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12-27-2007, 01:52 AM
good article...say no to the Huckster..

By James Lewis
A couple of weeks ago Mike Huckabee was skyrocketing out of sight. Now the polls are tightening up. But Huckabee is a dark horse in more ways than one. For one thing, he must know that his public record is much too controversial for him to get elected president.

So why is he running?
Think about that for a second.
Huckabee is not a conservative. He is a populist, like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Hewey Long.

He started off as a very successful radio preacher. Huckabee has years of practice doing off-the-cuff repartee with radio listeners. He is a master of the exploding sound-bite. But Huck is no Rush Limbaugh, and he's certainly no Reagan. He could be the Rush from the Dark Side, using those awesome talents to undermine conservatism, rather than build it up.
Credible conservatives get the creeps about Huck: George Will, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, William Kristol, Robert Novak, National Review.

Huckabee plays the game like a pro, by getting the Big Megaphones of the liberal media on his side. Liberals love Huckabee. Coming out of nowhere, Huckabee rocketed to fame just weeks before the Republican primaries, when voters couldn't know about him. He did it with superslick TV commercials in Idaho and New Hampshire, from a campaign that is supposed to have no money.

TV commercials aren't cheap. Great ones cost a lot of money.


But Huckabee has far too many dubious statements on the record. Some of his associates play straight into the Left's worst stereotypes about born-again Christians. And Huck's Christianity is right there on his sleeve -- he's running as a preacher. The trouble is that the United States has never elected a preacher as president, because we have too many different denominations. As Rush pointed out, the media will kill him, just on the basis of his very publicly paraded fundamentalism alone. So again, we get the same question: Why is this man running for a job he can't win?

Huckabee says this is all a miracle. But it looks like he has been preparing it for years.

How do we know? Because as Arkansas governor, he flipped from conservative to liberal in 2002 --- five years ago. That's why the Left likes him so much.

As the Cato Institute writes,

read the rest..

12-27-2007, 02:21 AM
You don't appreciate genuine conservatism, do you, staphy?

12-27-2007, 03:11 AM
You don't appreciate genuine conservatism, do you, staphy?

There is nothing conservative about Huckabee's record.

12-28-2007, 10:33 PM
That's what you think, a'21.

There is nothing conservative about Huckabee's record.

Huckabee is as genuine conservative as the driven snow is pure. Your particular problems, however, are not his.

12-28-2007, 10:39 PM
That's what you think, a'21.

Huckabee is as genuine conservative as the driven snow is pure. Your particular problems, however, are not his.

Name a position where Huckabee is conservative outside the social areas.