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Pale Rider
01-08-2008, 10:06 AM
Huckabee Vows To Defy Birthright Citizenship

By Stephen Dinan
January 8, 2008

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made a campaign stop yesterday at the Barley House in Concord, N.H. If he wins the presidency, he said, he intends to review the case against two Border Patrol agents who are serving lengthy prison sentences for shooting a fleeing suspect. (Associated Press)

Mike Huckabee wants to amend the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens from automatically becoming American citizens, according to his top immigration surrogate — a radical step no other major presidential candidate has embraced.

Mr. Huckabee, who won last week's Republican Iowa caucuses, promised Minuteman Project founder James Gilchrist that he would force a test case to the Supreme Court to challenge birthright citizenship, and would push Congress to pass a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to remove any doubt.

The former Arkansas governor thinks the case against U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean was railroaded, Mr. Gilchrist said. Ramos and Compean are serving lengthy prison sentences for shooting a fleeing drug-smuggling suspect in the buttocks.

"I would make it my first act as president to pardon agents Ramos and Compean," Mr. Gilchrist said Mr. Huckabee told him. "I regret that they have spent yet another Christmas locked up in a windowless cell like animals and unable to be free and with their families."

Entire article here... (http://washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080108/NATION/311698216/1001)

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 10:23 AM
So how do you propose to give people their citizenship? Should all babies born in the states regardless of how long their families have lived here have to take a citizenship test? Should I? Should you?

01-08-2008, 11:57 AM
Huckabee Vows To Defy Birthright Citizenship

By Stephen Dinan
January 8, 2008

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made a campaign stop yesterday at the Barley House in Concord, N.H. If he wins the presidency, he said, he intends to review the case against two Border Patrol agents who are serving lengthy prison sentences for shooting a fleeing suspect. (Associated Press)

Mike Huckabee wants to amend the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens from automatically becoming American citizens, according to his top immigration surrogate — a radical step no other major presidential candidate has embraced.

Mr. Huckabee, who won last week's Republican Iowa caucuses, promised Minuteman Project founder James Gilchrist that he would force a test case to the Supreme Court to challenge birthright citizenship, and would push Congress to pass a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to remove any doubt.

The former Arkansas governor thinks the case against U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean was railroaded, Mr. Gilchrist said. Ramos and Compean are serving lengthy prison sentences for shooting a fleeing drug-smuggling suspect in the buttocks.

"I would make it my first act as president to pardon agents Ramos and Compean," Mr. Gilchrist said Mr. Huckabee told him. "I regret that they have spent yet another Christmas locked up in a windowless cell like animals and unable to be free and with their families."

Entire article here... (http://washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080108/NATION/311698216/1001)

He's a liar. He is soft on immigration and has stated during his campaign that he would rather give a scholarship to an illegal then a citizen since we cant hold their children responsible for their parents mistakes.

01-08-2008, 12:01 PM
So how do you propose to give people their citizenship? Should all babies born in the states regardless of how long their families have lived here have to take a citizenship test? Should I? Should you?

people come to the us legally or otherwise who are not citizens to have their kids just so their kids can automatically become citizens and thus their parents and extended family can get in....

i say mo more....

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 12:04 PM
people come to the us legally or otherwise who are not citizens to have their kids just so their kids can automatically become citizens and thus their parents and extended family can get in....

i say mo more....

Yeah, which is exactly what your ancestors did genius. If they take away birth-right citizenship, who's to say yours shouldn't be taken away? Afterall, you haven't gone through the "legal" nationalization process either.

Wait, nevermind I forgot you're black. I guess your ancestors were brought here. Still doesn't change the fact that you haven't been "legally nationalized." You were born here, just like me and most other "full-blooded Americans." :rolleyes:

01-08-2008, 12:11 PM
maybe there is. I confess im very skeptical but he could persuade me. Depends what he does.

01-08-2008, 12:27 PM
maybe there is. I confess im very skeptical but he could persuade me. Depends what he does.

We all know what he's going to do, look at his past. He will let out high risk criminals and sex offenders that will commite worse crimes, he will raise taxes through the roof and will give illegals scholarships. Wan't me to keep going?

01-08-2008, 02:03 PM
Interresting info on the 14th amendment and birthright citizenship. Originally it all had to do with slaves. Even Ron Paul isn't talking about revoking citizenship already given, simply stopping it from continuing.

This part is at the end of the article.


In 1898, the Supreme Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark declared that the Fourteenth Amendment adopted the common-law definition of birthright citizenship. Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller’s dissenting opinion, however, argued that birthright citizenship had been repealed by the principles of the American Revolution and rejected by the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment. Nonetheless, the decision conferred birthright citizenship on a child of legal residents of the United States. Although the language of the majority opinion in Wong Kim Ark is certainly broad enough to include the children born in the United States of illegal as well as legal immigrants, there is no case in which the Supreme Court has explicitly held that this is the unambiguous command of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Based on the intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, some believe that Congress could exercise its Section 5 powers to prevent the children of illegal aliens from automatically becoming citizens of the United States. An effort in 1997 failed in the face of intense political opposition from immigrant rights groups. Apparently, the question remains open to the determination of the political and legal processes.

01-08-2008, 02:23 PM
Maybe if Huckabee got elected The Green River Killer, The BTK Killer and Scott Peterson all have a chance of getting out of jail.

Pale Rider
01-08-2008, 05:01 PM
So how do you propose to give people their citizenship?
This question has such a simple answer, I wonder if you're joking.... "what is, do it legally?"

Should all babies born in the states regardless of how long their families have lived here have to take a citizenship test?
If their parents are legal American citizens, no. If their parents are illegal aliens, yes.

Should I?
Are your parents legal citizens or illegal aliens?

Should you?
No. My family has been in America for over three hundred years. My family's blood has been spilled on this ground from even before this was a nation. I've earned my right to be here. My parents didn't sneak across the southern border to pop me out as an anchor, which is the law that needs to be changed.

01-08-2008, 06:36 PM
So how do you propose to give people their citizenship? Should all babies born in the states regardless of how long their families have lived here have to take a citizenship test? Should I? Should you?


It's pretty simple. Obviously this wouldn't apply to anyone that has already been born, even if it does and you arn't here illegally and your parents didn't come here illegally it doesn't apply to you. It certainly doesn't apply to me.

01-08-2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah, which is exactly what your ancestors did genius. If they take away birth-right citizenship, who's to say yours shouldn't be taken away? Afterall, you haven't gone through the "legal" nationalization process either.

Wait, nevermind I forgot you're black. I guess your ancestors were brought here. Still doesn't change the fact that you haven't been "legally nationalized." You were born here, just like me and most other "full-blooded Americans." :rolleyes:

This isn't the 19th century. You want things to be the way they were back then? Ok. Let's do away with all the social programs and benefits that are given to someone just because they manage to get their feet on this soil.

01-08-2008, 07:37 PM
He clarified his position. False first report. He doesn't want to get rid of the 14th and doesn't think the SC will do away with it either. He said he'd go along with what the court said on the issue.


Huckabee denies anchor-baby challenge
Says he would not press for amendment to deny birthright citizenship