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red states rule
01-14-2008, 07:45 AM
I wonder if this poll will be reported on CNN, MSNBC, and Headline News?

Poll: Fox Most Trusted News for Americans

Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:05 PM

Fox News has supplanted CNN as the 'most trusted' news source for Americans, a new nationwide poll finds.

The poll conducted by Sacred Heart University, found that the most trusted national TV news organizations, for accurate reporting, in declining order included: Fox News (27.0%), CNN (14.6%), and NBC News (10.90%). These were followed by ABC News (7.0%), local news (6.9%), CBS News (6.8%) MSNBC (4.0%), PBS News (3.0%), CNBC (0.6%) and CBN (0.5%).

In 2003, CNN led Fox News on “trust most for accurate reporting” 23.8% to 14.6%.

The Sacred Heart University Poll also found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they believe all or most of media news reporting.

In the current national poll, just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media reporting. This is down from 27.4% in 2003. Just under one-quarter, 23.9%, in 2007 said they believe little or none of reporting while 55.3% suggested they believe some media news reporting.

“The fact that an astonishing percentage of Americans see biases and partisanship in their mainstream news sources suggests an active and critical consumer of information in the U.S.” stated James Castonguay, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of SHU’s Department of Media Studies & Digital Culture. “The availability of alternative viewpoints and news sources through the Internet no doubt contributes to the increased skepticism about the objectivity of profit-driven news outlets owned by large conglomerates,” he continued.

for the complete article


01-14-2008, 09:43 AM
it's Alan Coombs fault......

01-14-2008, 09:49 AM
I like Fox because they always have liberals on, face to face with people with common sense. The best show CNN ever had with that type of format, Crossfire, ended long ago. Since then CNN is way to gutless to replace it, and all they're left with is their crap shows like Larry King and Anderson Cooper.

01-14-2008, 12:12 PM
I like Fox because they always have liberals on, face to face with people with common sense. The best show CNN ever had with that type of format, Crossfire, ended long ago. Since then CNN is way to gutless to replace it, and all they're left with is their crap shows like Larry King and Anderson Cooper.

True, but - comon - Alan Colmes vs. Hannity? Really? Is that the BEST Liberal they could find? Really?

01-14-2008, 12:34 PM
True, but - comon - Alan Colmes vs. Hannity? Really? Is that the BEST Liberal they could find? Really?

he fit the stereotype they were looking for amazingly well......

01-14-2008, 01:09 PM
he fit the stereotype they were looking for amazingly well......

He was probably picked cause he was the least violent they could find - most libs are nothing more than venom-spitting snakes...

01-14-2008, 01:12 PM
Not only does the poll show that nearly twice as many trust Fox News as trust the next highest outlet, CNN.

It also shows how far out of touch the Fox-haters are as a group.

01-14-2008, 03:06 PM
True, but - comon - Alan Colmes vs. Hannity? Really? Is that the BEST Liberal they could find? Really?

Colmes isn't the only lib. They always have guest libs that get torn apart by Hannity. Of course Colmes comes off as a "weak" lib, but thats only because any lib would.

01-14-2008, 03:37 PM
When I watch the news its always FOX. Don't trust any of the others. Get most of my real news from the internet.

I can't stand hannity and colmes. hannity is a gulliani pundit. colmes is silly piece of shit.

01-14-2008, 11:58 PM
Who did they poll, Fox viewers? Church members?

01-15-2008, 12:00 AM
I don't watch any of them. They all create news. I want them to report it.

01-15-2008, 05:49 AM
Who did they poll, Fox viewers? Church members?

well, apparently the majority of those they polled were Fox viewers, eh?.......

red states rule
01-15-2008, 05:53 AM
well, apparently the majority of those they polled were Fox viewers, eh?.......

Makes sense since Fox News destroys the competition in the ratings

01-17-2008, 10:32 PM
And I suppose most of you don't take the comedy of Rush Limbaugh as the funny as it intends? Don't tell me you take that crap seriously? If you do, you have far more problems than even the Republicans can solve.

01-17-2008, 11:23 PM
And I suppose most of you don't take the comedy of Rush Limbaugh as the funny as it intends? Don't tell me you take that crap seriously? If you do, you have far more problems than even the Republicans can solve.

exactly what is it that you take seriously? you rag on like an ol' hag, but who are your talk show heroes.....

01-17-2008, 11:28 PM
I have many talk show heroes, yurt, all with which I sometimes disagree.

exactly what is it that you take seriously? you rag on like an ol' hag, but who are your talk show heroes.....

You rag on like an ol' hag but you can't do much more than accuse me of something you can't prove? You are certainly a silly goose.

red states rule
01-18-2008, 06:07 AM
Here is a perfect example as to why MSNBC can't compete with FOx News. The network is run by kook libs who hate to be held accountable for what they "report"

Olbermann Says His Critics, Including Military Officers, 'Can Go to Hell'
By Brad Wilmouth | January 18, 2008 - 00:53 ET

On Thursday's Countdown show, after recounting the story of American soldiers deployed to Iraq while still recovering from injuries, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann seemed to oddly suggest that not only military officers, but also politicians and even commentators, presumably conservative ones, were responsible for the orders that these troops be deployed. The Countdown host contended these critics of his are the same people who accuse those who are anti-war of "hating the troops" and of being "anti-American," and suggested that they "go to hell." Olbermann:

The men who ordered them back, in the military, and outside of it, are the ones who accuse those who criticize them of hating the troops or of being anti-American. And frankly, those politicians, those commentators, and those senior officers can go to hell.


01-19-2008, 02:51 AM

01-19-2008, 03:10 AM
I just laugh and laugh...cause the left can't stand that they don't have the TOTAL CONTROL over the media any longer..They hate the Internet..and don't think for one minute that they are not thinking of ways to restrict it..
Why do you think they stand behind the Fairness doctrine...they can't compete without it...NOBODY wants to listen to their CRAP.....
Look at Air America...it went into the trash heap into the air where it belongs..:coffee:

red states rule
01-19-2008, 06:52 AM
I just laugh and laugh...cause the left can't stand that they don't have the TOTAL CONTROL over the media any longer..They hate the Internet..and don't think for one minute that they are not thinking of ways to restrict it..
Why do you think they stand behind the Fairness doctrine...they can't compete without it...NOBODY wants to listen to their CRAP.....
Look at Air America...it went into the trash heap into the air where it belongs..:coffee:

and PMSNBC is going down the same path of Dead Air America

David Shuster: Romney's Insane, O'Reilly's 'A Buffoon and a Jerk'
By Tim Graham | January 18, 2008 - 17:29 ET
MSNBC’s Live With Dan Abrams may not be a house on fire ratings-wise (Hannity & Colmes almost quadrupled it last night among all viewers, and it has about half of Larry King’s audience), but they’re still flailing away against the Fox News Channel after Keith Olbermann’s retired for the night. On Thursday night, MSNBC reporter David Shuster accused Mitt Romney of "insanity" and spewed at Fox News star Bill O’Reilly as a "buffoon and a jerk" within about one minute. The topic was AP reporter Glen Johnson angrily accusing Mitt Romney of lying, and Abrams showed footage of Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom telling Johnson to be a professional and don’t be argumentative with the candidate. Shuster erupted in outrage:

DAVID SHUSTER: Don't be argumentative with the candidate? Don't be argumentative? What does Mitt Romney think is going to happen to him when he's president? Are all the world leaders going to be nice and respectful? If he and his campaign have a problem with reporters being rude, what does he think is going to happen when he's sitting in the Oval Office? It's insanity.

DAN ABRAMS: Is this happening a lot on the trail? Is this happening a lot?

SHUSTER: It's happening, on occasion, but I would draw a distinction, Dan, between a reporter who knows what he's talking about, like the reporter today, and a buffoon and jerk like Bill O'Reilly, who pushed over, who tried to push over a guy to try to get out of the way at Barack Obama, and then, what does he ask Barack Obama? Is it some insightful, hard, penetrating question? No! He says: ‘will you be on my show?' That is where you can draw the line. If the reporter is lazy and is silly and is aggressive, that's a problem. When a reporter knows what he's talking about, I have no problem whatsoever with that.

The segment was an ideologically monotone debate between Shuster and liberal Huffington Post blogger Rachel Sklar, who maintained Glen Johnson was unnecessarily rude. (Imagine that, the Huffington Post being against rudeness. See the MRC Special Report on that record.) But Shuster's blast at O'Reilly came out of nowhere. It had not been discussed earlier in the segment.

As for O'Reilly's lunge to snag Obama for his show (a chance slimmer than the most anorexic runway model), isn't it hard for a journalist to be both lazy AND aggressive at the same time? You can't compare a host like O'Reilly to a street reporter like Shuster or a David Gregory. He's trying to book a guest, not interview them on the spot. That's not lazy. It's trying to save the fireworks for the studio. And Shuster definitely brought the fireworks for his MSNBC bosses when it came to slamming FNC -- his former employers.
