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View Full Version : After flirting with Huckabee, it's clear Thompson is best choice for GOP

12-30-2007, 08:41 PM
a good article..

Go Fred..:clap:


Tennessee Voices

I was first drawn to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee by his performance at the New Hampshire debate in September. I particularly enjoyed his exchange with Texas Congressman Ron Paul on the war in Iraq.

Paul advocated a hasty withdrawal and stated that the GOP would suffer losses in the 2008 elections if we did not cut our losses and get out now. Huckabee responded by saying the U.S. needed to finish the job, not leave the country prematurely and avoid dishonoring the sacrifice of our courageous soldiers. Huckabee then stated that maintaining our honor was more important than the Republican Party.

Quite blown away by that exchange, I began to give Huckabee a serious look. I watched several of his debate performances and came away impressed with his eloquence, charm, humor and effective answers. A fiscal conservative, I respected his advocacy of the fair tax and laughed out loud when he chastised Congress for spending money "like John Edwards in a beauty salon."

Like Huckabee, I am an evangelical, a Southern Baptist, staunchly pro-life and pro-second amendment. Huckabee's charm, his effectiveness in arguing conservative viewpoints won me over. Not long after my conversion, the Huckaboom erupted in Iowa, South Carolina, Florida and spread to the most of the country. I donated $50 to his candidacy in early November, because I believed he could win the GOP nomination.

I made a big mistake.

read the rest..

12-30-2007, 08:45 PM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

12-30-2007, 08:48 PM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

Or "you people" could go for any number of fucking wing nuts, that populate Hollyweird these days.

Good hunting.............:lame2:

12-30-2007, 08:52 PM
Or "you people" could go for any number of fucking wing nuts, that populate Hollyweird these days.

Good hunting.............:lame2:

please list the screen credits for any democrat seeking the presidential nomination. I must have missed them.


Pale Rider
12-30-2007, 09:54 PM
please list the screen credits for any democrat seeking the presidential nomination. I must have missed them.


Please list the hollyweird elitist actors/actresses backing a conservative candidate.

Now list the hollyweird elitist actors/actresses backing a liberal candidate.

Pretty lopsided isn't it?

If being an actor running for office meant anything in hollyweird, they wouldn't turn on their own kind. Being a liberal is what's important to them.

12-30-2007, 10:04 PM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

you know, you'd think that if the GOP would love to nominate him, they would be. Thompson's problem is, the GOP isnt getting behind him. They might in the end. but right now they simply arent. So I am baffled at how you are drawing the conclusions you are.

12-30-2007, 10:33 PM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

He didn't say that he didn't want to be President, he said he wasn't interested in the dog and pony show that is.... "running for President". That in itself makes him a much better candidate than any of the fake shitheads showing up in black churches and kissing babies.

Like Edwards, the Breck girl, could possibly give a shit about poor people. Or Hillary, are we really suppose to believe that she doesn't disinfect her hand every time she shakes a black person's hand? Or Huckster, another Arkansas Governor......I don't think so.

12-30-2007, 11:49 PM
He didn't say that he didn't want to be President, he said he wasn't interested in the dog and pony show that is.... "running for President". That in itself makes him a much better candidate than any of the fake shitheads showing up in black churches and kissing babies.

Like Edwards, the Breck girl, could possibly give a shit about poor people. Or Hillary, are we really suppose to believe that she doesn't disinfect her hand every time she shakes a black person's hand? Or Huckster, another Arkansas Governor......I don't think so.

so...you are still riding the Thompson bandwagon? good for you. You'll be touting someone else soon enough...and if the "huckster" happens to actually WIN your party's nomination, you'll be singing his praises as well.

12-31-2007, 12:51 AM
so...you are still riding the Thompson bandwagon? good for you. You'll be touting someone else soon enough...and if the "huckster" happens to actually WIN your party's nomination, you'll be singing his praises as well.

huckabee wont win. and if he does, I am atleast one person not voting for him in the general.

red states rule
12-31-2007, 06:45 AM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

The last "Hollywood actor" kicked your ass in 2 elections and ran rings around your party for 8 years

12-31-2007, 09:21 AM
Fred Thompson as the best GOP candidate?


12-31-2007, 09:23 AM
I'll vote for Ron Paul over any of the rest of the GOP field.

12-31-2007, 09:56 AM
the guy just shot himself in the foot...he came right out and said that he wasn't really interested in running for president.... even though the GOP would have LOVED to have nominated another hollywood actor. Maybe if we could get that constitutional amendment passed, you guys could go for AHnold!:laugh2:

Thompson has the left concerned. The guy has a fairly consistent conservative voting record and is gaining fairly rapidly on the "contenders."

Thompson's point is that there is much more to him than simply a burning desire to obtain the presidency, this also concerns the left as it resonates well with people all over the country.

12-31-2007, 10:29 AM
Thompson has the left concerned. The guy has a fairly consistent conservative voting record and is gaining fairly rapidly on the "contenders."

Thompson's point is that there is much more to him than simply a burning desire to obtain the presidency, this also concerns the left as it resonates well with people all over the country.

Thompson's view is also the one historically shared with many of the first Presidents. They didn't "electioneer," as it was called back then. If they were nominated, they served, as a manner of duty, not of personal power or prestige.

12-31-2007, 10:52 AM
Thompson's view is also the one historically shared with many of the first Presidents. They didn't "electioneer," as it was called back then. If they were nominated, they served, as a manner of duty, not of personal power or prestige.

That's part of what resontes strongly with me. I also like his straight-forward approach - no "nuancing" of answers to pander to multiple demographics.

Fred's still my pick.

Hugh Lincoln
12-31-2007, 08:24 PM
I fully expect Fred Thompson to appear on Meet the Press in his pajamas. He seems to care about that much. I think attempts to ennoble his laziness and lack of interest as "dignified and principled" are ridiculous. He's lazy and uninterested. We have a lot of problems right now and we need someone ready to get in there.