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View Full Version : national treasure - book of secrets or whatever

01-14-2008, 04:30 PM
Seattle vs. Green Bay.

At the start of the 2nd Qtr, I left home and went to a movie. My heart couldn't take how poorly I saw seattle playing.

Only thing starting? Yeah - see thread title.

My impressions (okay, I don't do impressions, so here are my thoughts):

1. Nick Cage looks fake. His hair, ears, and face look like bad cgi.
2. Very funny on-liners by the Side-kick. Worth seeing as a matinee for that alone.
3. Some editing problems: For instance - they are walking along a path, something happens and bam - they are somewhere else. Just weird. Also guy with holster on his SIDE shows the holster on his back later, except sometimes it's gone.
4. Plausible storyline, I guess. The guy who played the president did okay. Some things I really didn't get.

Spolier alert!!.
Not kidding....don't scroll down if you don't want to know....

They find the loot.
Okay - that's not it...just checking to see if you REALLY want to know....
Okay - so Nick Coppola - er...CAGE...Takes the president a Map during the President's BDay party at Mt Vernon. The Map shows the location of a hidden tunnel. President decides to go with Nick to explore. Of COURSE he orders his Secret Service folk away.

Anywho - Nick brings him into the hidden passage then shuts the door behind them. This is in an attempt to get the president to reveal this Book of Secrets handed down from one Pres to the other.

Okay - Nick gets his info and the President says "200 people know you took me down here and kidnapped me. I can't make that go away." after telling Nick what Nick wants to know.

My thoughts - Uh? Why can't the President just say "they were exploring, and the door shut behind them. Nick Lead him to safety!"?

BECAUSE...if that were the case...the movie would be short one CAR CHASE!

Fast forward - Cop chases and what-not, adding drama. blah blah blah.

AFTER Nick is caught at the end, the president says "...and thank you for saving me. See, you and I were exploring, and the door shut behind us. You saved me, really, by leading me to freedom."


If that were what the President claimed, nobody would have been CHASING nick.


Also - parts of the movies are over-seas...London. Seems somebody can break into official places, get caught, escape, car-chase and crash through the streets of London, guns a-blazing, with ALL London's Cameras and Bobbies and what-not...and just BAM! They are back in the US of A. No problems. No anything. Just pow! They got home now.

Anywho - The place I went charges $7.50 for a matinee. Naw...don't pay that much. This is a $5 movie, IMO.

01-14-2008, 04:40 PM
Sounds like something I don't want to see.

01-14-2008, 04:49 PM
You know, sometimes one must suspend all disbelief and just enjoy the pictures flashing on the screen.