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View Full Version : *Hillary: So You Did This To Yourself Pakistan?

12-30-2007, 08:32 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Hillary's just thrown gas on the fire in Pakistan.
2. She claims that Musharraf's military was behind Bhutto's assassination.
3. Just like Bush gets the blame for everything, her *Foreign Policy*, will look like this.
4. This is just a sample of how she would approach other Countries.
5. And frankly I don't think America can swallow this.
6. Read it thusly:http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/ny-ushill305519568dec30,0,1049812.story

CLINTON, Iowa - Hillary Rodham Clinton waded into Pakistan's volatile internal political situation yesterday, raising the possibility the country's military might have assassinated Benazir Bhutto because the killing took place in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

Clinton's remarks came as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's government seemed to reject a call for an independent international investigation of the murder that Clinton and John Edwards proposed on Friday.



12-30-2007, 08:40 AM
Does it seem so far-fetched to think that their military might be behind her death? I thought that this was just one of many theories being floated around.

Besides, Hillary's not the POTUS....


So her ideas carry no more wieght than mine or your's.

12-30-2007, 08:52 AM
Sorry bout that,

Does it seem so far-fetched to think that their military might be behind her death? I thought that this was just one of many theories being floated around.

Besides, Hillary's not the POTUS....


So her ideas carry no more wieght than mine or your's.

1. No Doc, she's running for President, and I'm not.
2. Her words are and should be measured with consideration in world politics.
3. And she will be scrutinized, at least by those who care about this Nation.
4. We can't have world leaders throwing gas on the fire when these sort of things happen.
5. She is pathetic in world views.
6. It would be a grave mistake to elect this witch.


12-30-2007, 08:57 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. No Doc, she's running for President, and I'm not.
2. Her words are and should be measured with consideration in world politics.
3. And she will be scrutinized, at least by those who care about this Nation.
4. We can't have world leaders throwing gas on the fire when these sort of things happen.
5. She is pathetic in world views.
6. Its would be a grave mistake to elect this witch.


She's not a "world leader", yet and I don't think that her remarks are any worse than anything anyone else is saying.
I'm not a Hillary supporter but it seems to me that her remarks aren't any worse than any being offered by ANY candidate.
They are ALL speculating.

12-30-2007, 08:58 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if ISI is somehow involved, I believe some of them were implicated in the attempts on Musharaff. I don't see Musharaff being involved, as it would have been much safer for him to just cancel the elections or have kept martial law in place.

Hillary isn't the only candidate to say weird things about Pakistan in the past few days:

Bill Richardson


The Best-Laid Five-Minute Plans of Bill Richardson.
After Bhutto.

By Mark Steyn

It’s tempting to rerun my column on Pakistan from a month ago. Not because I predicted the assassination of Benazir Bhutto or offered any other great insight, but rather for the opposite reason: “Everyone’s an expert on Pakistan, a faraway country of which we know everything: General Musharraf should do this, he shouldn’t have done that, the State Department should lean on him to do the other… Well, I dunno. It seems to me a certain humility is appropriate when offering advice to Islamabad.”

Oh, well. In the stampede of instant experts unveiling their Pakistani solutions-in-a-box, some contributions are worthy of special attention. Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is apparently running for the Democratic presidential nomination, was in no doubt about what needs to happen in the next, oh, 48 hours:

“President Bush should press Musharraf to step aside, and a broad-based coalition government, consisting of all the democratic parties, should be formed immediately... It is in the interests of the U.S. that there be a democratic Pakistan that relentlessly hunts down terrorists.”

Wow. Who knew it was that easy?

Except maybe it isn’t. A “broad-based coalition” of “all the democratic parties” would be a ramshackle collection of socialists, kleptocrats, tribal gladhanders and Islamists. Whether this is the horse to back if you’re looking for a team that “relentlessly hunts down terrorists” is, to say the least, uncertain...

Hapless Huckabee:


Thought martial law was still in place and tries to turn the topic to all the illegal Pakistanis now trying to cross our borders.

red states rule
12-30-2007, 09:10 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Hillary's just thrown gas on the fire in Pakistan.
2. She claims that Musharraf's military was behind Bhutto's assassination.
3. Just like Bush gets the blame for everything, her *Foreign Policy*, will look like this.
4. This is just a sample of how she would approach other Countries.
5. And frankly I don't think America can swallow this.
6. Read it thusly:http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/ny-ushill305519568dec30,0,1049812.story

CLINTON, Iowa - Hillary Rodham Clinton waded into Pakistan's volatile internal political situation yesterday, raising the possibility the country's military might have assassinated Benazir Bhutto because the killing took place in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

Clinton's remarks came as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's government seemed to reject a call for an independent international investigation of the murder that Clinton and John Edwards proposed on Friday.



Hillary is the gift that keeps on giving. I am surprised she did not blame the vast right wing conspiracy

12-30-2007, 09:10 AM
Sorry bout that,

She's not a "world leader", yet and I don't think that her remarks are any worse than anything anyone else is saying.
I'm not a Hillary supporter but it seems to me that her remarks aren't any worse than any being offered by ANY candidate.
They are ALL speculating.

1. Not yet, but she's campaigning to be *The President* the most powerful office in, *THE WORLD*.
2. I think she made a major boo~boo, which will be used against her.


red states rule
12-30-2007, 09:12 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Not yet, but she's campaigning to be *The President* the most powerful office in, *THE WORLD*.
2. I think she made a major boo~boo, which will be used against her.


Her comments will make great campaign ads.