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01-06-2008, 03:19 AM
its called nationstates, you can be liberal conservative, whatever you want, but its harder then you think , because every issue you get, up to two per day has unintended consequences.


The JCNHS (Jewish Conservative National Health Service) is struggling to pay for the medicinal and surgical treatments required for your citizens.

The Debate
"The NHS was an ill thought-out idea to begin with!" exclaims conservative aristocrat Sue-Ann Bush IV. "We were much better off in a time when the medical profession was geared towards those who could pay for their treatment. Nowadays the waiting lists are choked with riff-raff of all kinds. I don't see why I should pay for someone else's healthcare. Those of us who can afford to pay for a private doctor ought to be allowed to opt out of the NHS tax and if that means lower quality of service for the masses then tough!"

"A sickeningly predictable view from the toffs there", retorts senior nurse Miranda Frederickson. "Being diagnosed with an illness is stressful enough without adding a huge financial burden to the equation. Do you honestly believe people should be denied treatment just because they're poor? The NHS works; people are living longer and fuller lives. I don't have any problem with contributing to the health of Jewish Conservative's citizens. We should increase NHS tax."

"Naaaah," says Chastity Rifkin, your personal fitness instructor. "The problem is that we are trying to treat all citizens equally. There is no incentive to live a healthy lifestyle. If people had to pay a rate of NHS tax based on such factors as nicotine and alcohol intake, excercise routine and diet then the sensible thing to do would be to take responsibility for one's own health. The more unhealthy you are, the more you must contribute in tax. We'd have national surveys to make sure no one cheats which would be expensive - but fair. Now give me twenty push-ups."

"A nice idea but unworkable", muses Beth Chicago, another of Jewish Conservative's seemingly ubiquitous economists. "How many people do you expect not to lie through their teeth so they don't have to pay so much tax? I would suggest that the problem is that drug companies can develop a drug secure in the knowledge that they can charge what they like and the NHS will be pressured to pay for it. We should force drug companies to surrender their drug to competition after, say, five years and the NHS should then only be allowed to buy drugs which are five years old. This will cut down on the costs considerably while still providing excellent service. Patients may die from technically curable diseases but hey... that's economic reality for you."

"The National Health Service was doomed to failure before it even started," says Steffan Bush, a right-wing political commentator. "Anything powered by the 'goodness of people's hearts' is. I don't give a flying monkey's about people I've never met yet I have to pay money that I earned so they can fix their broken legs or runny noses. What about my broken legs, huh? I call on the government to disband the National Health Service and bring back private health insurance. Those unable to pay should work harder and if they can't work... well screw 'em."

01-06-2008, 12:45 PM
I tried that once. It was a bit simplistic for me.

01-06-2008, 02:04 PM
in that case try www.swirve.com

they have two political games where you run your own country.

one is moderately hard, the other is very hard

I tried that once. It was a bit simplistic for me.