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01-14-2008, 01:46 PM
Yes, believe it or not, it took me this long to finally watch this. I thought it was badass, of course, very interesting story. Actually, it was a deeper story than I thought it would be, too. Without knowing anything about the story other than what I saw in previews, I assumed it would be Spartans fight Persians, Spartans win, the end. But, I was happy to see there was a lot more to it than that.

01-14-2008, 02:05 PM
After seeing this movie I had to redefine what it meant to be "A Man."

THOSE naked bastards were MEN. Geesh.

I thought the movie was fanTASTIC.

01-14-2008, 02:11 PM
It was total fantasy. The only thing historical about it were the names. I thought it really sucked. But then I'm not into martial arts flicks and people jumping ten feet in the air. The original 300 Spartans was better in terms of how the Spartans actually fought. They should have called it the 300 Spartans verses the orcs and ogres. A waste of film.

01-14-2008, 02:14 PM
If you liked the movie, might I suggest you check out The History Channel's Last Stand of the 300 (http://www.amazon.com/History-Channel-Presents-Last-Stand/dp/B000OIOPPE/ref=pd_bbs_7?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1200337870&sr=8-7)? It is very interesting and brings to light much of what was left out of the movie. I bought it as a companion piece when I bought 300.

01-14-2008, 02:20 PM
It was total fantasy. The only thing historical about it were the names. I thought it really sucked. But then I'm not into martial arts flicks and people jumping ten feet in the air. The original 300 Spartans was better in terms of how the Spartans actually fought. They should have called it the 300 Spartans verses the orcs and ogres. A waste of film.

My friend had a similar complaint, that it wasn't realistic enough, but honestly just judging from the previews, it should've been obvious that it wasn't going for realism. Though, to be fair, the whole movie was told from the point of view of one of the Spartans, not from an omniscient third-party.

01-14-2008, 02:30 PM
Yes, believe it or not, it took me this long to finally watch this. I thought it was badass, of course, very interesting story. Actually, it was a deeper story than I thought it would be, too. Without knowing anything about the story other than what I saw in previews, I assumed it would be Spartans fight Persians, Spartans win, the end. But, I was happy to see there was a lot more to it than that.
I watch this movie everytime I start to NOT feel like working out. I thought it was a great movie and very entertaining

01-14-2008, 02:48 PM
...but it was supposed to be a dramatized version of that story. I didn't expect accuracy - I expected amazing visuals and a good message. :)

01-14-2008, 02:52 PM
i was skeptical when i started watching it, but i freaking loved that movie. I have been thinking alot about heroism. Its a concept that has been lost on alot of people. Not just the idea of fighting and killing. but the idea that you give yourself for others. even if it means you give your life. How many people nowadays understand that? Especially outside the military, God bless them.

01-14-2008, 03:16 PM
If the Spartans hadn't won, Western history would have turned out drastically different... for two things, we'd probably all be speaking Farsi and be Zorastrians!

01-14-2008, 03:18 PM
If you liked the movie, might I suggest you check out The History Channel's Last Stand of the 300 (http://www.amazon.com/History-Channel-Presents-Last-Stand/dp/B000OIOPPE/ref=pd_bbs_7?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1200337870&sr=8-7)? It is very interesting and brings to light much of what was left out of the movie. I bought it as a companion piece when I bought 300.

That history channel one was good. I like good fantasy movies. I just don't like fantasy woven into history. It gives a false depiction of the events. I guess I'm too much of a realist when it comes to history.

01-14-2008, 03:24 PM
That history channel one was good. I like good fantasy movies. I just don't like fantasy woven into history. It gives a false depiction of the events. I guess I'm too much of a realist when it comes to history.

I sympathize with you on this one. I much prefer a historical movie be historically accurate. That being said, 300 was not based on the history, rather it was based on Frank Miller's graphic novel, as such, I was able to cut the movie some slack. Now, if you compare the movie to the graphic novel, it's dead on. The book could have acted as storyboard for the film.

01-14-2008, 03:43 PM
It was total fantasy. The only thing historical about it were the names. I thought it really sucked. But then I'm not into martial arts flicks and people jumping ten feet in the air. The original 300 Spartans was better in terms of how the Spartans actually fought. They should have called it the 300 Spartans verses the orcs and ogres. A waste of film.

Its was never meant to be a 'historical' film. It was based off Frank Miller's graphic novel, which itself was meant to be told as a story as the Greeks would have told it. A story that gets exaggerated, glorifies the soldiers and villanizes the enemy. Thats why they did things like portray the Immortals as souless demons, because thats what their reputation was at the time and many people actually believed it.

01-14-2008, 04:01 PM
That history channel one was good. I like good fantasy movies. I just don't like fantasy woven into history. It gives a false depiction of the events. I guess I'm too much of a realist when it comes to history.

Fair enough. Just out of curiosity, what would you consider to be the most historically accurate film you've seen? Documentaries excluded, obviously.

01-14-2008, 04:23 PM
Fair enough. Just out of curiosity, what would you consider to be the most historically accurate film you've seen? Documentaries excluded, obviously.

I would have to say The Alamo. The new one, not the John Wayne version. They went to a lot of trouble to be historically accurate.

My second choice would be Blackhawk Down.

Master and Commander was another one that depicted things accurately.

Your hard pressed to find historical accuracy coming out of hollywood.

01-14-2008, 04:58 PM
My second choice would be Blackhawk Down.

Agreed on this one. Thing is, the biggest complaint about this movie was that there were no identifiable characters. I've never been to war, but I can imagine, that's what it's like. You don't look at the guy next to you and see Ewan McGregor, or whoever, you see your fellow soldier. Plus, I love the ending, kinda like 300, how the heroes aren't really "heroes" in the classic Hollywood sense, if you know what I mean.

Your hard pressed to find historical accuracy coming out of hollywood.

This is why I was asking. It's gotten to the point where every historical movie follows the same exact Braveheart/Gladiator formula, which I'm so sick of.

01-14-2008, 05:07 PM
Lawrence of Arabia. Though I'm not sure how histrically accurate it was.

Dan, to your complaint og there being no identifiable characters in Blackhawk Down, I am of the opinion that this was done on purpose, the idea being that all those involved were just as worthy of recognition as the next man. That in fact all played a significant role in the events detailed in the film.

To take that thought one step further, if I remember correctly, the opening titles showed none of the actors names. To me, this made the story itself the star rather than one or two characters.

01-14-2008, 05:29 PM
anyone ever seen Zulu.....pretty accurate and a good movie to boot....

01-14-2008, 05:32 PM
anyone ever seen Zulu.....pretty accurate and a good movie to boot....

I can't say that I've seen Zulu, it doesn't stick out in my memory, but I have on numerous occasions made it a point to watch the mini-series Shaka Zulu when it pops up on The History Channel.

01-14-2008, 05:36 PM
anyone ever seen Zulu.....pretty accurate and a good movie to boot....

I loved Zulu !!!!

01-14-2008, 05:43 PM
Agreed on this one. Thing is, the biggest complaint about this movie was that there were no identifiable characters. I've never been to war, but I can imagine, that's what it's like. You don't look at the guy next to you and see Ewan McGregor, or whoever, you see your fellow soldier. Plus, I love the ending, kinda like 300, how the heroes aren't really "heroes" in the classic Hollywood sense, if you know what I mean.

This is why I was asking. It's gotten to the point where every historical movie follows the same exact Braveheart/Gladiator formula, which I'm so sick of.

I agree. If I see one more movie where they are shouting freedom, I will puke. They all seem to think that's the main point of the movie and that all historical figures were fighting for freedom, when they were actually fighting for their own personal gain or someone elses.

I can't say I'm a big movie fan. I would rather read a book. I'm the kind that wants all the details and background on things. What happened, what caused it and who was involved. Movies tend to gloss over those things for the purpose of glitz and glamor. I also hate the over use of pyrotechnics that all the films love to use. Grenades do not blow up in balls of flame and blow up houses, old cannon balls did not explode. Swords do not slid in and out of a body.

I guess I have seen to much real life stuff to be impressed with the hollywood version of things. If they are doing fantasy that's fine, but if they are doing historical movies they should attempt to be accurate. I considered 300 to be a very juvenile movie. But it may inspire a few people to study up on it and read about the real events. It was the Spartans tactics and ability to fight as a unit that made them so unbeatable.

01-14-2008, 09:23 PM
Dan, to your complaint og there being no identifiable characters in Blackhawk Down, I am of the opinion that this was done on purpose, the idea being that all those involved were just as worthy of recognition as the next man. That in fact all played a significant role in the events detailed in the film.

To take that thought one step further, if I remember correctly, the opening titles showed none of the actors names. To me, this made the story itself the star rather than one or two characters.

Just to clarify, it wasn't my complaint, just one I heard a lot. I loved the movie. I think they did that (no standout characters) on purpose as well. It's funny to look at the credits and see how many famous or at least recognizable actors are in there.

Completely offtopic, as I think it's entirely fictional, but has anyone seen The Kingdom? I've been wanting to see it.

Gaffer, given your dislike of unrealistic portrayals of war, how did you feel about the beginning of Saving Private Ryan? It's definitely the most real-feeling battle scene I've ever seen. The beginning of the movie Glory is pretty tough, too.

01-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Just to clarify, it wasn't my complaint, just one I heard a lot. I loved the movie. I think they did that (no standout characters) on purpose as well. It's funny to look at the credits and see how many famous or at least recognizable actors are in there.

Completely offtopic, as I think it's entirely fictional, but has anyone seen The Kingdom? I've been wanting to see it.

Gaffer, given your dislike of unrealistic portrayals of war, how did you feel about the beginning of Saving Private Ryan? It's definitely the most real-feeling battle scene I've ever seen. The beginning of the movie Glory is pretty tough, too.

Oops...My bad.

I saw The Kingdom, it was pretty good. I bought the DVD and wasn't disappointed to have spent the money, this is one of the measures by which I judge movies these days. Jamie Fox and Chris Cooper are excellent as usual, Jason Bateman may become one of our better character actors in the years to come, and Jennifer Garner is always easy on the eyes. The movie is pretty much apolitical, dealing only with terrorism, it's aftermath, and the investigation.

On the topic of good historical movies, some of my favorites include Glory, Munich, We Were Soldiers, Salvador, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Hotel Rwanda, The Spirit of St. Louis, Apollo 13, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and for sports, Miracle.

01-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Just to clarify, it wasn't my complaint, just one I heard a lot. I loved the movie. I think they did that (no standout characters) on purpose as well. It's funny to look at the credits and see how many famous or at least recognizable actors are in there.

Completely offtopic, as I think it's entirely fictional, but has anyone seen The Kingdom? I've been wanting to see it.

Gaffer, given your dislike of unrealistic portrayals of war, how did you feel about the beginning of Saving Private Ryan? It's definitely the most real-feeling battle scene I've ever seen. The beginning of the movie Glory is pretty tough, too.

The landing in Saving Private Ryan was definitely top notch material. One of the most realistic battle scenes I have ever seen. I would have to put that one in my list of well done. Glory was well done as well. They actually used the commands of the day and the tactics that were used during the civil war. I have actually studied the commands and formations used during that period and that movie was right on the money with everything. I liked both those movies.

01-14-2008, 10:14 PM
i liked green beret with john wayne.....certain scenes in apocalypse now and platoon....

01-14-2008, 10:14 PM
Did I mention Band of Brothers? Okay, it's a mini-series, but still...

01-14-2008, 10:16 PM
Did I mention Band of Brothers? Okay, it's a mini-series, but still...

i love that series.....amazing stuf....the one where he runs back and forth through the enemy lines is nuts.....and the forest episode was beyond tearfull.....

01-14-2008, 10:40 PM
Band of Brothers was a good series. I liked it. Don't even get me started on platoon and apococrap now. The only reasonable Vietnam movie I have seen was We Were Soldiers and there's a lot of things in that I can pick apart as well.

01-14-2008, 10:41 PM
Band of Brothers was a good series. I liked it. Don't even get me started on platoon and apococrap now. The only reasonable Vietnam movie I have seen was We Were Soldiers and there's a lot of things in that I can pick apart as well.

not one scene in either of those movies?.......what about full metal jacket.....

not fucking with you just asking....

01-14-2008, 11:09 PM
Oops...My bad.

I saw The Kingdom, it was pretty good. I bought the DVD and wasn't disappointed to have spent the money, this is one of the measures by which I judge movies these days. Jamie Fox and Chris Cooper are excellent as usual, Jason Bateman may become one of our better character actors in the years to come, and Jennifer Garner is always easy on the eyes. The movie is pretty much apolitical, dealing only with terrorism, it's aftermath, and the investigation.

On the topic of good historical movies, some of my favorites include Glory, Munich, We Were Soldiers, Salvador, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Hotel Rwanda, The Spirit of St. Louis, Apollo 13, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and for sports, Miracle.

Kinda funny to see Monty Python on that list!:laugh2: Do you consider the Life of Brian to be a good religious movie?

Will I like The Kingdom if I don't like Jamie Foxx? I'm a really big Jason Bateman fan, like you said, I think he's a very underrated actor. He was outstanding in Arrested Development, of course, but he was also great in Starsky and Hutch, and he was even good in that pile of crap Smoking Aces.

01-14-2008, 11:32 PM
Kinda funny to see Monty Python on that list!:laugh2: Do you consider the Life of Brian to be a good religious movie?

Will I like The Kingdom if I don't like Jamie Foxx? I'm a really big Jason Bateman fan, like you said, I think he's a very underrated actor. He was outstanding in Arrested Development, of course, but he was also great in Starsky and Hutch, and he was even good in that pile of crap Smoking Aces.

Hell, The Life of Brian is better than The Passion! LOL.

As for The Kingdom, I think you'll like it. It's well done and does a very good job of not demonizing all Arabs as terrorists. The action scenes are intenseand well shot.

Jamie Fox is not a favorite of mine, but he does good work, I'm thinking of Ray in particular.

01-14-2008, 11:40 PM
Hell, The Life of Brian is better than The Passion! LOL.

As for The Kingdom, I think you'll like it. It's well done and does a very good job of not demonizing all Arabs as terrorists. The action scenes are intenseand well shot.

Jamie Fox is not a favorite of mine, but he does good work, I'm thinking of Ray in particular.

jamie was better in collateral....and i loved when tom played himself....

01-14-2008, 11:41 PM
not one scene in either of those movies?.......what about full metal jacket.....

not fucking with you just asking....

Full metal jacket was pretty good. It was still an anti-war movie. Lots of "look how cruel these guys can be" stuff in it. And things like the chopper flight with the machine gunner blasting away at everyone on the ground. That didn't happen. The pilots would have thrown his ass out. Lots of anti-military over tones in that movie. Hamburger hill was done the same way. Your suppose to feel sorry for these poor guys who were shipped off to war. Except the marines had all enlisted to fight and the airborne of Hamburger hill were enlistees too. There were no drafted soldiers in the airborne.

platoon had a few good moments. The ambush at the beginning was pretty good that gave me the willies when I first saw it. Been there, done that, you could say. I know more about the movie than most because I read the book. I was actually in the area the story takes place in. It's south west of a mountain called The Black Virgin Mountain.

I'm still waiting for a good Vietnam movie. But I don't expect to see one in my life time. Maybe I'm just too cynical about how hollywood portrays things.

01-14-2008, 11:53 PM
Full metal jacket was pretty good. It was still an anti-war movie. Lots of "look how cruel these guys can be" stuff in it. And things like the chopper flight with the machine gunner blasting away at everyone on the ground. That didn't happen. The pilots would have thrown his ass out. Lots of anti-military over tones in that movie. Hamburger hill was done the same way. Your suppose to feel sorry for these poor guys who were shipped off to war. Except the marines had all enlisted to fight and the airborne of Hamburger hill were enlistees too. There were no drafted soldiers in the airborne.

platoon had a few good moments. The ambush at the beginning was pretty good that gave me the willies when I first saw it. Been there, done that, you could say. I know more about the movie than most because I read the book. I was actually in the area the story takes place in. It's south west of a mountain called The Black Virgin Mountain.

I'm still waiting for a good Vietnam movie. But I don't expect to see one in my life time. Maybe I'm just too cynical about how hollywood portrays things.

thank you......i have watched a couple of these with my uncles best friend and an old girlfriends dad that were in vietnam.....they would tell me what was and was not even close....

01-15-2008, 12:11 AM
thank you......i have watched a couple of these with my uncles best friend and an old girlfriends dad that were in vietnam.....they would tell me what was and was not even close....

That's the best way to watch em. Nobody ever wants to watch a movie like that with me cause I'm always tearing it apart.

01-15-2008, 12:24 AM
Jamie Fox is not a favorite of mine, but he does good work, I'm thinking of Ray in particular.

I'm not going to say I have anything against his acting skills, per se. But, around the time that Ray came out, he also had that song out with Kanye West, and it seemed like everywhere I looked, I saw him, and he always comes across pretty arrogant in interviews, to me anyway, and he's always got to get in some comment about black actors, how things are so hard for black actors, especially ones like him who have been famous for over ten years, y'know?:lame2:

01-15-2008, 12:37 AM
That's the best way to watch em. Nobody ever wants to watch a movie like that with me cause I'm always tearing it apart.

actually i would love to watch a movie like this with people that know stuff....makes you smarter

01-15-2008, 12:38 AM
I'm not going to say I have anything against his acting skills, per se. But, around the time that Ray came out, he also had that song out with Kanye West, and it seemed like everywhere I looked, I saw him, and he always comes across pretty arrogant in interviews, to me anyway, and he's always got to get in some comment about black actors, how things are so hard for black actors, especially ones like him who have been famous for over ten years, y'know?:lame2:

I hear you. Luckily, I don't watch many celebrity interviews.

Unless it's Jimmy Buffett.