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View Full Version : *Anyone Heard Of The Slingbox?*

01-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey there's this new gadget out there I just found out about.
2. Its called a, *SLINGBOX*.
3. What it does is, ties your computer and cable/satellite feed together, and you can call your computer with your cell phone or laptop, and watch anything on your paid cable/satellite network.
4. Being able to call from anywhere on the planet.
5. Its a great idea, to be able to watch your TV while away on business.


01-01-2008, 09:48 PM
Sony makes a similar product.

01-01-2008, 10:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey there's this new gadget out there I just found out about.
2. Its called a, *SLINGBOX*.
3. What it does is, ties your computer and cable/satellite feed together, and you can call your computer with your cell phone or laptop, and watch anything on your paid cable/satellite network.
4. Being able to call from anywhere on the planet.
5. Its a great idea, to be able to watch your TV while away on business.


There are a couple products out there that do the same thing. Best Buy has had one for months that does the exact same thing and ita bout $130.00

Gadget (fmr Marine)
01-01-2008, 10:44 PM
I have had the Sony Location free player for well over a year. I watch "TV" on my laptop or PSP from internet hotspot in the world.

01-01-2008, 10:49 PM
Sorry bout that,

I have had the Sony Location free player for well over a year. I watch "TV" on my laptop or PSP from internet hotspot in the world.

1. So you need a fast Internet connection in order to see your TV?
2. You can't use a cell phone, too choppy, without wifi?
3. Direct cell phone links are too slow, I have heard.


01-01-2008, 11:14 PM
yeah ive heard about it

Sorry bout that,

1. Hey there's this new gadget out there I just found out about.
2. Its called a, *SLINGBOX*.
3. What it does is, ties your computer and cable/satellite feed together, and you can call your computer with your cell phone or laptop, and watch anything on your paid cable/satellite network.
4. Being able to call from anywhere on the planet.
5. Its a great idea, to be able to watch your TV while away on business.
