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View Full Version : If you could be President of the U.S., would you want the job?

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 10:59 AM
Assuming you could be President (without the grueling campaign that tears apart you and your family), would you take the job?

Why or why not?

red states rule
01-08-2008, 11:04 AM
Assuming you could be President (without the grueling campaign that tears apart you and your family), would you take the job?

Why or why not?

Yes I would

I would be a Reagan conservative and do what i could to unleash the entrepreneurship of America.

Ronald Reagan was the best President we ever had, and I would try to do what he would have done

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 11:08 AM
I would prefer to be head of the CIA!

But the chance to make a difference from the Oval Office is very tempting. Just the opportunity to nominate strict constructionists to the USSC seems like a good enough reason.

I'm not sure how I would handle the stress, though; it seems to age people so rapidly.

01-08-2008, 11:11 AM
If Abbey gets to be Pres, can I be her Intern? :)

red states rule
01-08-2008, 11:13 AM
I would prefer to be head of the CIA!

But the chance to make a difference form the Oval Office is very tempting. Just the opportunity to nominate strict constructionists to the USSC seems like a good enough reason.

I'm not sure how I would hadle the stress, though; it seems to age people so rapidly.

I believe I could handle the stress, and the hit pieces the liberal media would publicsh.

Yes, I could deal with the fact The NY Times would reveal in 1966 my Dad cut off my allowence when I hit a baseball through the neighbors window - and that brings in to question my ability to be President

Putting more Justice Thomas's on the Court would be a great thing to do, as well as continuing the the war on terror by turing loose on those who want us dead

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 11:15 AM
No way. There's too much media scrutiny and everything gets blamed on you.

red states rule
01-08-2008, 11:17 AM
No way. There's too much media scrutiny and everything gets blamed on you.

Only if you are a conservative

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 11:48 AM
Only if you are a conservative

Yeah, because the last Democrat president wasn't impeached based on the fact that he got a bj in his office. :rolleyes: Do you even hear yourself when you talk?

01-08-2008, 11:55 AM
Yeah, because the last Democrat president wasn't impeached based on the fact that he got a bj in his office. :rolleyes: Do you even hear yourself when you talk?

Actually it was because he lied under oath, but we should have seen that coming he lied about everything starting from I didn't inhale.

01-08-2008, 11:59 AM
i would do it......

the world could kiss us goodby with respect to:

free military support
foreign aid

i would invest in and outsource to americans.....

red states rule
01-08-2008, 12:00 PM
Actually it was because he lied under oath, but we should have seen that coming he lied about everything starting from I didn't inhale.

Now stop injecting facts into the debate NV

Remember what Hillary said, it was all a vast right wing conspiracy

red states rule
01-08-2008, 12:01 PM
i would do it......

the world could kiss us goodby with respect to:

free military support
foreign aid

i would invest in and outsource to americans.....

You could be my budget director

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 12:01 PM
Actually it was because he lied under oath, but we should have seen that coming he lied about everything starting from I didn't inhale.

...About getting a bj in his office, which never would have been blown out of proportion as badly as it was if not for media scrutiny. (shrug) Every president gets intense media scrutiny and that's why I wouldn't like the job.

red states rule
01-08-2008, 12:03 PM
...About getting a bj in his office, which never would have been blown out of proportion as badly as it was if not for media scrutiny. (shrug) Every president gets intense media scrutiny and that's why I wouldn't like the job.

So to you, it is fine to lie under oath about some things and NOT face the music for it?

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 12:09 PM
So to you, it is fine to lie under oath about some things and NOT face the music for it?

Is it fine or legal to unilaterally invade other countries against the will of the UN? (shrug) The president of the United States should have never been put under oath and asked a question about his blow job to begin with. Everything after that was a farce, which is exactly why he got-off of the charges scott free. You seem to forget that he was never ejected from office. He was found NOT GUILTY because everyone understands this issue except for you apparently. So YES, it is fine under some circumstances to lie under oath. When you're the POTUS and some opposition party lackey is in your face asking questions about your d*ck I consider it one of those circumstances. BACK to the issue of the thread, he was scrutinized by the media just like every other president.

red states rule
01-08-2008, 12:11 PM
Is it fine or legal to unilaterally invade other countries against the will of the UN? (shrug) The president of the United States should have never been put under oath and asked a question about his blow job to begin with. Everything after that was a farce, which is exactly why he got-off of the charges scott free. You seem to forget that he was never ejected from office. He was found NOT GUILTY because everyone understands this issue except for you apparently. BACK to the issue of the thread, he was scrutinized by the media just like every other president.

So you have to now change the subject - typical

Bill was busted, Dems are still pissed, and his legacy is forever written. He was impeached for perjury and that may be why Hillary is crashing and burning. Bill is not a popular as the liberal media (CNN included) would have us believe

Bill was found to be guilty of contempt of court

Yes, conservatives are given biased coverage in the liberal media - but I could handle it

Hagbard Celine
01-08-2008, 12:12 PM
So you have to now change the subject - typical

Bill was busted, Dems are still pissed, and his legacy is forever written. He was impeached for perjury and that may be why Hillary is crashing and burning. Bill is not a popular as the liberal media (CNN included) would have us believe

I answered your question knuckle dragger. Go back and read my edit if you can. I apparently wrote it while you were posting this gem. And you're wrong. The media goes after whoever and whatever they can to increase their sales/ratings. It has nothing to do with party lines. The vast lib media conspiracy is all in your twisted, paranoid head.

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 01:56 PM
Can we try to stay on topic and not have partisan debates for the moment?

I think Hag has a good point about being under a microscope while President. That is a part of the stress I mentioned. Though I think a much larger part, at least for me, would be the knowledge that I can literally change the world, and am quite fallible.

01-08-2008, 02:27 PM
So you have to now change the subject - typical

Bill was busted, Dems are still pissed, and his legacy is forever written. He was impeached for perjury and that may be why Hillary is crashing and burning. Bill is not a popular as the liberal media (CNN included) would have us believe

Bill was found to be guilty of contempt of court

Yes, conservatives are given biased coverage in the liberal media - but I could handle it

Slick Willy was caught with his pants down. :laugh2:

01-08-2008, 03:28 PM
Before this turns into another Clinton BJ thread... Whoops. Too late.

I wouldn't want to be president. I'd piss off too many people. I'd publicly call for a carpet cleaning at the UN and if they expected the U.S. to continue picking up the majority of their bill they better listen. The catch and release of illegal immigrants would stop. I'd have them deported... to Chile. I'd start the process of doing away with the Department of Education and give control of public schools back to the local and state level. I'd publicy call for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade and send abortion back to the states where it should be. I'd also call for a constitutional amendment clarifying anything to do with "seperation of church and state" so people would stop manipulating freedom of religion. Anytime someone asked me about same sex marriage or civil unions I'd direct them to their state congress or governor since it's a state issue and should be.

Other than that I just wouldn't like the media up my ass all the time, not having the freedom to just jump in the car and take off somewhere because I feel like it, or the fact that even when I don't do anything wrong somebody is going to report a "news story" that I did.

01-08-2008, 03:32 PM
I dont know. I really don't know.

First, it would depend what my family thought. Because its not just me that would be there, it would be all of them in the public spotlight.

Second, If there is someone in the Presidency that I could support, I think I could probably do more could just teaching and advocating conservative principles without the stress of the Presidency.

Third, if i did choose to, i think the most important part would be to remind people how important conservative principles are.

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 03:38 PM
Before this turns into another Clinton BJ thread... Whoops. Too late.

I wouldn't want to be president. I'd piss off too many people. I'd publicly call for a carpet cleaning at the UN and if they expected the U.S. to continue picking up the majority of their bill they better listen. The catch and release of illegal immigrants would stop. I'd have them deported... to Chile. I'd start the process of doing away with the Department of Education and give control of public schools back to the local and state level. I'd publicy call for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade and send abortion back to the states where it should be. I'd also call for a constitutional amendment clarifying anything to do with "seperation of church and state" so people would stop manipulating freedom of religion. Anytime someone asked me about same sex marriage or civil unions I'd direct them to their state congress or governor since it's a state issue and should be.

Other than that I just wouldn't like the media up my ass all the time, not having the freedom to just jump in the car and take off somewhere because I feel like it, or the fact that even when I don't do anything wrong somebody is going to report a "news story" that I did.

Not bad, Jimmy. :clap:

01-08-2008, 04:03 PM
If I could be Prez..........first thing I'd work hard at is dissolving the IRS, and going to a Federal consumer sales tax, but only on non-food items, and also excluding prescription and non-prescription medications. Foods, and not meds could not be taxed except by states.

Vehicle registrations would never be based on mileage driven, but strictly be a flat tax according to the original purchase price, and then scaled downward by depreciation.

No death tax!!! Cut the Capital Gains Tax rate on selling your home.

Divide Iraq into three distinct provinces under the mandate or control of a central government. Much like three states, that are pretty much ethnically or divided. Isolate frictional groups, giving them powers to determine their own civil laws within their state borders, not exceeding the moral, ethical mandates of a central Iraqi constitution.

Also, there would still be one Iraq military force under the country's Central government's control, that would be the result of mandatory military induction, not unlike Israel's system. This would include both male and female inductees. None of the three provinces/states would be exempt from giving equal representation in this armed force. They would also have a standing reserve military derived from those that finish their active service. All would swear allegiance to a unified Iraq, with solid, distinct borders, under one Central government over all three provinces/states.

The U.S. would receive Oil sales revenues from Iraq as repayment for military and infrastructure tax payer money that the U.S. spent from day one of the invasion and defeat of Sadaam's regime until our military presence and help is basically ended ended. This also includes the costs of our naval presence in the Persian guld as a buffer force to hold off, Iran.
U.S. Borders: We will pickup building that wall and it won't be a shortened version, but will start at the Pacific shore and continue through Arizona, right on into Texas. It will be state of the art, it will be manned by a force of agents that are not governed by P.C. regulations, but will actively protect or maintain it's integrity. Any agent that injures or kills a person trying to illegal cross our border will be given a fair hearing.

We will allow for the old California Bracero or AG worker program of Mexican workers coming into the states to work the Ag. fields of any states, under strict supervision via entry visas that are monitored. There will be a seasonal time for their entry into the states that coincides with crop work, and then they may take their precious Yankee dollars home and live like kings in their homeland.

Bracero's will not be treated like chattel, but will be treated under U.S. labor relations safety and health regulations. U.S. employers, will be harshly disciplined for any infraction of labor law against these workers. These workers will contribute to mandatory state comp insurance. Any job incurred injuries will be cared for to these workers according to State Comp regulations given to U.S., or state citizens. Temporary health benefits will be mandatory for Bracero's and families while working in the U.S., but must be funded by the employers or Bracero-employees or both according to the normal medical insurance premium practices. There will be no workers entering emergency rooms or labor rooms without health insurance cars. If they do not have them, they will be deemed non-working and deported after merciful, ethical medical attention is provided, and they are able to travel to their homeland under supervision.

When the Ag. season is over, all workers and families will have a reasonable amount of time to vacate the U.S. and return to their home country to reside, and live on the benefits of our bountiful nation. They will not be criminals, but will be, visa'd workers.

If any visa's workers commit a felonous act while in the U.S. they will immediately be deported and will lose their privelege to re-enter the U.S. for Ag work purposes.

Also, as president, I would require the re-instatement of the very strict health screening of all immigrants and visa'd foreigners, which includes foreign Ag workers from the South border. No one will be allowed to enter our borders with TB, or an viral conditions. In fact a mandatory health screening must be done by U.S. officials with blood tests, etc. with temporary quarantining periods.

Our country at present is being invaded by new foreign strains of treatment resistant T.B. and Hepatitus, and we are possibly in for a pandemic if we don't get serious about this laxity at the border.

The Ellis Island approach to entry into the U.S. that my grand parents endured was not the easiest for them, but documentation and health screening was adamantly important back then.

Even the great Swine Flu of the early 1900's that killed millions worldwide, didn't reach the U.S. until our WW1 American and Canadian soldiers brought it back from Europe. My grandmother died in that terrible flu pandemic that was nothing like the headache, fever, and chest cough we call, "terrible" nowadays. This flu killed people within a few days of contracting it. It was nothing like we've had since.
Schools: I grew up in an elementary school that was majority Anglo, but had a few Hispanic, and Asia kids too. All of us were expected to communicate to our teacher in english, and not our native tongue of birth. That included, any conversing amongst ourselves while on the school grounds.

One common language is one of the greatest, "boons" to any country. Communication, breaks through nasty old cultural barriers that divide people. It doesn't rob people of ethnic history or pride in culture or race, but does break down those invisible boundarys of discrimination that develop when one group can't adequately meld into the majority in the area of commerce, labor, business, and social/ethical/religious harmony for the overall good of the whole community.

As President, I would mandate that all children that are unproficient in english would have to be placed in school classes that accellerate their learning english. Their parents would also be informed that they must make strides at home to push english within with their children. This is not cruel or unusual, as the immigrants to our shores from Europe that came by the millions back in the late 1800's and early 1900's without much variation made their kids learn the english language out of necessity for the survival of their children in this new free society. These were not college educated academicians, but simple people that had more wisdom that ten professors of social culture, combined. They knew intuitively, that survival in a foreign land would be maxed, if you were proficient with its "tongue". As a result, both of my parents who came from foreign born, Swedish parents, were made to speak english in their home. This made entering the school system so much easier and allowed my parents to florish educationally along with the multi-generational American kids.
As President, any city that mandates or makes laws to "safe habor" law breakers of any kind. i.e. govermental protesters, draft dodgers, awol military folks, illegal drug users..I.e. medical marijuana clinics/users, war protesters, Illegal aliens,", will immediately lose all Federal government funding in all areas, until the, "secession or country within a country movement" is revoked or rescinded by officials of that city and proven to be absent by Federal inspection.
Police will be allowed more liberality to stop possible people who meet certain criteria that are deemed a danger to society. Along with that liberality, law inforcement will be held to a high standard of conduct in addressing these people, as they will be assumed to be U.S. citizens unless otherwise known factually.

Ethnicity will continue to be respected and part of the U.S. culture, but ethnicity for the sake of forming enclaves of purposeful resentment, misunderstanding and anti-American foment will not be allowed, or deportation will be the end result in extreme cases.
I'm done with my basic platform.......now put the Hitler mustache on me for those that don't get it or think I'm too radical. :coffee:

01-08-2008, 04:11 PM
Sorry Abbey but I just can't let Celine continue to be so misinformed. I'll make it short and quick.

Oh and no, I wouldn't want to be the President of the United States, I wouldn't want to be a mega movie star either. I like my privacy, even when I am in full view of the public. Celebrities live in a constant state of pressure and aren't free to be normal.

Is it fine or legal to unilaterally invade other countries against the will of the UN? (shrug)

Are you saying that as President, you would be subservient to the idiots that occupy the UN? The opposition(Russia, Germany, France and China) were all in bed with Saddam in defiance of sanctions ordered by the UN, how could anyone take their vote seriously?

The president of the United States should have never been put under oath and asked a question about his blow job to begin with. Everything after that was a farce, which is exactly why he got-off of the charges scott free.

Aaaa details, pesky details. He lied under oath during the civil case brought against him by Paula Jones.
As far as what you were speaking of, I think that it shows a true "knuckle dragging" mentality to risk the Presidency for something as inconsequential and unsatisfying as a B.J. On top of that, how very childish to use the power of the Presidency to seduce a young woman, half your age and then trust that nobody will find out....... a bit naive for a genius. If, in fact, it was such a non issue, why did he lie to a Grand jury? He is a lawyer after all and should have known the consequences, why did he lie. By the way, he was Impeached by the House of Representatives, disbarred by the Supreme Court and had his law license taken from him in Arkansas ($25,000 fine also).
I do agree that a President of The United States shouldn't be questioned about a b.j. he received in the Oval Office of the White House........ He or She should never put themselves in a position that would warrant such a question.

You seem to forget that he was never ejected from office. He was found NOT GUILTY because everyone understands this issue except for you apparently.

He was just forced to pay Paula Jones $850,000 to settle the civil case, that's all.

01-08-2008, 04:17 PM
If I could be Prez..........first thing I'd work hard at is dissolving the IRS, and going to a Federal consumer sales tax, but only on non-food items, and also excluding prescription and non-prescription medications. Foods, and not meds could not be taxed except by states.

Vehicle registrations would never be based on mileage driven, but strictly be a flat tax according to the original purchase price, and then scaled downward by depreciation.

No death tax!!! Cut the Capital Gains Tax rate on selling your home.

Divide Iraq into three distinct provinces under the mandate or control of a central government. Much like three states, that are pretty much ethnically or divided. Isolate frictional groups, giving them powers to determine their own civil laws within their state borders, not exceeding the moral, ethical mandates of a central Iraqi constitution.

Also, there would still be one Iraq military force under the country's Central government's control, that would be the result of mandatory military induction, not unlike Israel's system. This would include both male and female inductees. None of the three provinces/states would be exempt from giving equal representation in this armed force. They would also have a standing reserve military derived from those that finish their active service. All would swear allegiance to a unified Iraq, with solid, distinct borders, under one Central government over all three provinces/states.

The U.S. would receive Oil sales revenues from Iraq as repayment for military and infrastructure tax payer money that the U.S. spent from day one of the invasion and defeat of Sadaam's regime until our military presence and help is basically ended ended. This also includes the costs of our naval presence in the Persian guld as a buffer force to hold off, Iran.
U.S. Borders: We will pickup building that wall and it won't be a shortened version, but will start at the Pacific shore and continue through Arizona, right on into Texas. It will be state of the art, it will be manned by a force of agents that are not governed by P.C. regulations, but will actively protect or maintain it's integrity. Any agent that injures or kills a person trying to illegal cross our border will be given a fair hearing.

We will allow for the old California Bracero or AG worker program of Mexican workers coming into the states to work the Ag. fields of any states, under strict supervision via entry visas that are monitored. There will be a seasonal time for their entry into the states that coincides with crop work, and then they may take their precious Yankee dollars home and live like kings in their homeland.

Bracero's will not be treated like chattel, but will be treated under U.S. labor relations safety and health regulations. U.S. employers, will be harshly disciplined for any infraction of labor law against these workers. These workers will contribute to mandatory state comp insurance. Any job incurred injuries will be cared for to these workers according to State Comp regulations given to U.S., or state citizens. Temporary health benefits will be mandatory for Bracero's and families while working in the U.S., but must be funded by the employers or Bracero-employees or both according to the normal medical insurance premium practices. There will be no workers entering emergency rooms or labor rooms without health insurance cars. If they do not have them, they will be deemed non-working and deported after merciful, ethical medical attention is provided, and they are able to travel to their homeland under supervision.

When the Ag. season is over, all workers and families will have a reasonable amount of time to vacate the U.S. and return to their home country to reside, and live on the benefits of our bountiful nation. They will not be criminals, but will be, visa'd workers.

If any visa's workers commit a felonous act while in the U.S. they will immediately be deported and will lose their privelege to re-enter the U.S. for Ag work purposes.

Also, as president, I would require the re-instatement of the very strict health screening of all immigrants and visa'd foreigners, which includes foreign Ag workers from the South border. No one will be allowed to enter our borders with TB, or an viral conditions. In fact a mandatory health screening must be done by U.S. officials with blood tests, etc. with temporary quarantining periods.

Our country at present is being invaded by new foreign strains of treatment resistant T.B. and Hepatitus, and we are possibly in for a pandemic if we don't get serious about this laxity at the border.

The Ellis Island approach to entry into the U.S. that my grand parents endured was not the easiest for them, but documentation and health screening was adamantly important back then.

Even the great Swine Flu of the early 1900's that killed millions worldwide, didn't reach the U.S. until our WW1 American and Canadian soldiers brought it back from Europe. My grandmother died in that terrible flu pandemic that was nothing like the headache, fever, and chest cough we call, "terrible" nowadays. This flu killed people within a few days of contracting it. It was nothing like we've had since.
Schools: I grew up in an elementary school that was majority Anglo, but had a few Hispanic, and Asia kids too. All of us were expected to communicate to our teacher in english, and not our native tongue of birth. That included, any conversing amongst ourselves while on the school grounds.

One common language is one of the greatest, "boons" to any country. Communication, breaks through nasty old cultural barriers that divide people. It doesn't rob people of ethnic history or pride in culture or race, but does break down those invisible boundarys of discrimination that develop when one group can't adequately meld into the majority in the area of commerce, labor, business, and social/ethical/religious harmony for the overall good of the whole community.

As President, I would mandate that all children that are unproficient in english would have to be placed in school classes that accellerate their learning english. Their parents would also be informed that they must make strides at home to push english within with their children. This is not cruel or unusual, as the immigrants to our shores from Europe that came by the millions back in the late 1800's and early 1900's without much variation made their kids learn the english language out of necessity for the survival of their children in this new free society. These were not college educated academicians, but simple people that had more wisdom that ten professors of social culture, combined. They knew intuitively, that survival in a foreign land would be maxed, if you were proficient with its "tongue". As a result, both of my parents who came from foreign born, Swedish parents, were made to speak english in their home. This made entering the school system so much easier and allowed my parents to florish educationally along with the multi-generational American kids.
As President, any city that mandates or makes laws to "safe habor" law breakers of any kind. i.e. govermental protesters, draft dodgers, awol military folks, illegal drug users..I.e. medical marijuana clinics/users, war protesters, Illegal aliens,", will immediately lose all Federal government funding in all areas, until the, "secession or country within a country movement" is revoked or rescinded by officials of that city and proven to be absent by Federal inspection.
Police will be allowed more liberality to stop possible people who meet certain criteria that are deemed a danger to society. Along with that liberality, law inforcement will be held to a high standard of conduct in addressing these people, as they will be assumed to be U.S. citizens unless otherwise known factually.

Ethnicity will continue to be respected and part of the U.S. culture, but ethnicity for the sake of forming enclaves of purposeful resentment, misunderstanding and anti-American foment will not be allowed, or deportation will be the end result in extreme cases.
I'm done with my basic platform.......now put the Hitler mustache on me for those that don't get it or think I'm too radical. :coffee:

So when I write you in, should I keep eightballsidepocket in lower case?:salute:

01-08-2008, 04:45 PM
Sitarro Said: So when I write you in, should I keep eightballsidepocket in lower case?

I prefer the captital "E" for my name when running for office. It adds an air purpose and dignity to it. :coffee:

Remember, it's the visual and not the internals that get the votes from most of the sheeple. :)

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 04:52 PM
I prefer the captital "E" for my name when running for office. It adds an air purpose and dignity to it. :coffee:

Remember, it's the visual and not the internals that get the votes from most of the sheeple. :)

I dunno Eight. Do you have great hair? :coffee:

01-08-2008, 05:38 PM
HELL YES I would love to be President First thing I would do is get the US out of the ununited nations then I would kick their sorry asses out of the US 2nd thing I would do is kick out all the Illegals Mexican Muslim Orientals or what ever then I would build a wall 40 ft high like in escape from NY and man them with machine gun towers with shoot to kill orders for anyone trying to enter the us Illegally 3rd thing would be ID tell any country like Iran to STFU and stand down or have your country bombed back to the stone age.4th thing would be to abolish the IRS thievery and install a flat tax the only fair way to tax citizens I could go on forever but last but not least id nominate redstatesrules as my secretary of state with Abbey as my VP just in case some drug crazed Liberal assassinated me the country would be in good hands :salute:

01-08-2008, 05:48 PM
Absolutely. I didn't used to, but what with all these "signing statements" and the (un)Patriot Act, I'd practically be a dictator now. MUAHAHAHAHAAAA.....

01-08-2008, 05:50 PM
Is it fine or legal to unilaterally invade other countries against the will of the UN? (shrug)

First, when have we ever unilaterally invaded any country? Particularly in the past century.

Second, exactly when did UN ever have power to make or enforce law? The UN is a voluntary organization. We could leave it at any time. In fact, the only reason its still viable as an organization is because we choose it to be.

There is only one government that can pass laws that are enforciable in every state. And that is the United States Federal government. The UN has no power greater than the Federal government anywhere within the United States's jurisdiction. The federal government and not the UN is the sole authority on when it's legal for the United States to go to war.

01-08-2008, 05:56 PM
For those of you who voted yes, I am curious.

Would you really be President to help this nation. Or would you be President for the power? Because the Presidency does have immense power. And with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Can you look inside your heart and say you would only use the power of the Presidency for the greater good rather than your own Vanity and objectives?

I know, right now, I don't know how I would answer that. Obviously I would want to do good, but I am not sure I could handle the power with poorly benevolent purposes at this time. It would take alot of serious reflection. on my part and I hope it takes reflection for everyone.

I am just surprised how many people would immediately say yes to a very powerful position without first asking where the country would be better if they were there.

01-08-2008, 06:07 PM
For those of you who voted yes, I am curious.

Would you really be President to help this nation. Or would you be President for the power? Because the Presidency does have immense power. And with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Can you look inside your heart and say you would only use the power of the Presidency for the greater good rather than your own Vanity and objectives?

Yes, and this would be my first signing statement after the oath of office:

This statement, effective immediately, initiates amendments to the Constitution providing (a), that the President shall have the authority to institute and execute all necessary measures for the conduct of the government during this critical War on Terror; (b), that Congress shall serve only in an advisory capacity, calling to the attention of the President and his aides and Cabinet any needed legislation, but not acting upon same until authorized by the President so to act; and (c), that the Supreme Court shall immediately have removed from its jurisdiction the power to negate, by ruling them to be unconstitutional or by any other judicial action, any or all acts of the President, his duly appointed aides, or Congress.

I'm typomaniac, and I approve this message. :cool:

01-08-2008, 08:02 PM
For those of you who voted yes, I am curious.

Would you really be President to help this nation. Or would you be President for the power? Because the Presidency does have immense power. And with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Can you look inside your heart and say you would only use the power of the Presidency for the greater good rather than your own Vanity and objectives?

I know, right now, I don't know how I would answer that. Obviously I would want to do good, but I am not sure I could handle the power with poorly benevolent purposes at this time. It would take alot of serious reflection. on my part and I hope it takes reflection for everyone.

I am just surprised how many people would immediately say yes to a very powerful position without first asking where the country would be better if they were there.

Without a doubt, it would be to help our nation, with me. :salute:

Figure I don't need the power.......I'll have a great pension, great medical........

Actually, I think having the secret service around my entire life might be a drag. I do desire to get away by myself for some meditation or alone time. How do you do that when your an ex or present Prez?

I wouldn't be able to walk out the door of the house and go for walk by myself and enjoy the Summer nights, the stars without men in black :cool: following me.

01-08-2008, 08:10 PM
I dunno Eight. Do you have great hair? :coffee:

Actually, you brought up an important point. I can't do the Camelot look with my hair like JFK, Edwards, Kerry, etc.. It's really thinned-out. Maybe a weaved in hair-piece?

Also got to shed about 25 lbs, of gut and love handles.

But, I'm USDA Prime Grade A, at age 59 to lead the nation as one of the few baby boomers that didn't smoke grass, and drop acid!:coffee:

I actually dug the Tijuanna Brass, Al Hirt, Santana, Petula Clark, Marty Robbins, Beach Boys, Drifters, Mo-town. Wasn't Beatle's crazy, didn't like the Stones..........But really liked, Creedence, Mommas and the Poppas, Airplane, Croche.......Even Feliciano.....Dean Martin..........Had a wide pallet for music.

Can't name or identify anything that's a hit nowadays.........
Of course my military record might get me in hot water with the press, as I "colleged" my way through most of the Vietnam war with a student deferment. If I was that age again, now, I probably would have volunteered for Iraq or Afganistan.

01-08-2008, 08:12 PM
Assuming you could be President (without the grueling campaign that tears apart you and your family), would you take the job?

Why or why not?


Tearing the family, AND your life apart is part of being President of this great nation.

If you don't understand THAT, then you don't understand politics.

NO, I wouldn't take the job, I'd start by killing people, NOT a good start, and not a redeeming peg to hang your campaign on.

This has to be THE most fucked up country to try and guide, and bring leadership too of any in the civilized world.

Good luck...........:salute:

01-08-2008, 08:13 PM
No thanks--I'd be assassinated.

01-08-2008, 08:15 PM
No thanks--I'd be assassinated.

Not if I were the veep! :laugh2:

01-08-2008, 08:26 PM
Not if I were the veep! :laugh2:

Then I'd kill myself before you used me as a puppet !

01-08-2008, 09:40 PM
I would love the job. Probably get assassinated, but I'd do it.

1. I would veto any bill with pork barrel spending.
2. I would attempt to return states rights back where they belong. To the states.
3. I would seal our borders and begin a crackdown on employers that hire illegals.
4. I wouldn't abolish the IRS, but I would end all withholdings. Make the American people write a check to the government every year. Let them know how they are being screwed. Then I would implement the Fair Tax.
5. These would be accomplished by Executive Orders.
6. I would assume that my funeral would be closed casket.


01-08-2008, 09:51 PM
no way, i'd have to kayak and surf with like secret service dudes and stuff......

no, i do not want the spotlight on my personal life, my wife's personal life or children's if I had any. further, i would be a bad politician, i simply can't bullshit enough to pass muster on capital hill and sadly, i don't see that culture ever changing, it is the nature of politiking. pressing the flesh, smiling all night, waving to who the hell knows... nah, i like my private life too much to give that up.

more importantly, i have certain personal beliefs/convictions that would prohibit me

01-08-2008, 09:58 PM
My State of the Onion address;

My Fellow Americans,
I would like to start my State of the Union address by saying we're fucked and you can thank my predecessor and the elected men and women seated in front of me for it.

*Sound of gunfire*

*My funeral 4 days later*

01-08-2008, 10:10 PM
I would not take a job that is beneath me. I can not look into another persons eyes and lie!

01-08-2008, 10:13 PM
I would not take a job that is beneath me. I can not look into another persons eyes and lie!

hence why you post here?

the job is not beneath anyone, it simply requires skills that some may not have and some may never want to have. to belittle the job of the executive that runs the country you FREELY live in and post tripe is, well, beneath intelligent and rational folks.

01-08-2008, 10:16 PM
hence why you post here?

the job is not beneath anyone, it simply requires skills that some may not have and some may never want to have. to belittle the job of the executive that runs the country you FREELY live in and post tripe is, well, beneath intelligent and rational folks.So you say?!

01-08-2008, 10:21 PM
So you say?!

aapfril, is that the best you have? don't make me whip you with an abacus.... again.........:D

you know i mess with you because the wife is studying for her CPA....

01-08-2008, 10:36 PM
Is it fine or legal to unilaterally invade other countries against the will of the UN? (shrug) The president of the United States should have never been put under oath and asked a question about his blow job to begin with. Everything after that was a farce, which is exactly why he got-off of the charges scott free. You seem to forget that he was never ejected from office. He was found NOT GUILTY because everyone understands this issue except for you apparently. So YES, it is fine under some circumstances to lie under oath. When you're the POTUS and some opposition party lackey is in your face asking questions about your d*ck I consider it one of those circumstances. BACK to the issue of the thread, he was scrutinized by the media just like every other president.

you are aware that clinton invaded a country without UN approval.....

sodomy in DC is a crime....

as for being scrutinized....it goes with the job......when he agreed to run he signed up for it...

01-08-2008, 10:39 PM
Assuming you could be President (without the grueling campaign that tears apart you and your family), would you take the job?

Why or why not?

Yes, and there'd be a LOT of people in trouble.:laugh2:

Abbey Marie
01-08-2008, 10:43 PM
Yes, and there'd be a LOT of people in trouble.:laugh2:

I paid back those student loans- I swear! :scared:

01-08-2008, 10:53 PM
I would love the job. Probably get assassinated, but I'd do it.

1. I would veto any bill with pork barrel spending.
2. I would attempt to return states rights back where they belong. To the states.
3. I would seal our borders and begin a crackdown on employers that hire illegals.
4. I wouldn't abolish the IRS, but I would end all withholdings. Make the American people write a check to the government every year. Let them know how they are being screwed. Then I would implement the Fair Tax.
5. These would be accomplished by Executive Orders.
6. I would assume that my funeral would be closed casket.

:salute: we already have that in Ron Paul :laugh2:

01-08-2008, 11:04 PM
I paid back those student loans- I swear! :scared:

That's okay, didn't have you in mind anyway. Was thinking about some knuckleheads not doing anything about illegal immigration.

01-09-2008, 04:25 AM
Yes I would. I know there would be a lot of peole looking into background and such but I have that to an extent now with security clearances and the such. I could be the first Air Force enlisted President! That would be cool.


Pale Rider
01-09-2008, 11:09 AM
I would love to be President. The very first thing I would do is pardon the two border guards Ramos and Compean. Second thing I'd do is tell Mexico to either get on board 100% with us on illegals hoping the border, or fuck off, we're putting our military down there AND building a fence AND kicking every single last illegal out of here, right back down to them. There ya go. You're welcome. HOW DOES IT FEEL?
Then I'd turn my focus on Iraq. In secret session with the Iraqi government, I'd tell them first off that we were going to take reimbursement for the deposition of Saddam and the war out of the countries oil profits IN FULL. Second, I'd tell them that we have done everything in our power ALREADY to help them, and that they would have XX amount of time to get it together, because on that day, we're gone.
I would then reevaluate how much of our military we really need scattered all over the globe. If we were somewhere with absolutely no strategic value, we're gone. I'd bring our military home, make enlisting an attractive thing to do again, and effectively DOUBLE the size of our military and it's budget, so that if we ever NEEDED to kick some ass, there wouldn't be a force on earth that could even come close to opposing us, AND I'd make sure that we had the ability to fight on two major battle fronts AND two minor battle fronts simultaneously.
I'd then go to work on the OBSCENE trade imbalance there is with America. I'd dissolve all trade agreements and start over from scratch. I'd stop the outsourcing of American jobs by giving companies incentives to stay in America. There is no better made product in the whole world than something made in America, and we need to cash in on that fact.
I'd also completely scrap the IRS, gone, finite, bye bye, and go to a flat tax, say starting at 13% for every man, woman and child, company, cooperation, everything. A flat tax has already proven it works in other countries.
I guess after that I'd work on small things like making English the official language of America, make marriage the union of a man and woman, declare defacto war on anybody talking about a North Atlantic Union like the bush's, make abortion illegal, make a law against any type of desecration to the American flag AND make it AGAINST THE LAW to fly any flag above it, protect our citizens right to bear arms, and get me some HOT INTERNS!

01-10-2008, 10:00 AM
Yes, I'd want to be President. However, I know that I would never get reelected, because I'd clean house, or do everything in my powers to do so.

Abbey Marie
01-11-2008, 01:27 PM
Yes, I'd want to be President. However, I know that I would never get reelected, because I'd clean house, or do everything in my powers to do so.

Perhaps a very good argument for term limits. Politicans who will actually do what they promosed to do in the campaign, instead of worrying about which policies will get them re-elected.

01-11-2008, 02:50 PM
Perhaps a very good argument for term limits. Politicans who will actually do what they promosed to do in the campaign, instead of worrying about policies what will get them re-elected.

Never actually seems to happen that way, though, does it?

01-11-2008, 02:56 PM
I would rather be Karl Rove.....