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View Full Version : Interesting shift for al Qaeda in Pakistan

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 12:28 AM
The claims of responsibility of the attacks on Bhutto by al Qaeda were not issued through their usual information conduit. al Jazeera did not issue the statement by Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, but it came through an Italian news source as well as an Asian source.

I am wondering if there has been any back channel negotiations to minimize the use of al Jazeera by the US.

Did anyone else notice this little detail in the big picture of mayhem?

12-29-2007, 12:36 AM
The claims of responsibility of the attacks on Bhutto by al Qaeda were not issued through their usual information conduit. al Jazeera did not issue the statement by Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, but it came through an Italian news source as well as an Asian source.

I am wondering if there has been any back channel negotiations to minimize the use of al Jazeera by the US.

Did anyone else notice this little detail in the big picture of mayhem?

there's alot packed in that little statement of yours.... and no, I had not thought about it....but deserves some pondering.

first, are you saying the usa uses aljazeera to spread info?

Second, are you saying because aljazeera was not used by alqaeda that maybe it was not them or not true that they were responsible for her death and we or someone is just trying to say it was so that alot of people in pakistan that supported bhutto would get really pissed and start pushing alqaeda's pressence or power out of pakistan?

I am definately wearing my blonde wig on this one, I suppose.....?

But if you could go in to detail a bit more on what you are implying and exactly why, it could help me, the ding bat, understand....



Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 12:47 AM
Well, I am just pondering, because I don't know.....

I figure the US has been working with the UAE, Saudi Arabia and maybe Qatar to help minimize the glorification that al Jazeera has been so good at spreading on behalf of the Islamic militants. I just wonder if al Jazeera has been coerced in to making a change in its' policies of what to run, and from whom.....

Or, if al Qaeda or other Islamic militants knew about the US's intention to influence al Jazeera, they would probably not desire to use their services any longer, since they would be seen as infidels or collaborators with the US.....

Just running a few scenarios through my head....

Of course we would spread information through any media outlet we could, especially a "trusted" news source that has historically been less than beneficial to US interests...or at least we would try.

Thanks for asking.

12-29-2007, 12:57 AM
Interesting "shift"? How about just another MURDER?

How have us Americans become so cold as to ignore MURDER and describe it as simply a "shift"?

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 01:01 AM
Interesting "shift"? How about just another MURDER?

How have us Americans become so cold as to ignore MURDER and describe it as simply a "shift"?

Maybe read the initial post, mon frere, I was not talking about the medieval way these radical Islamic Murderers go about their business......it is a more subtle nuanced look at the bigger picture for us mouth breathing thought monsters.

12-29-2007, 01:02 AM
ok, I have not been keeping up with the story, just heard a blip about alqaeda taking the blame for it or in their heads.... the credit for it.

I was just thinking that maybe they did not do it, though it is their ammo....or that they were not ready to admit to doing it and we are trying to force their hand by having that stuff printed in the italian paper and see if they go along and admit to it or if they came out and denied such....either way, it could narrow it down for those looking in to the tradgedy.

Or perhaps they did not go the aljazeera route because they can see that this is going to backfire on them, be hated by many muslims and cause a backlash against them....like what happened in Iraq, when the locals decided to start fighting alqaeda themselves and weed them out of their communities. This would be a God send instead of a tradgedy if this whole assassination backfires on to alqaeda if they really are the ones responsible and the crowds and locals reach the level of, "i've had enough" and boots their butts back in to afghanistan....

Then another thing came to mind and that is how bin laden supposedly asked that other terrorist, (put forgotton name here :) ), to stop beheading our guys that were captured because it was causing a negative blow back on to him and alqaeda....

of course none of this really explains why aljazeera was not used by them...i am just thinking out loud...


Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 01:07 AM
I don't doubt the claim by al Qaeda for responsibility, and the ISI in Pakistan's assistance (purely my conjecture).

bin Laden's new tapes are not coming through al Jazeera, either....nor was al Zawahiri's most recent tapes....

It is an interesting shift in THEIR tactics....

12-29-2007, 01:11 AM
Did you ever consider the not so medieval way that innocent muslims, christians, jews and others are killed in Iraq by so-called smart weaponry and aggressive military tactics?

Maybe read the initial post, mon frere, I was not talking about the medieval way these radical Islamic Murderers go about their business......it is a more subtle nuanced look at the bigger picture for us mouth breathing thought monsters.

Rocks, sticks and whatever else they can find to defend themselves against you and your kind. Ooooookaaaaaay. Give that your best shot, cowgirl.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 01:14 AM
Not in this thread.....and again, what is with the personal insult. Please try and keep in on topic.....

12-29-2007, 01:31 AM
You changed the subject, cowgirl, not me. You got something? Go for it.

Not in this thread.....and again, what is with the personal insult. Please try and keep in on topic.....

Maybe you should read the original post, mon frere, and dispel with the conjecture?!??!??!!?!?!?!?!?

12-29-2007, 01:34 AM

He's just a drunk Indian. Give him another bottle of fire water and forget about him.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 01:38 AM
You changed the subject, cowgirl, not me. You got something? Go for it.

Maybe you should read the original post, mon frere, and dispel with the conjecture?!??!??!!?!?!?!?!?

You thoroughly amuse me in a sophomoric way.

I suspect your pH balance may be a little out of sorts tonight (I hope this is not your usual demeanor), and you should probably count the number of tablets you have left over, and balance up.

This thread is about conjecture, and I am the one who started it....care to add anything thoughtful on the subject of al Qaeda's use of new media outlets? I encourage you to engage in meaningful discourse rather than immature personal attacks.

12-29-2007, 01:49 AM
Get used to it, cowgirl.

You thoroughly amuse me in a sophomoric way.

I suspect your pH balance may be a little out of sorts tonight (I hope this is not your usual demeanor), and you should probably count the number of tablets you have left over, and balance up.

This thread is about conjecture, and I am the one who started it....care to add anything thoughtful on the subject of al Qaeda's use of new media outlets? I encourage you to engage in meaningful discourse rather than immature personal attacks.

And get off your personal attacks in the same demeanor, sophomoric or not.

12-29-2007, 01:52 AM
Baffling, ain't it?

ok, I have not been keeping up with the story, just heard a blip about alqaeda taking the blame for it or in their heads.... the credit for it.

I was just thinking that maybe they did not do it, though it is their ammo....or that they were not ready to admit to doing it and we are trying to force their hand by having that stuff printed in the italian paper and see if they go along and admit to it or if they came out and denied such....either way, it could narrow it down for those looking in to the tradgedy.

Or perhaps they did not go the aljazeera route because they can see that this is going to backfire on them, be hated by many muslims and cause a backlash against them....like what happened in Iraq, when the locals decided to start fighting alqaeda themselves and weed them out of their communities. This would be a God send instead of a tradgedy if this whole assassination backfires on to alqaeda if they really are the ones responsible and the crowds and locals reach the level of, "i've had enough" and boots their butts back in to afghanistan....

Then another thing came to mind and that is how bin laden supposedly asked that other terrorist, (put forgotton name here :) ), to stop beheading our guys that were captured because it was causing a negative blow back on to him and alqaeda....

of course none of this really explains why aljazeera was not used by them...i am just thinking out loud...


These reich wingers can't keep up with their own lies.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 01:52 AM
Get used to it, cowgirl.
And get off your personal attacks in the same demeanor, sophomoric or not.

Not a personal attack, at all, serious concern for your erratic behavior that I have seen in the last couple of hours. You seriously may want to consider a time out, on your own, and re-evaluate your attitude. Just a friendly suggestion. I am worried about your well being.

12-29-2007, 02:01 AM
As well, I worry about your own well being.

Not a personal attack, at all, serious concern for your erratic behavior that I have seen in the last couple of hours. You seriously may want to consider a time out, on your own, and re-evaluate your attitude. Just a friendly suggestion. I am worried about your well being.

If you can only post without legitamate debate and resort to personal assasination that is OK with me. I've been banned for less, but please, carry on.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 02:07 AM
If you can only post without legitamate (spelling) debate and resort to personal assasination that is OK with me. I've been banned for less, but please, carry on.

Again, details are important....you want me to post without legitimate debate?

Please email me your concerns rather than clog up the thread with nonsense.

12-29-2007, 02:17 AM
Like others, you get tore up about the smallest of infractions.

Again, details are important....you want me to post without legitimate debate?

Please email me your concerns rather than clog up the thread with nonsense.

I asked about the "shift" as compared to "murder". You conveniently ignored all that and challenged me on a more personal level. Your post. Live with it or forget it.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
12-29-2007, 02:22 AM
Start your own thread topic....this one was about the shift of al Qaeda using al Jazeera to other media outlets as a medium for disseminating their information to the regional markets they serve.

Nothing to do with murder....and it only took 8-12 posts for you to actually get the point, now that I have clearly spelled it out?

12-29-2007, 02:28 AM
I'll answer your questions but your statement in the form of a question is nonsense.

Start your own thread topic....this one was about the shift of al Qaeda using al Jazeera to other media outlets as a medium for disseminating their information to the regional markets they serve.

Nothing to do with murder....and it only took 8-12 posts for you to actually get the point, now that I have clearly spelled it out?

Al Queda is certainly guilty of murder in my opinion. They are not alone in that charge. Two wrongs never make a correct resolution.