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View Full Version : I have solved the death penalty problem

01-14-2008, 12:59 PM
Having read all the whining lefty crap I canpossibly stand about how we don't want our death row inmates to suffer the death penalty (Ithought that was the point of the death penalty), I have came up with a very logical logistical solution that will make enough sense that even the democrats will agree with it.

Obviously you dumb bastards we have to have a death penalty or the deterrent will be eliminated. So..............here you go. You don't want the poor guys to suffer, right? Vains aren't being hit improperly causing a slight sting before they get the "Good Bye" juice, not that I give a shit, but here.......... AND......it's affordable.

Build a 10 X 10 steel four sided container, scrap from steel yards will be suitable, 5 inches thick. Purchase one large hydraulic cylinder. Then a large 5 inch thick plate is connected to it and mounted about 8 feet above the poor wretch. When the inmate is comfortable on the floor of the container a comand is given to activate the huge cylinder to drop down with thousands of psi and instantaniously crush the worthless bastard in a millisecond. No pain, nothing is felt, the death row inmate has been disposed of in a humane and painless manner. His remains can then be washed from the container with a high pressure Dewalt pressure sprayer available from any Home Depot for a reasonable cost. (They are on sale this week for around 650.00) This is easy on the taxpayers budget and most effective for getting all the slob's remains efectively washed from the container so proper prep can take place to exterminate the next bastard.

What is wrong with this solution?

No Pain! Instant death. No burning sensation, Noone sees the death occur. Economical as hell. Effective!

01-14-2008, 02:06 PM
Did I miss the part of the Constitution that said penalties aren't allowed to hurt AT ALL?

01-14-2008, 05:56 PM
Did I miss the part of the Constitution that said penalties aren't allowed to hurt AT ALL?

Yeah, so did the rest of us. It must be in invisible ink!

01-14-2008, 06:31 PM
I think we should give them the choice. Needle, electric chair, gas or hanging. Let them chose the method they prefer.

01-14-2008, 07:09 PM
i always said there should be one cell on death row......

in that cell resides the last convicted murderer....

when a new murderer is convicted the entr the sally port to that cell and are given a loaded gun.......they can then entry the cell with the other convicted murderer.....

01-14-2008, 09:22 PM
I think we should give them the choice. Needle, electric chair, gas or hanging. Let them chose the method they prefer.

But I also think of Firing squad,Gas Chamber,Beheading,Stoning,Boiling Alive,Burning Alive,Crucifixion,Disembowelment,Flaying,Hanging Cage,Or here is the best for sex offenders after castration the Hot Poker. Impaling,Poison,The Rack,Sawing in half, There are many others but enough of a choice for now.

I believe that anyone on death row deserves the most pain imaginable as what they have done. There is a shitbag in Nevada that took a tire iron and beat an 86 year old woman to death with it after he had broken into her house. That deserves no mercy at all. He was scheduled to die by lethal injection this last Halloween. The ACLU sued and the matter was taken to our state supreme court who decided that the execution had to be stayed until the federal supreme court ruled it constitutional. I think that anyone who could do this in anything but self defense is an animal and should be executed as such.

01-14-2008, 09:30 PM
Since everyone complains about the cost of execution, and I think the money to keep someone on death row (alive) is completely ridiculous, I think Emmett's on to something. :)

01-14-2008, 09:35 PM
Since everyone complains about the cost of execution, and I think the money to keep someone on death row (alive) is completely ridiculous, I think Emmett's on to something. :)

I actually agree with shattered

01-14-2008, 10:31 PM
I actually agree with shattered

Hey! Your pretty smart for a Second Class Boatswain's Mate mate.