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View Full Version : Hunter and the knuckleheads

01-07-2008, 09:13 PM
Go Duncan Hunter..:clap:

MANCHESTER, N. H. -- The big red headline on the e-mailed press release from Duncan Hunter could only have meant one thing.

"Media Alert." And then, in smaller black letters, were the words, "Duncan Hunter to Make Major Announcement."

Word spread quickly Monday that Hunter, the Alpine Republican congressman, was dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, one day ahead of the New Hampshire first-in-the-nation primary. After all, under funded and outmanned, he had been a mere blip in the Iowa caucuses last week and was barely registering in the latest New Hampshire polls.

And so the press conference in a hotel exhibition space drew seven television cameras and a few print reporters, a bigger media presence than usually assembles for Hunter's events.

But they were about to be fooled.

Hunter, a onetime chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee who was first elected to Congress in 1980, gleefully noted that he had actually won a delegate to the national convention in Saturday's Wyoming caucuses. That was more than either John McCain or Rudy Giuliani could say.

If you missed that news, it's understandable. Most candidates ignored the Wyoming Republican caucuses.

McCain and Giuliani had been invited to participate in Saturday night's ABC-Facebook debate and the Fox News Republican forum the following evening, based on their standing in New Hampshire and national polls. But Hunter was registering too low in the polls to merit a spot on the dias.

So a fuming Hunter used his brief media spotlight on Monday to fume that "some knucklehead executive of ABC closed me out" of the debate. Ditto Fox.

read the rest..

01-07-2008, 09:15 PM
Hunter was on Glenn Beck tonight. He did pretty well.