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View Full Version : Massachusetts governor to campaign for Obama

12-27-2007, 04:18 AM

No, not Romney, but the current governor. however, I think doing so definitely helps Romney.

See the wild card in New Hampshire are the independents. They can vote on either side of the primary for the candidate of their choice. If Obama is doing well out of Iowa and in New Hampshire, the independents will break to the Democrat side and vote in that primary. If he doesnt do well, then current wisdom is that they will break Republican for McCain.

So if the wisdom going around is correct, if Obama does well in Iowa and New Hampshire, than Romney is more likely to win in NH.

you know, i really like all the dynamics of this election. its fun to observe.

Hugh Lincoln
12-27-2007, 03:55 PM
Wow! The black dude is backing the black dude. Stop the presses!