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View Full Version : Chris Matthews a target for Clinton fans

01-13-2008, 01:44 AM
Oh oh...Chrissy is gonna get the Rush treatment by Media matters (aka Clinton attact dog group)..Their not just going after conservative host, now their hitting your liberal host...Love that freedom of speech thingy..:lmao:

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer
Sat Jan 12, 2:11 PM ET

NEW YORK - He's become the target for critics who think a backlash against the media played a part in Hillary Clinton's surprise win in New Hampshire. Chris Matthews laughs off that idea, and insists he has a lot of respect for her.

The MSNBC "Hardball" host had more explaining to do after Clinton's victory when he said that the reason Clinton is a candidate for president "is that her husband messed around."

"I do like the fact that `Hardball' is a heat-seeker," the rapid-fire political commentator told The Associated Press. "My job is to provide excitement and to bring it into the show and have people argue about things that they would normally argue about."

Matthews was the focal point for the anger many women felt at how Clinton's candidacy seemed to be written off with lightning speed following a loss in Iowa and foreboding poll numbers in New Hampshire. He is a man and he is ever sure of himself.

He also had a history: The liberal watchdog Media Matters for America counted more than eight negative remarks Matthews made about Clinton for every positive one during September, October and November.
Another study, by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, found that 58 percent of stories on Clinton on the main ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News Channel newscasts from the beginning of October to mid-December were dominated by negative comments. By contrast, 61 percent of the comments about Barack Obama were positive, and so was 67 percent of the John Edwards coverage.

Watching "ill-disguised hatred and resentment" toward Clinton in the days before New Hampshire made writer Rebecca Traister feel guilty that she hadn't stood up for Clinton before.

"Had I been a New Hampshire voter on Tuesday, I would have pulled a lever for the former first lady with a song in my heart and a bird flipped at MSNBC's Chris Matthews," Traister wrote in Salon.

Blogger Christy Hardin Smith in Firedoglake also seethed.

"Chris Matthews, it's high time for you to go," she wrote. "None of us dainty ladies out here who depend on our husbands to get anywhere in life will pull out our lace hankies, drop into our fainting couches and cry a single tear when you're gone."

read the rest...

red states rule
01-13-2008, 05:46 AM
Chris is a "target" becuase he bellows do much bullshit from his liberal blowhole

He tries to pass himself off as a "respected Washington journalist " but he is nothing but a liberal hack.

He has no objectivity, and his liberal bias to clear

Here is one of Chris's greatest hits

Matthews on Obama Victory: 'Rebuke' for Bush?
By Geoffrey Dickens | January 4, 2008 - 01:19 ET
Anchoring MSNBC's live coverage of the Iowa caucus, "Hardball" host Chris Matthews couldn't contain his excitement for Barack Obama.

As great as his enthusiasm for the Illinois senator was, though, the "Hardball" host couldn't supress his hatred of President Bush.

Even before the results came in Matthews predicted an Obama victory would be: "The shot heard 'round the world. This is Lexington and Concord with the target being not King George but President George this time." Matthews also claimed Iowa Democrats delivering a win for Obama could only be seen as a "rebuke" of Bush: "There's no doubt about it. And there's no way to read it except as a rebuke to President Bush."


01-13-2008, 11:08 AM
Chris Matthews is a liberal in name only.

He until very recently talked all dewey eyed when speaking of Bush.

He used to talk about how manly Bush was and how America liked to see Bush wielding a chainsaw and cutting Brush.The guy beat the drums for war as hard as anyone and says realy stupid shit all the time. He is a terrible interviewer and wont shut his mouth and let his guest talk.

I cant listen to the guy more than a couple of minutes without having the urge to change the channel.

Matthews has not been liked by liberals for a very long time.

red states rule
01-13-2008, 12:39 PM
Chris Matthews is a liberal in name only.

He until very recently talked all dewey eyed when speaking of Bush.

He used to talk about how manly Bush was and how America liked to see Bush wielding a chainsaw and cutting Brush.The guy beat the drums for war as hard as anyone and says realy stupid shit all the time. He is a terrible interviewer and wont shut his mouth and let his guest talk.

I cant listen to the guy more than a couple of minutes without having the urge to change the channel.

Matthews has not been liked by liberals for a very long time.

So, Chris is not liberal enough for you? Heer is another one of Chris's Greatest Hits

Chris Matthews Advances 'No Blood For Oil' Agenda in GOP Debate
By Geoffrey Dickens | October 9, 2007 - 17:12 ET
Chris Matthews couldn't help himself during the GOP debate in Michigan, as he returned to his "No blood for oil," rant, when he essentially asked Republican candidates if they thought the U.S. would have invaded Iraq if it didn't need the oil. On CNBC's live coverage of Tuesday's Republican debate the "Hardball" host asked Ron Paul the following:

"Congressman Paul would you, would we have gone to war in Iraq if we weren't so dependent on Middle East oil?"

Matthews then repeated that same question to Sam Brownback:

"Do you believe that, Senator Brownback, that we would've gone to war in Iraq if we weren't so dependent on Middle East oil?"

For his part, Matthews' co-moderator, CNBC Washington bureau chief, John Harwood, went after Big Oil when he asked John McCain the following question:

"Senator McCain, ExxonMobil, Chevron and Conoco-Phillips this past year earned a combined $72 billion in profits. Is that too much? Should the oil industry pay higher taxes or should it be required to use some of those profits to help solve our energy problems?"


01-13-2008, 01:17 PM

red states rule
01-13-2008, 01:20 PM

So now you fall back on the George Soros funded smear site to try and make your point?

I guess the facts are killing you on yet another thread

More from Chris's blowhole

Chris Matthews Blames Racist White Conservatives if Harold Ford Loses
By Brad Wilmouth | November 5, 2006 - 20:31 ET
According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, if Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford loses Tuesday, you can blame it on white conservatives. On Sunday morning, as he appeared in a segment hosted by Alex Witt, Matthews chided whites for an unwillingness to vote for black politicians, contending that "blacks vote for whites," but "whites don't vote for blacks." Matthews added that in states with large black populations, fear leads whites to become conservative Republicans. Matthews: "The larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture." Ignored by Matthews was the willingness of white conservatives to support black statewide candidates like Maryland's Michael Steele, Ohio's Kenneth Blackwell, and Pennsylvania's Lynn Swann, in this year's elections, while white liberals will be supporting white Democratic candidates instead, demonstrating that party affiliation is the deciding factor in whether white conservatives vote for a black candidate. Notably, in Maryland's Senate primary, Democratic voters rejected black Democratic candidate Kweisi Mfume, a former Congressman, in favor of white candidate and Congressman Benjamin Cardin during their party's primary, while the Republican nominee, Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, is black. (Transcript follows)

Below is a transcript of Matthews' comments, which aired on MSNBC about 9:16 a.m. on Sunday November 5:

Chris Matthews: "I think it's always been a Hail Mary pass, to use a football term, for Harold Ford Jr. I think it's just a tough one, and we all know the history of our country electing white people. Blacks vote for whites. Whites don't vote for blacks. It's just been a problem. It's just a horrible problem. I thought he was really courageous in making this run. I never thought it was really that winnable. He's from Memphis. He's had a history of family illegalities. Talk about the old man being involved in affecting your election. An uncle in trouble. I think he had to overcome an awful lot. But most importantly, he's an African-American guy running in the United States. That's just a challenge. I mean, Deval Patrick up in Massachusetts will be elected governor, but Massachusetts has an interesting, they don't have that large African-American population like you have in states like Tennessee. They don't therefore have those frictions. I mean, the larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture. Only when we get to these situations where they think they can do it without fear, like Deval Patrick, do they operate this way. I say this as almost like a sermon, but white people aren't voting for black people in this country."


01-13-2008, 01:24 PM

Media Matters is just a mouthpiece for Hillary, it is baised and is agenda driven. Hillary says so herself.


01-13-2008, 01:47 PM

They are linked quotes

red states rule
01-14-2008, 05:47 AM
Chris Matthews is a liberal in name only.

He until very recently talked all dewey eyed when speaking of Bush.

He used to talk about how manly Bush was and how America liked to see Bush wielding a chainsaw and cutting Brush.The guy beat the drums for war as hard as anyone and says realy stupid shit all the time. He is a terrible interviewer and wont shut his mouth and let his guest talk.

I cant listen to the guy more than a couple of minutes without having the urge to change the channel.

Matthews has not been liked by liberals for a very long time.

Chris is a blue blood liberal, and everything is Bush's fault

Chris Matthews Blames Iraq War for Tasered Student Incident
By Geoffrey Dickens | September 18, 2007 - 17:51 ET

Upset that a University of Florida student was tasered by campus police at a John Kerry event, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's, "Hardball" feared it was a result of the "fascistic notion" of American troops "forcing" democracy on Iraqis at "gunpoint", filtering back home.

Chris Matthews: "You know when we walk into those, every night on television you watch pictures of American soldiers risking their lives to break into homes in Baghdad, at gunpoint, telling people to go along with the government that we've set up over there. Democracy at gunpoint. I wonder if it's filtered back here at home. I wonder if it's drift back home? The idea that democracy is something you do at gunpoint. ‘Either you behave and do it this way and show up by putting your fingers in the ink and doing it this way or you're an insurgent, therefore, we can round you up and if you resist we can kill you.' That notion it's a bit fascist and it's certainly a fascistic notion of democracy we're forcing, forcing on people over there. They didn't invited us into Iraq and I wonder now whether we are picking up some of the bad habits of the war front?"


01-14-2008, 12:56 PM
mathews is a Bush hater, pure and simple. He is looking for the best candidate to beat Bush in the election. Not a candidate that will be a good president. He still hasn't figured out that Bush isn't running for president this year.

I think after the Bush administration is gone mathews will still be looking for someone that can beat him.

red states rule
01-15-2008, 05:57 AM
mathews is a Bush hater, pure and simple. He is looking for the best candidate to beat Bush in the election. Not a candidate that will be a good president. He still hasn't figured out that Bush isn't running for president this year.

I think after the Bush administration is gone mathews will still be looking for someone that can beat him.

Chris hates all conservatives - his daily rants shows his liberal bias

Matthews Sees 'Irresponsible' Huckabee 'Talking Like Jihadists'
By Brad Wilmouth | January 13, 2008 - 16:21 ET
On Friday's Hardball, during the show's regular "Big Number" segment, Chris Matthews went after Mike Huckabee for quipping during Thursday's FNC presidential debate that those who attack the American military should be prepared to see the "gates of hell," as the MSNBC host asked if we're all "learning to talk like jihadists now," and contended that Huckabee's comments earn him a "10" on the "irresponsibility scale." Notably, Huckabee's remark was very popular with "Republican-leaning" focus group participants as shown by pollster Frank Luntz Thursday night during FNC's post-debate coverage, as the former Arkansas governor's words scored around 90 percent in terms of approval. (Transcript follows)

With the words "What the Huck?" displayed on screen, Matthews introduced a clip of Huckabee's statement as part of "the contest to see who can pound his chest the hardest." After playing the former governor's words, Matthews shook his head while smirking and responded: "So let me get this straight: This man with no foreign policy experience thinks the best way to engage the world is by threatening the potential enemy with the 'gates of hell.' Are we all learning to talk like jihadists now?"

The MSNBC host went on to label the comment as the "height of irresponsibility" as he referred to an "irresponsibility scale." Matthews: "On an irreponsibility scale, from 1 to 10, Huckabee's threat is a 10, the height of irresponsibility."
