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01-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Who will be the first to say "OCA you are fucking brilliant! You called New Hampshire and the Clinton political machine's gears starting to move in unison almost to the hour it would happen"?

*OCA pats his own back and wonders aloud why anyone ever disbelieves anything he says*

01-13-2008, 04:55 PM
Who will be the first to say "OCA you are fucking brilliant! You called New Hampshire and the Clinton political machine's gears starting to move in unison almost to the hour it would happen"?

*OCA pats his own back and wonders aloud why anyone ever disbelieves anything he says*

After Iowa I believe the refrain was, "It's like the Superbowl, this was just one game." :laugh2: But if New Hampshire does it for you, OCA, you're brilliant.

01-13-2008, 04:56 PM
Who will be the first to say "OCA you are fucking brilliant! You called New Hampshire and the Clinton political machine's gears starting to move in unison almost to the hour it would happen"?

*OCA pats his own back and wonders aloud why anyone ever disbelieves anything he says*

It doesn't count cause the GOP rigged it. :laugh2:

01-13-2008, 04:57 PM
After Iowa I believe the refrain was, "It's like the Superbowl, this was just one game." :laugh2: But if New Hampshire does it for you, OCA, you're brilliant.

You know you've seen the huge momentum shift to tne Clinton camp and we all know that Obama does not have the experience to bring the momentum back to his side.

I say she has the nomination sown up on super Tuesday.

01-13-2008, 04:58 PM
It doesn't count cause the GOP rigged it. :laugh2:

Could you believe people, even some of the dumbasses here, lapping that crap up?:laugh2:

01-13-2008, 05:07 PM
You know you've seen the huge momentum shift to tne Clinton camp and we all know that Obama does not have the experience to bring the momentum back to his side.

I say she has the nomination sown up on super Tuesday.

What? No rep? I was first! :laugh2: We'll see. This primary season has been interesting to say the least. :coffee:

01-13-2008, 07:14 PM
Who will be the first to say "OCA you are fucking brilliant! You called New Hampshire and the Clinton political machine's gears starting to move in unison almost to the hour it would happen"?

*OCA pats his own back and wonders aloud why anyone ever disbelieves anything he says*

You actually are fucking brilliant, but your wrong in this case. Hillary is in trouble and she knows it. The thing is if Obama does beat her he better quadruple his Secret Service protection and hope none of the agents are loyal to Clinton, otherwise hes a dead man. The Clintons have proved that they will do anything to protect their interested by any means necessary, even murder(covered up as suicides).

Here is how it's going to play out. Obama will win the nomination. If Hillary does it is a blessing for the Republican's as she wont win the general election as 50% of Democrats polled said they would never vote for her under any circumstances. 21% said they would vote for President Bush again over her.

On the Republican side we discussed this at out strategy meeting here in Nevada. If Romney doesn't win Michigan he's out(according to the Nevada state director of his campaign).

If Thompson doesn't win South Carolina he's out and will endorse long time friend Senator McCain(According to a staff member here in Nevada).

If Giuliani doesn't win Florida, hes out. The thing with Giuliani is he has been putting all of his resources in Florida and if he is in trouble. His campaign is almost out of money. I know three people who are his paid campaign staff here in Nevada and they didn't recieve pay checks last week as he is dried up. Shows what kind of man he is, he would rather run ad's then pay his people. I am disgusted with that man.

Now on to McCain and if he doesn't get a win in South Carolina or Michigan one of two things will happen he will drop out or more then likely he will stay in and keep on fighting for principal. Huckabee will stay in even if he is sinking. Ron Paul is done, he doesn't stand a chance.

What I think will happen reguarding Paul is that he will lose the nomination and run Libertarian or Independant(this wasn't discusses at the meeting but is my own personal opinion).

As far as Duncan Hunter as much as I hate to say it he won't last. I wish he would be a wild card but it wont happen. I have people writing letters asking McCain to take him with him if he wins the nomination which I think is a great idea.

If for some reason by the blessing of god that Hillary wins there will definatly be a blood bath. Either McCain or Romney will get the nomination on the Republican side and neither are afraid to get their hands dirty and Clinton has proven she wont run on the issues, she runs on mud slinging and dirty tricks. I also guarantee Karl Rove will play a part of this race and he can get dirtier then the Clintons and he has proven that.

There really is one wild card, Bloomberg. He will fuck everything up if he enters the race, which it looks like he will do. He will pull votes from the Independants who will vote against the Democrats. He also doesn't need to fundraise as he is a Billionaire and he has Billionaire supporters such as his close personal friend Donald Trump and Bill Gates.

01-13-2008, 07:15 PM
You know you've seen the huge momentum shift to tne Clinton camp and we all know that Obama does not have the experience to bring the momentum back to his side.

I say she has the nomination sown up on super Tuesday.

Obama is one hell of a speaker and can captivate audiences.

01-13-2008, 08:19 PM
Who will be the first to say "OCA you are fucking brilliant! You called New Hampshire and the Clinton political machine's gears starting to move in unison almost to the hour it would happen"?

*OCA pats his own back and wonders aloud why anyone ever disbelieves anything he says*

I'm sure Acts will be logging on any minute to give you your accolades! :laugh:

01-13-2008, 10:02 PM
I'm sure Acts will be logging on any minute to give you your accolades! :laugh:

You better have the ban button ready, Martin tends to go off the deep end and fast. :laugh2:

01-13-2008, 10:42 PM
You better have the ban button ready, Martin tends to go off the deep end and fast. :laugh2:

I don't think you should talk...

01-26-2008, 09:53 AM
Its already over, its Prseident Clinton in Jan.2009 and its going down exactly as I said. Obama is done and there ain't a Repub in the bunch that can take Hillary in the general election.

Pale Rider
01-26-2008, 10:15 AM
On the Republican side we discussed this at out strategy meeting here in Nevada. If Romney doesn't win Michigan he's out(according to the Nevada state director of his campaign).

I don't hardly know how to respond to that. It's so horrendously absurd I can hardly believe what I read. Somebody is either misquoting somebody, or somebody doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

When Mitt has over DOUBLE the delegates of the nearest candidate coupled with the fact that he's filthy rich and can outspend all the rest of the candidates put together, whoever is STUPID enough to believe or even THINK he's going to drop out, EVER, might as well start selling pencils down on the street corner.

nm.... you've been spreading some serious lies here man. Next time you come up with a whopper like that, I suggest you include a link to some proof with it.

Edit: Romney now has 73 delegates. He picked one more up somewhere. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/scorecard/#val=R


01-26-2008, 01:07 PM

On the Republican side we discussed this at out strategy meeting here in Nevada.

Strategy meeting? Do you really think we believe that a presidential candidate would allow anyone close to him like the likes of you? Are you shitting me?

The only thing you strategize on is whether you will rub your huevos at the same time you are stroking the pony.