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01-03-2008, 10:04 PM
What the hell was this lib thinking? Skipping Iowa? He's toast, he'll be forgotten by the time South Carolina and Florida roll around, he didn't want none of Hillary again anyway.

01-03-2008, 10:19 PM
It all depends on whether he can outspend Mittler's puppeteers. Which won't be easy, since they've handed Willard a good 300-mil and counting.

01-04-2008, 12:49 AM
Giuliani was riding the coat tails of the Bush War On Iraq. He didn't get the memo that Americans are not in favor of the War On Iraq. Miscalculation? I doubt it. A common stupidity? I'd bet on it.

Pale Rider
01-04-2008, 01:48 AM
And what about the rather strong showing by Ron Paul? I'd venture a guess that he'll do even better in other states, and candidates dropping out will help him also.

Keep your eye on that little pup. He just may turn into the big junk yard dog.

01-04-2008, 02:07 AM
Good catch, pr, but rp ain't about to upset any applecarts.

And what about the rather strong showing by Ron Paul? I'd venture a guess that he'll do even better in other states, and candidates dropping out will help him also.

Keep your eye on that little pup. He just may turn into the big junk yard dog.

He is, however, good for pushing the conservatives back to the smaller government and non interventionist ideals the conservative platform proposes. But, he will fail as the neocons want perpetual war and world domination right now. Therein will be found THEIR failures.

Ron Paul, Junk Yard Dog? You gotta be shittin' your pants and hoping for a compassionate nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-04-2008, 07:37 AM
Ron Paul, Junk Yard Dog?

I can see some similarities.....



Pale Rider
01-04-2008, 07:38 AM
Good catch, pr, but rp ain't about to upset any applecarts.

He is, however, good for pushing the conservatives back to the smaller government and non interventionist ideals the conservative platform proposes. But, he will fail as the neocons want perpetual war and world domination right now. Therein will be found THEIR failures.

Ron Paul, Junk Yard Dog? You gotta be shittin' your pants and hoping for a compassionate nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you're wrong Pb... "most" Americans want us out of Iraq by 54%, and that number includes a great deal of Republicans. And conservatives are sick to tears of big government spending money in amounts and by style that no words really can describe.

I say hold on to your hat. RP finished AHEAD of Giuliani. RP has a very attractive message to a very large demographic.

Pale Rider
01-04-2008, 07:40 AM
I can see some similarities.....

You think Paris Hilton's dog looks like Ron Paul?

01-04-2008, 07:54 AM
You think Paris Hilton's dog looks like Ron Paul?

are you implying a paternity action?.....

GW in Ohio
01-04-2008, 02:54 PM
And what about the rather strong showing by Ron Paul? I'd venture a guess that he'll do even better in other states, and candidates dropping out will help him also.

Keep your eye on that little pup. He just may turn into the big junk yard dog.

I don't know how many of you guys are for Ron Paul. I had been hearing good things about him for a while. I finally caught him on Meet the Press and was won over.

It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to support Paul, because his proposals are pretty radical (e.g., abolishing the IRS......living within our means).

Some of his ideas, like returning to the gold standard, are just unworkable.

But I do like his basic philosophy that we need to stop having the government making decisions for us and deciding what is best for us.

Anybody else for Paul? Could he be the catalyst that brings some of you wacko right-wingers and GW (the lib you love to hate) together?


01-04-2008, 02:59 PM
I don't know how many of you guys are for Ron Paul. I had been hearing good things about him for a while. I finally caught him on Meet the Press and was won over.

It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to support Paul, because his proposals are pretty radical (e.g., abolishing the IRS......living within our means).

Some of his ideas, like returning to the gold standard, are just unworkable.

But I do like his basic philosophy that we need to stop having the government making decisions for us and deciding what is best for us.

Anybody else for Paul? Could he be the catalyst that brings some of you wacko right-wingers and GW (the lib you love to hate) together?


right now he is my third choice. But I don't think Romney will drop out. so i doubt ill get down to my second, let alone third choice.

he did pretty good last night. I do know that some of his supporters were scared of Huckabee and switched to Romney last night to stop Huckabee. Doesnt look like it did much good. And i doubt it affected the race much at all. He did pretty good yesterday and he has some delegates now.

Pale Rider
01-04-2008, 03:38 PM
I don't know how many of you guys are for Ron Paul. I had been hearing good things about him for a while. I finally caught him on Meet the Press and was won over.

It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to support Paul, because his proposals are pretty radical (e.g., abolishing the IRS......living within our means).

Some of his ideas, like returning to the gold standard, are just unworkable.

But I do like his basic philosophy that we need to stop having the government making decisions for us and deciding what is best for us.

Anybody else for Paul? Could he be the catalyst that brings some of you wacko right-wingers and GW (the lib you love to hate) together?


Let's just put it this way... if by some herculean stroke of luck Ron Paul became the Republican nominee, I'll vote for him.

01-04-2008, 03:45 PM
What makes Rudy "done" for skipping a caucus? It was really not much of a barometer.

GW in Ohio
01-04-2008, 03:47 PM
What makes Rudy "done" for skipping a caucus? It was really not much of a barometer.

It isn't just Iowa. I understand Rudy has largely been ignoring New Hampshire also. By the time New Hampshire is done, other Republicans will have been gaining momentum and whatever momentum Rudy had will have waned.

01-04-2008, 03:51 PM
What makes Rudy "done" for skipping a caucus? It was really not much of a barometer.

Although it is a little state and has relatively few voters Iowa and New Hampshire have always been the momentum givers in past elections, I might be wrong but I believe that no candidate that has failed to finish at least second in either of those states has ever won the nomination. Rudy put little time into Iowa and has put just a hair more into New Hampshire if any at all, he's banking it all on South Carolina and Florida and by then its gonna be too late with the momentum Huckleberry or Romney is going to bring with them.

Skipping Iowa and New Hampshire might prove to be one of the biggest political blunders of all time.

01-04-2008, 03:53 PM
It isn't just Iowa. I understand Rudy has largely been ignoring New Hampshire also. By the time New Hampshire is done, other Republicans will have been gaining momentum and whatever momentum Rudy had will have waned.

This might be the first time i've ever agreed with GW, skipping Iowa and New Hampshire was foolish, methinks his funding will dry up.

01-04-2008, 03:57 PM
It wouldn't hurt my feelings. Perhaps Rudy knows that his "America's mayor" schtick doesn't play in places like Iowa and New Hampshire.
I would still wait for the first big primaries to see how things shake out.