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red states rule
12-26-2007, 06:56 AM
This nut knows he is toast, so now he is putting on a temper tantrum to appease his nutty base

Is it any wonder this guy went nowhere fast?

Paul: Country is moving toward fascism
By Klaus Marre | Posted: 12/23/07 7:26 PM [ET]
December 23, 2007
White House hopeful Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Sunday that the U.S. is moving toward fascism, stating that corporations are increasingly “running the show” and citizens are being deprived of their liberties.

Paul clarified that he did not refer to the type of fascism that Adolf Hitler practiced in Germany. “We’re not moving toward Hitler-type fascism, but we’re moving toward a softer fascism,” Paul said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “Loss of civil liberties, corporations running the show, big government in bed with big business.”

The lawmaker said the U.S. is moving toward “corporatism.” He also lashed out at a system in which those are criticized as unpatriotic who do not support the war in Iraq or the Patriot Act.

Among GOP contenders, Paul is trailing far behind the leaders in national polls but he has attracted a loyal following and surprised all observers with eye-popping fundraising numbers.

The lawmaker also advocated withdrawing U.S. troops from oversees and cutting off aid to Israel. Paul argued that the money that could be saved in that way would allow the elimination of the income tax.

While leaving the door ajar for an independent run, Paul all but ruled out that he would run as a third-party candidate. He argued that he represents “what Republicanism used to be.”

for the complete article


12-26-2007, 12:52 PM
He's certainly a nut, but the truth is that he's right at least about the fascism analogy.

Hagbard Celine
12-26-2007, 01:12 PM
Nutty like a fox. :poke:

12-26-2007, 02:25 PM
It is the truth, as plain as the nose on your face.

12-26-2007, 11:25 PM
This nut knows he is toast, so now he is putting on a temper tantrum to appease his nutty base

Is it any wonder this guy went nowhere fast?

Paul: Country is moving toward fascism
By Klaus Marre | Posted: 12/23/07 7:26 PM [ET]
December 23, 2007
White House hopeful Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Sunday that the U.S. is moving toward fascism, stating that corporations are increasingly “running the show” and citizens are being deprived of their liberties.

Paul clarified that he did not refer to the type of fascism that Adolf Hitler practiced in Germany. “We’re not moving toward Hitler-type fascism, but we’re moving toward a softer fascism,” Paul said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “Loss of civil liberties, corporations running the show, big government in bed with big business.”

The lawmaker said the U.S. is moving toward “corporatism.” He also lashed out at a system in which those are criticized as unpatriotic who do not support the war in Iraq or the Patriot Act.

Among GOP contenders, Paul is trailing far behind the leaders in national polls but he has attracted a loyal following and surprised all observers with eye-popping fundraising numbers.

The lawmaker also advocated withdrawing U.S. troops from oversees and cutting off aid to Israel. Paul argued that the money that could be saved in that way would allow the elimination of the income tax.

While leaving the door ajar for an independent run, Paul all but ruled out that he would run as a third-party candidate. He argued that he represents “what Republicanism used to be.”

for the complete article


Just more proof Ron [THE KOOK] Paul is anything but a conservative

red states rule
12-27-2007, 05:53 AM
Just more proof Ron [THE KOOK] Paul is anything but a conservative

Of course he is a kook. Anytime the liberal media like a "conservative" real conservatoves need to take a second (and even a third) look at the candidate

01-02-2008, 01:26 AM
Other than Huckabee, he's the only conservative on the platform.

01-02-2008, 01:58 AM
does anyone understand what fascism is? Fascism has nothing to do with corporations controling government. It's the exact opposite.

01-02-2008, 03:14 AM
Obviously you have no clue as to the meaning or innuendo of fascism, a'21.

does anyone understand what fascism is? Fascism has nothing to do with corporations controling government. It's the exact opposite.

Do you care to share your interpretation?

red states rule
01-02-2008, 05:53 AM
Other than Huckabee, he's the only conservative on the platform.

He is our 2008 version of Jimmy Peanut Carter

A sure loser - that is why libs and the liberal media think he is such a great guy

GW in Ohio
01-02-2008, 12:49 PM
He is our 2008 version of Jimmy Peanut Carter

A sure loser - that is why libs and the liberal media think he is such a great guy

Ron Paul is so conservative, he makes you clowns look like Hillary Clinton staffers.

You guys wouldn't know a real conservative if he bit you on the ass.

red states rule
01-02-2008, 12:53 PM
Ron Paul is so conservative, he makes you clowns look like Hillary Clinton staffers.

You guys wouldn't know a real conservative if he bit you on the ass.

Rin Paul's greatest moment was when Rudy slapped his ass down in the debate after he said the US brought 9-11 on herself

That was his best moment on the campaign trail

He is a nut who is just taking up space on stage, and money from idoits who think he a chance of winning

GW in Ohio
01-02-2008, 01:00 PM
Rin Paul's greatest moment was when Rudy slapped his ass down in the debate after he said the US brought 9-11 on herself

That was his best moment on the campaign trail

He is a nut who is just taking up space on stage, and money from idoits who think he a chance of winning

Ron Paul makes too much sense for you guys. What he says goes right over your heads, mired in the Rush Limbaugh muck and Sean Hannity mire as you are.

red states rule
01-02-2008, 01:06 PM
Ron Paul makes too much sense for you guys. What he says goes right over your heads, mired in the Rush Limbaugh muck and Sean Hannity mire as you are.

Maybe to nuts like you, you see logic in Pauls's commnets like we brought 9-11 ourselves - but to the rest of us - he is a nut

Libs like to dismiss Rush and Sean - but they are the ones who constantly bring them up and use them as an excuse as to why so many people disagree with them

GW in Ohio
01-02-2008, 01:41 PM
Maybe to nuts like you, you see logic in Pauls's commnets like we brought 9-11 ourselves - but to the rest of us - he is a nut

Libs like to dismiss Rush and Sean - but they are the ones who constantly bring them up and use them as an excuse as to why so many people disagree with them

Red States: I'm going to float something past you, and I'd appreciate your reaction.

When Ron Paul says we brought 9/11 on ourselves, what he means is that we have become like the old Roman imperialist legions, with troops everywhere in the world. Our troops aren't there to help out the host country; they're there to protect what we perceive as our national interests.

But by becoming like the old Roman empire, we've made ourselves hated throughout the world. We are perceived as imperialists and meddling colonialists.

Paul is saying (and I agree with this) that if we didn't try to run the rest of the world and only worried about ourselves....if w pulled our troops out of the Middle East, and Korea, and just about every other place we have them posted...that we wouldn't engender the hate that led to the 9/11 attacks. We'd also save huge amounts of money by not trying to be the world's policeman.

What is your reaction to that?

red states rule
01-02-2008, 01:46 PM
Red States: I'm going to float something past you, and I'd appreciate your reaction.

When Ron Paul says we brought 9/11 on ourselves, what he means is that we have become like the old Roman imperialist legions, with troops everywhere in the world. Our troops aren't there to help out the host country; they're there to protect what we perceive as our national interests.

But by becoming like the old Roman empire, we've made ourselves hated throughout the world. We are perceived as imperialists and meddling colonialists.

Paul is saying (and I agree with this) that if we didn't try to run the rest of the world and only worried about ourselves....if w pulled our troops out of the Middle East, and Korea, and just about every other place we have them posted...that we wouldn't engender the hate that led to the 9/11 attacks. We'd also save huge amounts of money by not trying to be the world's policeman.

What is your reaction to that?

He needs to be placed in a padded room

We are not hated around the world as he said. Did you hear the speech from French President Sarkozy? Did not sound like a hate speech to me

Or German Chancellor Merkel standing with Pres Bush on many issues including the war on terror

We are now taking the fight to the terrorists, and so what if the UN or other liberal run countires do not like it? I could care less

01-02-2008, 02:01 PM
Ron Paul is so conservative, he makes you clowns look like Hillary Clinton staffers.

You guys wouldn't know a real conservative if he bit you on the ass.

There's a difference between a real conservative and a xenophobic, fascist tending, racist wannabe, whoops I forgot Luddite.

GW in Ohio
01-02-2008, 02:06 PM
He needs to be placed in a padded room

We are not hated around the world as he said. Did you hear the speech from French President Sarkozy? Did not sound like a hate speech to me

Or German Chancellor Merkel standing with Pres Bush on many issues including the war on terror

We are now taking the fight to the terrorists, and so what if the UN or other liberal run countires do not like it? I could care less

Nobody is saying we're hated in every single country around the world. But even in the countries you mentioned there are many people who think George Bush is a moron and his Iraq invasion is the worst clusterfuck in anyone's memory.

By the way, Red States, you exemplify the imperialist mentality very well. ("We are now taking the fight to the terrorists, and so what if the UN or other liberal run countires do not like it? I could care less.")

01-02-2008, 04:00 PM
I dont trust the u.n. and i think the u.s. should pull out of it.

we'll see how much longer it lasts :finger3:

He needs to be placed in a padded room

We are not hated around the world as he said. Did you hear the speech from French President Sarkozy? Did not sound like a hate speech to me

Or German Chancellor Merkel standing with Pres Bush on many issues including the war on terror

We are now taking the fight to the terrorists, and so what if the UN or other liberal run countires do not like it? I could care less

red states rule
01-03-2008, 06:17 AM
Nobody is saying we're hated in every single country around the world. But even in the countries you mentioned there are many people who think George Bush is a moron and his Iraq invasion is the worst clusterfuck in anyone's memory.

By the way, Red States, you exemplify the imperialist mentality very well. ("We are now taking the fight to the terrorists, and so what if the UN or other liberal run countires do not like it? I could care less.")

You posted how the US is hated throughout the world - we are not

If wanting to defend the US from terrorists is being imperialist - then I am guilty. However I see those who say we should be fighting a PC war, I see them as appeasers