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01-11-2008, 12:23 PM
Do people have the right to be obese?

With the ongoing political campaigns universal health care is going to be a big issue with the liberals. Obesity related health care costs will be an additional burden on the proposed system. If universal health care comes to fruition how will obesity be dealt with?

01-11-2008, 12:35 PM
People complain about smokers taxing our health system. People agree with laws preventing smoking because of perceived dangers. It stands to reason Fat folk present a burden on our society in terms of logistics (making bigger chairs on buses, etc, perhaps?) and health care. Think we'll ever get anti-eating laws?

Obesity is a choice like Homosexuality or smoking - all three hurt society to some extent. (effectively) outlawing one should bring the other two under control, if people REALLY wanted 'fairness'.

Folk Dont. Everyone wants THEIR particular fault to be celebrated and/or allowed.

01-11-2008, 12:36 PM
Do people have the right to be obese?

With the ongoing political campaigns universal health care is going to be a big issue with the liberals. Obesity related health care costs will be an additional burden on the proposed system. If universal health care comes to fruition how will obesity be dealt with?

yes. They also have a right to not be.

01-11-2008, 01:11 PM
The hospital I work at now just proposed upping the cost of our insurance.

They offer the employees a chance to "save" by,

1. Being a non-smoker
2. Being the right weight for their body type
3. Being enrolled in an exercise program

If a person were to meet all 2 criteria, their insurance would only go up $5 per pay period.

The hospital has crappy insurance anyway so I'm glad my insurance is through the hosp. my husband works for.

01-11-2008, 01:13 PM
People complain about smokers taxing our health system. People agree with laws preventing smoking because of perceived dangers. It stands to reason Fat folk present a burden on our society in terms of logistics (making bigger chairs on buses, etc, perhaps?) and health care. Think we'll ever get anti-eating laws?

Obesity is a choice like Homosexuality or smoking - all three hurt society to some extent. (effectively) outlawing one should bring the other two under control, if people REALLY wanted 'fairness'.

Folk Dont. Everyone wants THEIR particular fault to be celebrated and/or allowed.

what about boozers.....will they be legislating how much wine you can drink per day?....

01-11-2008, 01:18 PM
what about boozers.....will they be legislating how much wine you can drink per day?....

Maybe they'll just take out the alcohol, like on Star Trek.

Give those boys down south somethin ta do with all that corn mash and sugar :cheers2:

Abbey Marie
01-11-2008, 01:20 PM
What about impure thoughts? The nuns always were after us for those, so they must be bad for us. Will we pay more for insurance if we have them? Perhaps a lie detector will be part of the sign up process. :cool:

01-11-2008, 02:06 PM
What about impure thoughts? The nuns always were after those, so they must be bad for us. Will we pay more for insurance if we have them? Perhaps a lie detector will be part of the sign up process. :cool:

I'm sure it's on the way with a ban on swearing .


01-11-2008, 09:17 PM
Do people have the right to be obese? Yep.

With the ongoing political campaigns universal health care is going to be a big issue with the liberals. Obesity related health care costs will be an additional burden on the proposed system. If universal health care comes to fruition how will obesity be dealt with? Likely by denying coverage for any conditions arising out of it.

People complain about smokers taxing our health system. People agree with laws preventing smoking because of perceived dangers. Smoking creates second hand smoke which has been demonstrated to be unhealthy. It stands to reason Fat folk present a burden on our society in terms of logistics (making bigger chairs on buses, etc, perhaps?) and health care. Think we'll ever get anti-eating laws? Maybe not anti-eating. But watch out for transfat bans.

Obesity is a choice like Homosexuality or smoking - all three hurt society to some extent. (effectively) outlawing one should bring the other two under control, if people REALLY wanted 'fairness'. Do as you please so long as you don't hurt anyone else. Thus, smoking in certain areas has the potential to hurt others. I can't imagine gays and fatsos doing thier thing in public can hurt others. It might be disgusting to observe..... I do believe in banning spandex on sweaty fat folks though. It is an immediate danger to those with a gag reflex.

Folk Dont. Everyone wants THEIR particular fault to be celebrated and/or allowed.

BTW, I smoke. I don't mind restricted areas within limits. I've heard that someone is trying to make a national smoking ban. That will be fun.

01-11-2008, 09:45 PM
I could be wrong, but some obesity is genetic and can't be helped but for starving the person.

currently i work with some inmates for my job, a couple of them are "obese" yet they only get prison meals.

how do you esplain that?

01-11-2008, 10:10 PM
I could be wrong, but some obesity is genetic and can't be helped but for starving the person.

currently i work with some inmates for my job, a couple of them are "obese" yet they only get prison meals.

how do you esplain that?

So far as I know, actual medicially defined obesity is a lifestyle thing. I do know some ethnic groups are genetically inclined to be big. Samoans come to mind. Indian and Mexican women as well. But, being big isn't the same thing as obese. Of course my MD from cracker jack isn't here yet....

Abbey Marie
01-11-2008, 10:12 PM
I'm sure it's on the way with a ban on swearing .


What the $%^&# is this *&@#$ all about!

Hugh Lincoln
01-12-2008, 02:29 PM
Fatties are a problem. There are some genetic causes, but I think most of it has to do with a culture of laziness and overeating. I think Americans are a pretty grossly fat lot, and Europeans are catching up. Beyond costing us all more on health care, they're plain ugly to look at.

01-12-2008, 07:00 PM
Fatties are a problem. There are some genetic causes, but I think most of it has to do with a culture of laziness and overeating. I think Americans are a pretty grossly fat lot, and Europeans are catching up. Beyond costing us all more on health care, they're plain ugly to look at.There should be no government health care unless you served in the military in my opinion. If there were no government health care then we could simply look away.

Health insurance companies should address expenses based on lifestyles and leave it at that. Employers should stay the hell out of providing health insurance and give pay raises for performances regardless if you are a fat ass, drink three bottles of whiskey a day, screw around with co-workers wives or lovers, stick peanuts up your nose, scratch your ass in public, act stupid in public as long as personal choices don't violate hiring conditions or any other thing freedom brings... why do free people want to be policed?