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View Full Version : Huckabee threatens to shoot Romney??

01-01-2008, 03:26 AM

Watching the video Huckabee is "joking" about shooting Romney and those who don't Caucus for him. Very odd thing to be joking about. If it is a joke, then he has a very twisted sense of humor, and if it isnt... well then he has alot of problems and shouldnt be President.

01-01-2008, 04:13 AM
I've tried to give Huckabee the benefit of the doubt. Even after he pissed me off with some of his tactics I was willing to try to see good in him. and heaven help me, but I can't.

Here we have a major candidate threatening to shoot his opponents and those who vote against him and the media is virtually ignoring it. Even if it is a joke, this is not a light joke. This is major news.

They said he was joking. but when I listened to the video, i honestly could not tell if he was or not.

I am all for a good joke, but this is a line that Huckabee went way over here. I don't care who you support for the nominee. I'd even put up with McCain. But we cannot have Huckabee win this nomination or worse, to become the President. We have to stop him now.

01-01-2008, 05:52 AM
I dread hearing the Huckleberrys name, as much as I do the Shrillarys..

say no.. to both of these fakers..:cheers2:

01-01-2008, 07:29 AM
Here's what Huckabee actually said: "It (the successful hunt) proved that you can shoot, and if someone really messes with you with negative campaign ads, they just need to be prepared." The context was a gathering with local media where he had alerady made a couple of jokes about the three birds he shot not being Huckabee supporters.

Bad humor, yes, but still, it was clearly meant to be taken as humor.

01-01-2008, 08:40 AM
This is the Huck hunting...Stay out of his way Romney...:laugh2:


01-01-2008, 12:00 PM
Here's what Huckabee actually said: "It (the successful hunt) proved that you can shoot, and if someone really messes with you with negative campaign ads, they just need to be prepared." The context was a gathering with local media where he had alerady made a couple of jokes about the three birds he shot not being Huckabee supporters.

Bad humor, yes, but still, it was clearly meant to be taken as humor.

and it doesnt bother you at all, even if it is bad humor, when he suggests shooting non-supporters?