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View Full Version : Mexico can kiss my Red, White, and Blue ass

01-05-2008, 01:44 AM
The Mexican government promised Friday to defend any Mexicans affected by an Arizona law that punishes employers who hire undocumented migrants.

The Arizona law, which went into effect Tuesday, prohibits businesses from knowingly employing illegal immigrants. Violators face business license suspensions for up to 10 days; a second offense triggers permanent revocation.

“Measures like the one approved in Arizona do not contribute to solving the issue of migration by workers between the two countries, and ignore the contributions that migrants make to the U.S. economy and society,” Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department said.

The department said it will “intervene, through its consulates, in any situation in which the rights of Mexican workers are affected, regardless of their immigration status.”

Click for full text... (http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/105885)

01-05-2008, 01:47 AM
The Mexican government promised Friday to defend any Mexicans affected by an Arizona law that punishes employers who hire undocumented migrants.

The Arizona law, which went into effect Tuesday, prohibits businesses from knowingly employing illegal immigrants. Violators face business license suspensions for up to 10 days; a second offense triggers permanent revocation.

“Measures like the one approved in Arizona do not contribute to solving the issue of migration by workers between the two countries, and ignore the contributions that migrants make to the U.S. economy and society,” Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department said.

The department said it will “intervene, through its consulates, in any situation in which the rights of Mexican workers are affected, regardless of their immigration status.”

Click for full text... (http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/105885)

Screw Mexico.

01-05-2008, 01:48 AM
Mexico is a corrupt government who want to pawn off all their problems err citizens off on us.

you cant have a revolution if all your young people leave.

The Mexican government promised Friday to defend any Mexicans affected by an Arizona law that punishes employers who hire undocumented migrants.

The Arizona law, which went into effect Tuesday, prohibits businesses from knowingly employing illegal immigrants. Violators face business license suspensions for up to 10 days; a second offense triggers permanent revocation.

“Measures like the one approved in Arizona do not contribute to solving the issue of migration by workers between the two countries, and ignore the contributions that migrants make to the U.S. economy and society,” Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department said.

The department said it will “intervene, through its consulates, in any situation in which the rights of Mexican workers are affected, regardless of their immigration status.”

Click for full text... (http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/105885)

Pale Rider
01-05-2008, 09:11 AM
The Mexican government promised Friday to defend any Mexicans affected by an Arizona law that punishes employers who hire undocumented migrants.

You know mexico is going to fight any and all changes America makes in illegal immigration enforcement when all the money the illegals send back to mexico is their third largest form of national income.

Well, fuck mexico. We need to declare war on those fuckers.

01-05-2008, 10:25 AM
You know mexico is going to fight any and all changes America makes in illegal immigration enforcement when all the money the illegals send back to mexico is their third largest form of national income.

Well, fuck mexico. We need to declare war on those fuckers.

They send back 15 billion dollars a year to that shithole.

Hugh Lincoln
01-05-2008, 10:27 AM
Mexico's biggest problems is that it's filled with Mexicans.

01-05-2008, 06:12 PM
I know a great way they can support those displaced Mexicans: take them back.

01-05-2008, 06:25 PM
any ideas on how to fight back?

I know a great way they can support those displaced Mexicans: take them back.

Pale Rider
01-05-2008, 06:31 PM
any ideas on how to fight back?

Declare war.

01-05-2008, 06:36 PM
Declare war.

Traditionally, war is usually about land, what is the purpose of the war with mexico? Mexico is not Iraq, it does not house the central hotbed of "f" terrorists that want to "f" kill us.

Are you talking about an economic war? I don't think that would work, our best interest is to have them economically advanced. Further, warring against our very close geographical neighbor is not a very good thing. This is why we need to build the great wall of AMERICA along our southern border. It worked for china and can work for us. When they get their act together, then we can open or take down the wall.

01-05-2008, 08:00 PM
Traditionally, war is usually about land, what is the purpose of the war with mexico? Mexico is not Iraq, it does not house the central hotbed of "f" terrorists that want to "f" kill us.

Are you talking about an economic war? I don't think that would work, our best interest is to have them economically advanced. Further, warring against our very close geographical neighbor is not a very good thing. This is why we need to build the great wall of AMERICA along our southern border. It worked for china and can work for us. When they get their act together, then we can open or take down the wall.

Seems reasonable to me.

Pale Rider
01-05-2008, 08:09 PM
Traditionally, war is usually about land, what is the purpose of the war with mexico? Mexico is not Iraq, it does not house the central hotbed of "f" terrorists that want to "f" kill us.

Are you talking about an economic war? I don't think that would work, our best interest is to have them economically advanced. Further, warring against our very close geographical neighbor is not a very good thing. This is why we need to build the great wall of AMERICA along our southern border. It worked for china and can work for us. When they get their act together, then we can open or take down the wall.

We're being invaded by them aren't we? They've declared they want to take parts of the southwest over haven't they? The invasion of illegal mexicans into America is the largest land invasion from one country into another in the history of the world. Sounds and looks like an absolute threat to me. If we declared war on mexico, we could put our military on the border and shot anything trying to cross, and that's what I say we should do. Fuck Iraq. Bring our troops home and put them on OUR border.

01-05-2008, 11:13 PM
You gotta be shitting? Is Mexico the problem? Why is that? Were Ireland or Italy the problem in the 20's and 30's? These darker skinned immigrants just kick your ass, don't they? Maybe your kids will change your mind. Onward Bismarck!!!!! We're going to kill the fascists!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2008, 11:27 PM
You gotta be shitting? Is Mexico the problem? Why is that? Were Ireland or Italy the problem in the 20's and 30's? These darker skinned immigrants just kick your ass, don't they? Maybe your kids will change your mind. Onward Bismarck!!!!! We're going to kill the fascists!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do you feel about mexican citizens comming here breaking both boarder and employment and tax laws ...... not paying any taxes yet using our health care and education system for free and taking millions home to invest in mexico.....

and tell me does mexico afford the same treatment (that which they expect america to afford their citizens) of their southern neighbors....

01-05-2008, 11:46 PM
I can see why your ass is so red, white and blue. Spanking is your creed and bullshit is your feed.

01-06-2008, 01:43 AM
The proof is out there, illegal aliens are destroying our country in numerous ways.

We pay for illegals to go to school, some want to now give them free education

we pay for their medical care, not just emergency care

we allow them to take up housing, that legal americans could take.

we allow them to commit numerous crimes: being here, working here, driving, committing heinous crimes against legal americans

I am sad, if you think illegals are not a huge problem.

I can see why your ass is so red, white and blue. Spanking is your creed and bullshit is your feed.

01-06-2008, 02:33 AM
5 generations ago all of my ancestors, now considered completely American, were considered illegal. In the American Indian sense we are still illegal and unwanted.

On just what level do you wish to discus this dilemma, martin?

01-06-2008, 02:57 AM
Ill discuss any issue.

It is quite sad to this day, that the true native americans were not treated with dignity and respect.

Besides honoring them, and not forgetting the sad past. what else can or should we do?

5 generations ago all of my ancestors, now considered completely American, were considered illegal. In the American Indian sense we are still illegal and unwanted.

On just what level do you wish to discus this dilemma, martin?

01-06-2008, 03:22 AM
How many books must be written, how many speeches must you hear, how many times must you defile the ground upon which you walk before you understand?

Ill discuss any issue.

It is quite sad to this day, that the true native americans were not treated with dignity and respect.

Besides honoring them, and not forgetting the sad past. what else can or should we do?

I hold values from generations a thousand years or so before me. How many generations of the Natives must pass before their values dissipate and meld into the very twisted marketplace ideals of today?

You don't have to answer that. You can't answer that and neither can I.

01-06-2008, 03:30 AM
I wish I could understand, but how can i, when ive never expierenced what is feels like to be a native american or black person.

I cant truly walk in another mans shoes, I can only listen to him

Sorry that i cannot understand, i will always try to listen and be sympathetic

How many books must be written, how many speeches must you hear, how many times must you defile the ground upon which you walk before you understand?

I hold values from generations a thousand years or so before me. How many generations of the Natives must pass before their values dissipate and meld into the very twisted marketplace ideals of today?

You don't have to answer that. You can't answer that and neither can I.

01-06-2008, 03:47 AM
Martin, you can wipe your ass with all that sympathy, OK?

I wish I could understand, but how can i, when ive never expierenced what is feels like to be a native american or black person.

I cant truly walk in another mans shoes, I can only listen to him

Sorry that i cannot understand, i will always try to listen and be sympathetic

Walk a mile in these moccasins. Better yet, run a deer or a buffalo and experience the kill and the use of ALL of the remains of that sacred animal. Am I getting too spiritual for you? How about just camping out for a few days and get back with me on your experience?

01-06-2008, 04:08 AM
I have camped before :), i used to be a boyscout. Besides all im saying is i care about native americans, and you.

Martin, you can wipe your ass with all that sympathy, OK?

Walk a mile in these moccasins. Better yet, run a deer or a buffalo and experience the kill and the use of ALL of the remains of that sacred animal. Am I getting too spiritual for you? How about just camping out for a few days and get back with me on your experience?

01-06-2008, 08:48 AM
We're being invaded by them aren't we? They've declared they want to take parts of the southwest over haven't they? The invasion of illegal mexicans into America is the largest land invasion from one country into another in the history of the world. Sounds and looks like an absolute threat to me. If we declared war on mexico, we could put our military on the border and shot anything trying to cross, and that's what I say we should do. Fuck Iraq. Bring our troops home and put them on OUR border.

No, the government of Mexico has not said anything about annexing the Southwest.

01-06-2008, 09:33 AM
You know mexico is going to fight any and all changes America makes in illegal immigration enforcement when all the money the illegals send back to mexico is their third largest form of national income.

Well, fuck mexico. We need to declare war on those fuckers.

:clap: damn right

01-06-2008, 09:36 AM
Traditionally, war is usually about land, what is the purpose of the war with mexico? Mexico is not Iraq, it does not house the central hotbed of "f" terrorists that want to "f" kill us.

Are you talking about an economic war? I don't think that would work, our best interest is to have them economically advanced. Further, warring against our very close geographical neighbor is not a very good thing. This is why we need to build the great wall of AMERICA along our southern border. It worked for china and can work for us. When they get their act together, then we can open or take down the wall.

the tunnels???? How can we stop them from that?? I mean yeah if we can detect them we can blow them up but other than that I don't know

01-06-2008, 11:18 AM
5 generations ago all of my ancestors, now considered completely American, were considered illegal. In the American Indian sense we are still illegal and unwanted.

On just what level do you wish to discus this dilemma, martin?


American Indians have always considered themselves fully American. They were considered a nusance by the gov. years ago, but NEVER illegal.

Indians are not today considered illegal in anyway nor are they unwanted.

What reservation did you grow up on, or are you just talking out of your ass???

My relatives living in Ok. are against illegal immigration.

01-06-2008, 11:22 AM
You gotta be shitting? Is Mexico the problem? Why is that? Were Ireland or Italy the problem in the 20's and 30's? These darker skinned immigrants just kick your ass, don't they? Maybe your kids will change your mind. Onward Bismarck!!!!! We're going to kill the fascists!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Italians and Irish CAME HERE LEGALLY. They paid taxes in the areas they lived, they paid for their hospitals stays, they didn't steal other peoples identities.

Illegal immigration has absolutally nothing to do with skin color, the US gov. has kicked out people from 200 different countries with Poland being high on the list.

People talk about Mexicans because it is easy for them to sneak in. If Canadians were sneaking in people would have a problem with them. Color is not the issue being illegal is.

01-06-2008, 12:06 PM
The Italians and Irish CAME HERE LEGALLY. They paid taxes in the areas they lived, they paid for their hospitals stays, they didn't steal other peoples identities.

Illegal immigration has absolutally nothing to do with skin color, the US gov. has kicked out people from 200 different countries with Poland being high on the list.

People talk about Mexicans because it is easy for them to sneak in. If Canadians were sneaking in people would have a problem with them. Color is not the issue being illegal is.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::salute:

01-09-2008, 10:13 PM
the tunnels???? How can we stop them from that?? I mean yeah if we can detect them we can blow them up but other than that I don't know

We don't blow them up, either we dont let anyone know we found them and try to catch people coming through or we seal them up.

01-09-2008, 11:00 PM
Seems along with everything else psyco has done now he's an Indian too. I'm Iroquois myself, on my fathers side. And I'm wearing my moccasins right now :coffee:

Indians, while considered separate nations within the nation, were always considered Americans.

01-10-2008, 12:38 AM
the tunnels???? How can we stop them from that?? I mean yeah if we can detect them we can blow them up but other than that I don't know

we use technology than can see underground. not that difficult today, especially using my Great wall of America. simply pass the geo device along the wall periodically and viola, you see the tunnel NM.

01-10-2008, 12:41 AM
we use technology than can see underground. not that difficult today, especially using my Great wall of America. simply pass the geo device along the wall periodically and viola, you see the tunnel NM.

I never said you didn't.

01-10-2008, 12:51 AM
I never said you didn't.


01-10-2008, 10:35 PM
didn't what?

you tend to post and run lately. you make a rant thread and then run and disappear. you make a post then disappear. its not like you don't come to the board, you're here everyday.