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View Full Version : *Buying Votes With Free Shovels And Baby Sitters*

01-02-2008, 09:31 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Hillary Clinton, is giving away free snow shovels for votes.
2. Maybe she should be giving free Hummers.
3. That way the voters can be sure to get the the caucus.
4. That's now a new low that she has stooped to, to get Iowa.
5. I hope she *Crashes and Burns*, in Iowa.
6. Read it here:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2008/01/02/2008-01-02_hillary_clintons_campaign_offering_teen_-2.html


Hillary Clinton's campaign offering teen baby-sitters for Iowa caucusgoers
BY MICHAEL SAUL in Des Moines and MICHAEL McAULIFF in Sioux City, Iowa

Wednesday, January 2nd 2008, 4:00 AM


Hillary Clinton reaches out to backers Tuesday at rally at Sioux City Art Center in Iowa.
Meet Hillary Clinton's secret weapon in Iowa: baby-sitters.

In Thursday's caucuses, it all comes down to getting out the vote. And Clinton is going to the extremes, even lining up baby-sitters and day care centers for caucus-going moms.

She is locked in a tight race with Democratic rivals Barack Obama and John Edwards. Securing every extra vote in a race in which fewer than 50,000 people may show up will be the difference between a momentum-building win or a humbling defeat.

The Clinton campaign is opening day care centers across the state, including three in Des Moines, and has enlisted a legion of teenage girls to render their tyke-watching services.



01-02-2008, 09:42 AM
You beat me to this!! I was wondering if anyone can tell me how this is NOT buying votes..... She is supplying services free of charge for people to vote.... "for her"?


In Thursday's caucuses, it all comes down to getting out the vote. And Clinton is going to the extremes, even lining up baby-sitters and day care centers for caucus-going moms.

She is locked in a tight race with Democratic rivals Barack Obama and John Edwards. Securing every extra vote in a race in which fewer than 50,000 people may show up will be the difference between a momentum-building win or a humbling defeat.

The Clinton campaign is opening day care centers across the state, including three in Des Moines, and has enlisted a legion of teenage girls to render their tyke-watching services.

"I really want to see Hillary Clinton elected, but I'm too young to caucus, so I'll baby-sit for someone else so they can," said Molly McGuire, a 14-year-old from Des Moines.

She'll watch a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old, free of charge

01-02-2008, 10:38 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. This kind of pandering should disqualify her in Iowa and the rest of *The States*.
2. What freebee's will she be handing out in New Hampshire?
3. And all the other States?
4. I find what she is doing *Below Contempt*!
5. If you can be bought with a shovel, and she gets into power as *President*.
6. Keep that shovel handy, :lol: *The Country* will need you then, to shovel up the constant piles of crap flowing from *The White House*.
