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View Full Version : Analysis: Edwards, McCain positioned to shake up race

12-27-2007, 12:44 PM
Story Highlights

John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton in three-way tie in Iowa
John McCain has been making gains in New Hampshire polls
Edwards says he can lead a middle-class uprising against special interests
McCain says he has experience when it comes to national security issues

McCain was written off last summer when his campaign nearly ran out of money. But it may be coming back to life, particularly in New Hampshire. That's where McCain won the endorsement of the Manchester Union-Leader, an influential conservative newspaper, and the senator has been gaining in polls there.

McCain is running a strong second in the Granite State. He beat President Bush there in the 2000 primary when he was the maverick. Now he's the candidate of experience.

"It really has a lot to do with experience, knowledge and background that I have on national security issues throughout my entire life," McCain said recently.


I think there will be a big surprise in both primaries I think. I think McCain will definantly come out on top or close to it.