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View Full Version : Well im shocked

01-08-2008, 10:27 PM
Who would have thought it would still be a tight race on the Democrat side and the Republican side would be finished first.

McCain did impressively well so far. Romney not far behind him.

I think the big loser here is Giuliani. McCain hurts him big time.

01-08-2008, 11:12 PM
This just proves McCain could be our next pres.

01-08-2008, 11:16 PM
This just proves McCain could be our next pres.

mccain won NH last time and still lost....the fact that indiys can vote and G's and R's can vote across party lines always helps the moderates in NH......

wait till super tuesday......

iowa an NH usually elect the looser.....

01-09-2008, 12:36 AM
mccain won NH last time and still lost....the fact that indiys can vote and G's and R's can vote across party lines always helps the moderates in NH......

wait till super tuesday......

iowa an NH usually elect the looser.....

You know what I think happened? I think the polls predicting Obama would win in a landslide convinced the independents "Hey it doesnt matter if i vote for Obama cause he will win so ill vote in the Republican race." and that probably helped McCain. I know there were a couple Obama supporters on some message boards i frequented said they voted for McCain because they were confident Obama would win without them.

Regardless. Kudos to McCain but everyone still has alot to go.

01-09-2008, 12:37 AM
Once Rudy drops out, I am sure McCain's numbers will go up alot.

I guess the best we conservatives can hope for is a McCain/Thompson ticket.

01-09-2008, 12:40 AM
You know what I think happened? I think the polls predicting Obama would win in a landslide convinced the independents "Hey it doesnt matter if i vote for Obama cause he will win so ill vote in the Republican race." and that probably helped McCain. I know there were a couple Obama supporters on some message boards i frequented said they voted for McCain because they were confident Obama would win without them.

Regardless. Kudos to McCain but everyone still has alot to go.

that is why the cross voting thin in NH makes it so unpredictable......once edwrds dropps out it will be interesting to see where his votes go......

01-09-2008, 12:46 AM
Once Rudy drops out, I am sure McCain's numbers will go up alot.

I guess the best we conservatives can hope for is a McCain/Thompson ticket.

I dont think Rudy will pull out before Super Tuesday. Especially if McCain manages to lose in Michigan.

Assuming Thompson's campaign doesn't collapse after South Carolina, there will be 5 candidates going into Super Tuesday with no definite winners.

01-09-2008, 12:47 AM
that is why the cross voting thin in NH makes it so unpredictable......once edwrds dropps out it will be interesting to see where his votes go......

My bet, Edwards supporters go to Obama.

01-09-2008, 12:51 AM
My bet, Edwards supporters go to Obama.

that is what the dem pundits just said on the box......here is a scary thought....hillary wins the dem nod and picks who for her VP?.....

yep al.......we are all going to drown gore.....

01-09-2008, 12:59 AM
I don't put much stock in any individual primaries before super tuesday.

Individual states in the limelight are very likely to skew the results.

Now, 31 states, aggregate the results, break em down. Then you got some books you can cook.

Between now and then it is just an endurance run. Ya know what we call the fastest rabbit in the field? Stew.

01-09-2008, 01:39 AM
Who would have thought it would still be a tight race on the Democrat side and the Republican side would be finished first.

McCain did impressively well so far. Romney not far behind him.

I think the big loser here is Giuliani. McCain hurts him big time.

I do have to say I am gaining respect for Romney and Huckabee, calling and congratulating Senator McCain and im impressed with Senator Obama calling and congratulating Senator Clinton. I am very dissapointed that Congressman Hunter didn't though.............

Hawk, I don't think Rudy will pull out at all or would even consider it. I would love to see a McCain\Hunter ticket.

01-09-2008, 01:50 AM
I do have to say I am gaining respect for Romney and Huckabee, calling and congratulating Senator McCain and im impressed with Senator Obama calling and congratulating Senator Clinton. I am very dissapointed that Congressman Hunter didn't though.............

Hawk, I don't think Rudy will pull out at all or would even consider it. I would love to see a McCain\Hunter ticket.

Did you think they were going to insult them?

01-09-2008, 01:53 AM
Did you think they were going to insult them?

I just figured they would say nothing either way.

01-09-2008, 08:58 AM
I do have to say I am gaining respect for Romney and Huckabee, calling and congratulating Senator McCain and im impressed with Senator Obama calling and congratulating Senator Clinton. I am very dissapointed that Congressman Hunter didn't though.............

Hawk, I don't think Rudy will pull out at all or would even consider it. I would love to see a McCain\Hunter ticket.

How would we even know if Hunter called them or not, the media has completely ignored him.

Sooner or later Rudy will run out of money, as will Thompson. I betting that once they do, they're supporters will rally behind McCain. As much as I'd like to see Hunter on a ticket, I don't think he'd add much. I think only a McCain/Thompson ticket would have a chance in hell of beating Hillary.

GW in Ohio
01-09-2008, 09:11 AM
This just proves McCain could be our next pres.

April: There is no way in the world McCain will be the next president. He has two major strikes against him.

He is older than dirt.
He has tied his candidacy to Bush's disastrous Iraq war. The American people have clearly indicated they want a president who will acknowledge that Iraq was a mistake of monumental proportions, and then disengage us from that mess.

01-09-2008, 10:50 AM
How would we even know if Hunter called them or not, the media has completely ignored him.

Sooner or later Rudy will run out of money, as will Thompson. I betting that once they do, they're supporters will rally behind McCain. As much as I'd like to see Hunter on a ticket, I don't think he'd add much. I think only a McCain/Thompson ticket would have a chance in hell of beating Hillary.

Huckabee has less money than Rudy. Atleast according to the totals at CNN. check out the delegate thread there is a tab for money of each of the candidates.