crime of driving through a black neighborhood in a nice car. Then perhaps I will understand.

Otherwise, you should spend more time washing your white sheets and planning cross burnings than continually spouting racist bullshit on a message board.

The video's above are examples of black hate crimes.

12-28-2007, 09:02 PM
funny how gabosarus cant stick on topic

The video's above are examples of black hate crimes.

12-28-2007, 10:44 PM
I suppose there is NEVER any hate crimes committed by white against blacks.

Find me a white guy who has been dragged behind a truck by some black guys, or a white family whose house was spray painted with racial epithets for crime of merely living someplace, or any white person stopped on the street because they are white, or perhaps for the crime of driving through a black neighborhood in a nice car. Then perhaps I will understand.

Otherwise, you should spend more time washing your white sheets and planning cross burnings than continually spouting racist bullshit on a message board.

What's funny Gab is that I work with many black males and females that think that people like you are nothing but a target, an easy piece of ass, that's all they see when they look at you.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Hugh Lincoln
12-30-2007, 09:01 AM
Find me a white guy who has been dragged behind a truck by some black guys, or a white family whose house was spray painted with racial epithets for crime of merely living someplace, or any white person stopped on the street because they are white, or perhaps for the crime of driving through a black neighborhood in a nice car. Then perhaps I will understand.

This thread BEGAN with a crime where two whites were tortured and dismembered by blacks for being white. They poured Drano down her throat to "disinfect" the semen from forced oral sex that was performed in front of the man.

Your casual and arrogant dismissal of something like this tells me you don't care WHAT evidence there is for hate crimes against whites. You've pre-determined in your mind that "whites are bad, blacks are good," and nothing will change your mind.

Big deal. There are many like you. What we need are more whites who get it.

12-30-2007, 12:59 PM
You are taking one particularly heinous crime and projecting it as the norm for black society. That is the point I am making.
There are good and bad black people. There are good and bad white people.
Read the latest story about Timothy McVeigh. His lawyer's notes state that he showed absolutely no remorse about blowing up the Federal building in Oklahoma City. Tim McVeigh was white.

The fact that you search out crimes by blacks against whites proves your abject prejudice and racism. Your cause would be more fulfilled by burning crosses and hanging nooses than posting bullshit in an internet forum.

Hugh Lincoln
12-30-2007, 02:48 PM
You are taking one particularly heinous crime and projecting it as the norm for black society.

You're getting confused. actsnoblemartin posted this crime as an example of black hate crimes against whites. The example demonstrates that hate crimes aren't committed solely by whites. The "norm" that's operative is that they are. That is, LIBERALS are taking a heinous crime by whites, like the dragging death, and projecting it as the norm for white society. Here's the flip. And he's asked for an explanation, and hasn't gotten one.

12-30-2007, 02:50 PM
You are taking one particularly heinous crime and projecting it as the norm for black society. That is the point I am making.
There are good and bad black people. There are good and bad white people.
Read the latest story about Timothy McVeigh. His lawyer's notes state that he showed absolutely no remorse about blowing up the Federal building in Oklahoma City. Tim McVeigh was white.

The fact that you search out crimes by blacks against whites proves your abject prejudice and racism. Your cause would be more fulfilled by burning crosses and hanging nooses than posting bullshit in an internet forum.

when black people talk to you about white racism, do you hold the same sentiment? or do you nod your head in agreement and state that white people are privileged, racist a-holes, word!

what do you think about black power?

12-30-2007, 02:56 PM
When black on white crime takes place the liberal response is "shit happens".

When white on black crime takes place its racist top to bottom.

No matter really, their both CRIME'S, the racist part only comes about when their handled differently by society.

Draw your OWN conclusions.:poke:

red states rule
12-30-2007, 03:01 PM
when black people talk to you about white racism, do you hold the same sentiment? or do you nod your head in agreement and state that white people are privileged, racist a-holes, word!

what do you think about black power?

If you want racism - how do liberals view black conservatives?


12-30-2007, 03:38 PM
If you want racism - how do liberals view black conservatives?


so true....

Oreo cookies were thrown by Democrats at Mr. Steele, and two members of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, committed identity theft, illegally obtaining Mr. Steele's Social Security number and credit report.
Brazenly, on the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of Mr. Steele, depicting him as a "Simple Sambo." This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one that Democrats used to demean blacks during the era of slavery and segregation.

In addition to other outrageous racist images produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger depicted Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy," reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie Gone with the Wind who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies."

red states rule
12-30-2007, 03:39 PM
so true....

But to libs, since they are black conservatives - the attacks do not count as racist

To libs they are traitirs to their race and sell outs and deserve what they get

Pale Rider
12-30-2007, 04:20 PM
There's more black on white crime that is "violent" in nature by about 300 to 1. But don't let that bother you. The one in three hundred crime that's white on black is the only racist one, because only whites can be racist.

THAT is your liberal mindset. Just ask Gabby.

red states rule
12-30-2007, 04:23 PM
There's more black on white crime that is "violent" in nature by about 300 to 1. But don't let that bother you. The one in three hundred crime that's white on black is the only racist one, because only whites can be racist.

THAT is your liberal mindset. Just ask Gabby.

and ask Justice Thomas, Codi Rice, Michael Steele, or any other black conservative - they can tell you all about the liberal mindset

12-30-2007, 07:35 PM
In other words, you excuse one form of racism because two wrongs make a right? Paybacks are a bitch?


I find it interesting that you have this material in your signature.

For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

What would Jesus do?

12-30-2007, 07:37 PM
If you want racism - how do liberals view black conservatives?


So, this thread about Blacks, is it only about Black Liberals, not about Black Conservatives, the ones who commit these hate crimes against whites?

12-30-2007, 09:58 PM
So, this thread about Blacks, is it only about Black Liberals, not about Black Conservatives, the ones who commit these hate crimes against whites?

So what is your question checkers....... are you going to pretend that black conservatives would even think about these type of crimes????? please......
the general black population is an embarrassment to any black with the education and intelligence to be conservative.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

12-30-2007, 10:15 PM
I find it interesting that you have this material in your signature.

What would Jesus do?

I prefer my WWJD. It is "Why Would Jesus Die?" Think about it.

But let me ask you a question. What do you find interesting about my signature and how does it apply here.

What would Jesus do in this situation? I figure Jesus would point out Gab's hypocrisy, tell her to go and sin no more and then open his arms wide in death just as he has done for the two of us.

If you think I have a problem with Gab, think again. Gab is pretty cool. I don't agree with her much, but hey, if we all agreed here, this place would not be any fun.


12-31-2007, 09:24 AM
Jesus said "I am the God of ALL people." He never specified color.

12-31-2007, 08:20 PM
Jesus said "I am the God of ALL people." He never specified color.

Then why do you think it is acceptable for minorities to beat whites?


Hugh Lincoln
01-01-2008, 01:39 PM
Jesus said "I am the God of ALL people." He never specified color.

So Jesus is against affirmative action? He's going to be in some BIG TROUBLE, mister.

01-01-2008, 09:15 PM
So what is your question checkers....... are you going to pretend that black conservatives would even think about these type of crimes????? please......
the general black population is an embarrassment to any black with the education and intelligence to be conservative.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

That's a wonderful line of argumentation...

Imagine Hamish McDonald, a Scotsman, sitting down with his Glasgow Morning Herald and seeing an article about how the "Brighton Sex Maniac Strikes Again." Hamish is shocked and declares that "No Scotsman would do such a thing." The next day he sits down to read his Glasgow Morning Herald again and this time finds an article about an Aberdeen man whose brutal actions make the Brighton sex maniac seem almost gentlemanly. This fact shows that Hamish was wrong in his opinion but is he going to admit this? Not likely. This time he says, "No true Scotsman would do such a thing."

Flew's original example may be softened into the following [1]:

Argument: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Reply: "But my uncle Angus, who is a Scotsman, likes sugar with his porridge."
Rebuttal: "Aye, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."

This form of argument is an informal fallacy if the predicate ("puts sugar on porridge" or "does such-and-such an act [as committing a sex crime]") is not actually contradictory of the accepted definition of the subject ("Scotsman"), or if the definition of the subject is silently adjusted after the fact to make the rebuttal work.[2]

01-01-2008, 09:57 PM
That's a wonderful line of argumentation...

Hey, thanks.