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01-08-2008, 03:42 AM
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I know everyone knows I am backing Romney for President. So showing this is really no surprise. But this is the first time I've seen him with this much passion. I think his arguments are really starting to come together.

As much as some people want to think he is through today if he comes in second (which i think is completely ridiculous even without this). I just don't see it happening especially now. I think he is starting to build momentum and pull his campaign together completely.

also, i dont know how many people McCain was getting out, but this seems like a pretty impressive crowd. What that means about the results today, who knows. But this doesnt seem like a campaign that's going to collapse.

01-08-2008, 04:11 AM
I'm afraid if we vote Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain in...you can kiss the conservative Republican party goodby..

The Conservative Republicans will be out and the New Rino Republicans will have taken over..Just as the old Democrat party of old was taken over by socialist..

Then the transformation will be complete and the "GOVERMENT" will be our Mother and Fathers....I can't wait..:cheers2:

01-08-2008, 04:20 AM
I'm afraid if we vote Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain in...you can kiss the conservative Republican party goodby..

The Conservative Republicans will be out and the New Rino Republicans will have taken over..Just as the old Democrat party of old was taken over by socialist..

Then the transformation will be complete and the "GOVERMENT" will be our Mother and Fathers....I can't wait..:cheers2:

Huckabee and McCain, I could understand. but Romney and Giuliani?

What exactly is Romney running on that you think the government would be our mothers and fathers?

And Giuliani?

No one has a perfect record in this race. And I am not thrilled about the prospect of a Giuliani presidency. But I dont see how either of them support a nanny state.

Also, I dont think Giuliani is going to rebound from the losses in the early states. I was watching an analysis earlier that seemed to make sense. One of the reasons Giuliani was the "front runner" for so long was because we were assuming Hillary would be the nominee and traditional thought is that he could beat her. Now that she is not the inevitable candidate, Giuliani's camp is losing some steam too. I am not sure he could compete against Barack Obama.

Romney can. I am not sure anyone else can.

01-08-2008, 06:20 AM
I didn't like Romney's father when he was governor of Michigan.....I think that Romney's biggest obstacle in getting the nomination is going to be his heritage....that being said, it probably would be his biggest advantage in getting elected, since he would appeal to independants better than most others.....

01-08-2008, 06:23 AM
I'm afraid if we vote Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain in...you can kiss the conservative Republican party goodby..

which Republican conservatives?.....the fiscal conservatives?....social conservatives?.....the old school GOP?.....