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View Full Version : Favorite places you have visited/lived

12-27-2007, 11:33 AM
I know a lot of you have traveled a lot. Military or otherwise. Tell me about the best places you have visited or lived.
My list:

Los Angeles -- the greatest city in the world. I'm sure I am a bit prejudiced, since I live there. But I have never experienced any city greater than L.A.

Austin -- If I had to move anyplace, it would be Austin. Great music scene, great food and lots to do.

Melbourne, Australia -- I loved it. It is so totally different than any other city in the world. If I ever decide to leave the U.S., this is where I am going to live.

Liverpool, England -- The Beatles tour left me breathless. And it is much more hometown and less congested than London.

Southern Germany -- My mom's homeland. A very friendly place. Very relaxed. Good place to chill out and eat.

Abbey Marie
12-27-2007, 12:08 PM
London & Shropshire, England

12-27-2007, 04:13 PM

12-27-2007, 09:18 PM
I don't like cities. Much prefer country side and open spaces to cities of any kind.

Did visit Tokyo. Spent a week there wandering around the Ginza. One day my buddy and I took a stroll outside the city into the "suburbs". Was a whole different world there. The people were friendly and not a one of them spoke any English. But they seemed so happy to see us there looking around.

The one place in the US I was most impressed with was Gettysburg. It was really a fascinating tour. The whole battlefield is only about a mile and a half long. It was hard to imagine that 120,000 men fought in that little space.

Definately one of the most interesting places I evr saw was in the central highlands of Vietnam. We moving through jungle on a mountain and wading through a stream that was about knee deep. The water was crystal clear and cold and on the banks were all sorts of flowers of every color including orchids and a bunch I could not even identify. A little ways down we came upon some ruins of an old Buddhist temple. It was the kind of area you would see on National Geographic. We didn't have time or a chance to really look things over and explore, we had war things to do, but would have liked to have been able to look it over more closely.

12-27-2007, 09:31 PM
My cousin David has been to Russia a couple of times on business. Said it was the last place on earth that anyone should ever want to visit.
Close second would go to Shanghai, which is one of them most overcrowded places on earth. Plus, either they have no traffic laws, or no one follows them. But you can get freshly skinned dog and cat meat at the outdoor markets.

12-27-2007, 09:39 PM
I don't think they had any speed limits in Tokyo. But I understand they had really strict laws concerning anyone who caused an accident. Cab drivers there drove like a bat out of hell, but they never ran a red light hit one another. When you got in you just held on to something until you reached your destination. Never saw a single fender bender the whole time I was there.

Russia would be on my "Oh by the way I also would never visit..." list. It's that far down.

12-27-2007, 09:41 PM
lenningrad, moscow and kiev are amazing cites.......

want to go to prague......

would love to live in copenhagen again.....