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01-02-2008, 09:30 PM
I've been reading his positions for quite awhile, I was excited early on, but he failed to get in. Then even when he did, he didn't close the sale.

His positions, along with the last bit in Iowa, have nearly sold me.


I know I want to hear what all the candidates positions are, but Fred is the first to do so, before the GOP or DNC puts up centrist stuff, as party platforms. The following video by Fred takes on NEA, his reasons for passing on hand raising during debate moderator call, his take on conservativism, he stands up for his record, hasn't changed position on polls, national security of the country-both in and out of government, and his experiences in leadership. He asks for help, in 'electability.' He addresses moveon.org and betray us. ACLU as leaping to defense of our country's enemies. He's upset about the course of DNC, he reaches out to the mainstream Democrats. Party of working people, that has left them. I wish all of them would take 15 minutes to put forward their vision of America.

This post in contrasts by Instapundit, nearly marks me sold:


January 02, 2008


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/r3DCqvOwuyM&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/r3DCqvOwuyM&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Compare with the very different approach taken by Fred Thompson.

<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VblJq4j0_SE&rel=1&border=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VblJq4j0_SE&rel=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

posted at 08:06 PM by Glenn Reynolds

01-02-2008, 09:51 PM
I like him. Too bad I may not get to vote for him though, with our screwed up primary system.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
01-02-2008, 10:02 PM
I do like him, as well...I have the most confidence in him, in being the best choice the Republicans have to offer.

International Geopolitical Experience....the only potential to outweigh him from either party is McCain or Biden.....and he is more rational than McCain.....I could live with Biden, as the Dem choice.....

01-02-2008, 10:06 PM
I do like him, as well...I have the most confidence in him, in being the best choice the Republicans have to offer.

International Geopolitical Experience....the only potential to outweigh him from either party is McCain or Biden.....and he is more rational than McCain.....I could live with Biden, as the Dem choice.....

I could willingly vote for either of them. Not my first choices, not by a long shot. I could vote for Guiliani, maybe Romney. That's as far as I can go.

01-02-2008, 10:07 PM
I do like him, as well...I have the most confidence in him, in being the best choice the Republicans have to offer.

International Geopolitical Experience....the only potential to outweigh him from either party is McCain or Biden.....and he is more rational than McCain.....I could live with Biden, as the Dem choice..... I think Biden is as irrational as McCain. That is a curious position of yours.

Huck, Gulliani and Romney all have executive experience. That's an important consideration whether you side with them on all issues or not.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
01-02-2008, 10:11 PM
I was picking one from each party....not that I would chose Biden over damn near any Republican......sorry I wasn't clear....

I think Biden is one of the most conservative Dems for someone who is compelled to vote a long party lines.....all the others lean too far from the middle of America's values, in my opinion.

01-02-2008, 10:13 PM
I was picking one from each party....not that I would chose Biden over damn near any Republican......sorry I wasn't clear....

I think Biden is one of the most conservative Dems for someone who is compelled to vote a long party lines.....all the others lean too far from the middle of America's values, in my opinion.

I concured. He won't make it perhaps beyond tomorrow. Plagarism aside, he has a decent record on foreign affairs. That's why I agreed with you.

01-02-2008, 10:58 PM
Moving Towards Fred
I've been reading his positions for quite awhile, I was excited early on, but he failed to get in. Then even when he did, he didn't close the sale.
Is this a political analysis or a sex scene? :D

01-02-2008, 11:02 PM
I don't see Thompson, Hunter, or Paul making it to super tuesday.

I like Ron Paul except when he confuses philosophical idealism with reality. Problem is that he does it often enough to nullify any real shot he may've had.

Thompson may be likeable, but the average apathetic voter is looking for flash, dash, lots of cash and a moneymaker smile. I think his funding is going to dry up and then that's all she wrote.

Hunter is the unfortunate one. He didn't get annointed by the media and so suffered in the money game. Pity. What little I heard sounded good enough for a second look.

I am praying that Rudy and Mitt don't get in. I'd hold my nose if it was one of them over the crop of dems. I really would like to vote for someone instead of against someone else.

01-02-2008, 11:24 PM
Is this a political analysis or a sex scene? :D

For some reason humor and you fail to do it for me. But thanks for trying.

01-02-2008, 11:26 PM
I don't see Thompson, Hunter, or Paul making it to super tuesday.

I like Ron Paul except when he confuses philosophical idealism with reality. Problem is that he does it often enough to nullify any real shot he may've had.

Thompson may be likeable, but the average apathetic voter is looking for flash, dash, lots of cash and a moneymaker smile. I think his funding is going to dry up and then that's all she wrote.

Hunter is the unfortunate one. He didn't get annointed by the media and so suffered in the money game. Pity. What little I heard sounded good enough for a second look.

I am praying that Rudy and Mitt don't get in. I'd hold my nose if it was one of them over the crop of dems. I really would like to vote for someone instead of against someone else.

So my friend, I take it you are for McCain? Other than Paul and Huckabee, I can probably adjust, unless McCain insists on reminding me of why I would never work for his campaign. Then I don't know what I'd do.

01-02-2008, 11:51 PM
So my friend, I take it you are for McCain? Other than Paul and Huckabee, I can probably adjust, unless McCain insists on reminding me of why I would never work for his campaign. Then I don't know what I'd do.

Actually I forgot about McCain. I have a tremendous respect, bordering on hero worship, for his service in Vietnam. But, I am not sure about him as President. Still, I'd go with him over Rudy or Mitt.

01-02-2008, 11:55 PM
Actually I forgot about McCain. I have a tremendous respect, bordering on hero worship, for his service in Vietnam. But, I am not sure about him as President. Still, I'd go with him over Rudy or Mitt.

So if you were in Iowa, which thank God none of us seem to be, who would you caucus for?

01-02-2008, 11:56 PM
For some reason humor and you fail to do it for me. But thanks for trying.

No worries. Not everyone can have a finely warped sense of humor. Sad, though. :(

01-03-2008, 12:11 AM
So if you were in Iowa, which thank God none of us seem to be, who would you caucus for?

Still undecided. Paul, Thompson, Huckabee have a shot with me. Still got more reading to do.

01-03-2008, 12:12 AM
Still undecided. Paul, Thompson, Huckabee have a shot with me. Still got more reading to do.

Who would have thought we'd be only 1 out of 3. You've got two of my 'kill' candidates, those that could throw me to the other party. ;)

01-03-2008, 01:32 AM
If Fred really wanted to influence male voters, he would have his wife on the campaign train wearing the skimpiest outfits imaginable. The message: "Hey guys, how about four (or more) years of THIS!"
Guys would flock to the polls (with their poles) in massive numbers...

01-03-2008, 02:32 AM
If Fred really wanted to influence male voters, he would have his wife on the campaign train wearing the skimpiest outfits imaginable. The message: "Hey guys, how about four (or more) years of THIS!"
Guys would flock to the polls (with their poles) in massive numbers...

no we wouldnt.

01-03-2008, 03:02 AM
some great pictures of Fred on his campaign stops in Iowa..


01-03-2008, 09:26 AM
I'd have no problem with Fred Thompson winning. I just dont think he will right now unless Huckabee takes a dive.

01-03-2008, 09:59 AM
If Fred really wanted to influence male voters, he would have his wife on the campaign train wearing the skimpiest outfits imaginable. The message: "Hey guys, how about four (or more) years of THIS!"
Guys would flock to the polls (with their poles) in massive numbers...

I think she's kind of chubby myself (doesn't give me a chubby).

01-03-2008, 10:00 AM
Still undecided. Paul, Thompson, Huckabee have a shot with me. Still got more reading to do.

I could vote for Paul. But I won't cuz he's got no support.

01-03-2008, 08:22 PM
Who would have thought we'd be only 1 out of 3. You've got two of my 'kill' candidates, those that could throw me to the other party. ;)

Musta missed what was so bad about Ronny and the Huckster. If you spelled it out elsewhere, send me a link. I'm fairly open minded.

01-03-2008, 10:02 PM
I put this on my blog..........

Well, the Iowa Caucus is in full swing and the pundits are going at it hot and heavy. Personally I like the way the Democrats do the caucus thing. More on that later. This post is on my view of the fatal flaws of our election system and the candidates themselves.

I might as well alienate the democrats first off. The only ones with a shot are Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. Problem is that they are stamped from the same mold. The fatal flaw is universal (socialist) health care, bigger government, and no commitment to do anything but continue manipulating the current tax code. Also, I don't trust any of them with the lives of my (both US Marines)daughter and son-in-law. None strike me as being able to command troops to kill or die for our nation. If they are not defeatist, they are at least retreatist.

Now for the Republicans. Right off, the fatal flaw for Rudy in my eyes is that I don't trust him. He and Bill Clinton are two of a kind. Don't get me wrong, he appears to have run NYC with the iron hand of a Mafia Don.

And I cannot deny that I have read articles lauding him for achievements in there. But, in my gut I don't trust him.

Same goes for Mitt. He is too slick for my tastes. Might as well be the Republican John Edwards. I understand that a politician must make compromises and play to the masses. But, Mitt has virtually reinvented himself. I can't decide if he's a steroid enhanced Democrat or Republican Lite.

Huckabee strikes me as a like-able guy and even as an honest man in general. But his fatal flaw is immigration. I don't care what position he takes, but he isn't sticking with it. I like his endorsement of the FairTax.

McCain is a hero to me. I respect him for his service during the Vietnam war. While that makes him a hero, it doesn't make him Presidential. Mr. McCain has run for President so many times that I think he is on autopilot. I don't claim to be a conservative. I am a realist. McCain/Feingold is allegedly a freedom of speech issue. To me it was simply another piled on layer of red tape.

Thompson is simply going to crash and burn. I think he waited too long to get in and if he has any charisma or spark, it's past time to show it. I don't expect a cheerleader, but the leader of the free world needs to be inspiring. Come to think of it, the others need this too.

Ron Paul. Philosophically I love this guy. But, his philosophy is not reality based. Like it or not we have been steadily eroding personal liberty for well over 200 years. RP is a constitutional scholar but you can't turn back the clock. Isolationism is a great idea, but not in a world of terrorists and WMD. I like that he actually tells people that "we cannot do that, it isn't in the constitution." But when reality and philosophy collide, reality will win.

None of the other Republicans were anointed by the media. Today that means they don't stand a chance. And that brings us to the electoral process itself.

I like the primary system. People complain about the little states not having a say thanks to the electoral college. But, look at the order of the primaries. Little states lead the way, it balances things.

The fatal flaw in our system is the secret ballot. In Iowa, the democrats actually stand in person to be counted. I like the openness of that. I think you should fill in a ballot that is scannable. Your name and signature should be on it. You should stand and be counted. No election controversy. Siomply bubble in a scantron and stand there as they scan it and place your ballot in a locked box.

Well, on TV the prediction is Obama and Huckabee. Of course there is at least another hour or two in order to get it wrong :)

01-03-2008, 10:07 PM
The fatal flaw in our system is the secret ballot.

exactly. :clap:

01-03-2008, 10:14 PM
The fatal flaw in our system is the secret ballot. In Iowa, the democrats actually stand in person to be counted. I like the openness of that. I think you should fill in a ballot that is scannable. Your name and signature should be on it. You should stand and be counted. No election controversy. Siomply bubble in a scantron and stand there as they scan it and place your ballot in a locked box.
Yeah! And while we're at it, we can sell your voting record to hundreds of direct marketing companies! :eek:

01-03-2008, 10:20 PM
Yeah! And while we're at it, we can sell your voting record to hundreds of direct marketing companies! :eek:

That would suck. But, how would they get it? If you turn in a scan tron form, watch them scan it, and then watch them put it in a locked box..... Ballots are normally kept for a period of time under lock and key and then destroyed.

01-03-2008, 10:22 PM
That would suck. But, how would they get it? If you turn in a scan tron form, watch them scan it, and then watch them put it in a locked box..... Ballots are normally kept for a period of time under lock and key and then destroyed.
It doesn't take long for names and scantron bubbles to get copied into a database. Hell, if banks still have trouble with identity theft, I could almost guarantee that someone could steal this information from a government office.

01-03-2008, 10:46 PM
I don't think so, kitty.

Who would have thought we'd be only 1 out of 3. You've got two of my 'kill' candidates, those that could throw me to the other party. ;)

You are far too stupid to be thrown in any direction other than the one you have maintained for now at least 5 years.

01-04-2008, 11:23 PM
I don't think so, kitty.
You are far too stupid to be thrown in any direction other than the one you have maintained for now at least 5 years.

So 1-3-08 was about idiots out walking around in the snow and caucusing. Did you get so frostbit that you just had to come fuck up a perfectly good thread?

01-05-2008, 12:19 AM
I am wondering if McCain is moving towards Fred. Like perhaps withdrawing from the race and endorsing Fred.
Top secret operatives want to know.