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View Full Version : Huckabee and McCain attack Romney

12-31-2007, 03:51 AM

Looks like they are ganging up on Romney. This is a good sign. It shows that the other candidates realize how big a threat he is to them. And it demonstrates he can handle a multiple front attack.

Also I think its interesting that rather than attack Romney on the issues as he is with them, they are going after him personally.

Huckabee's statements that Romney shouldnt bring questions about McCain's record to the people because McCain is a hero is absurd. For one, Romney's ads clearly point out that McCain is a hero. But being a hero doesnt make someone right on all the issues. Nor should it give someone a pass when they do make wrong choices. Restricting free speech was wrong. Opposing the tax cuts was wrong. Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens was wrong. And McCain should be held accountable for those positions.

McCain's statements that Huckabee is a good man doesnt excuse Huckabee's record either. (Of course, I strongly question whether Huckabee is a good man anymore. I know he is good at convincing people he is, im just not sure).

I think the campaigns are techniques are telling about the candidates. When Romney is facing strong opposition, he contrasts his record with his opponents. When Huckabee and McCain face strong opposition, they start name calling and acting like victims.

Now I don't know about anyone else, but I know which candidate is acting more Presidential to me.