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View Full Version : See this? Man Dies After Trying to Slide Down Escalator Rail in L.A. Mall

01-14-2008, 05:36 PM
I wonder how long before his relatives bring a lawsuit against the Mall, the makers of the escalator, and President Bush. I mean 'They should have KNOWN..." right?


Authorities say the man was trying to slide down the banister of an escalator when he lost his balance and plunged several stories onto another escalator below.

He was declared dead at a hospital from a head injury.

Police quote his friends as saying the man "had been drinking quite a bit."

01-14-2008, 05:40 PM
And the Darwin Award goes to...

Abbey Marie
01-14-2008, 05:41 PM
"Oh, demon alcohol".

Mr. P
01-14-2008, 05:50 PM
I wonder how long before his relatives bring a lawsuit against the Mall, the makers of the escalator, and President Bush. I mean 'They should have KNOWN..." right?

Darwin at work! :2up:

Mr. P
01-14-2008, 05:52 PM
Sorry there Mick...missed yer post. Ya beat me to it.

01-14-2008, 06:24 PM
You can't fix stupid. Except maybe that way.

01-14-2008, 09:25 PM
Cleaning of the gene pool if you are that fucking stupid to do that from so high then tough shit. What a moron

01-14-2008, 10:15 PM
I wonder how long before his relatives bring a lawsuit against the Mall, the makers of the escalator, and President Bush. I mean 'They should have KNOWN..." right?

Of course, since he was drinking, favorite beer Miller Highlife (bleh!), they won't sue the brewer because, hell, they all love Miller. But get all those other deep pockets!!


01-15-2008, 12:15 AM
The gene pool claims another victim.

Speaking of idiots, did you read about the guy who attempted to break out of prison and was severely injured in the attempt? He is now suing the prison and the sheriff for "making it too easy for him to escape."
Dude has no excuse now. He is in a maximum security prison.

01-15-2008, 12:17 AM
The gene pool claims another victim.

Speaking of idiots, did you read about the guy who attempted to break out of prison and was severely injured in the attempt? He is now suing the prison and the sheriff for "making it too easy for him to escape."
Dude has no excuse now. He is in a maximum security prison.

speaking of gene pool......when are you and you gop husband going to have a little liberal.....

01-15-2008, 12:22 AM
We are adopting. Probably in June. It's a long and complicated process.

01-15-2008, 12:31 AM
We are adopting. Probably in June. It's a long and complicated process.

very cool....congrats.....

01-15-2008, 12:54 AM
I've been to this mall before - Kodak theater is right there.. it's on Hollywood Blvd...

And yes, it has Escalators which are VERY high up...

01-15-2008, 01:03 AM
We are adopting. Probably in June. It's a long and complicated process.

Thank god your not reproducing.

01-15-2008, 01:26 AM
I'd like to say NM was banned from this thread for improper use of 'your' - but it's really for the out-of-the blue pot-shot at Gabby in a thread were NOBODY was talking shit about anyone.

01-17-2008, 11:11 PM
We are adopting. Probably in June. It's a long and complicated process.

it is. i hope you use the right agency or go through the right people. i could never adopt, knew a kid in gradeschool that was adopted, rich parents, he confided in me about being adopted, i had no effing clue what to say. but, ran into him at college, we were like, hey, hey, dude, yeah, ok, you, alright, yeah, so, yeah, and, oh, i'll spare you.

tis a good thing, just personally could not do it. but i think those that do are awesome. then again, don't know about kids anyway....

01-18-2008, 05:36 AM
I wonder how long before his relatives bring a lawsuit against the Mall, the makers of the escalator, and President Bush. I mean 'They should have KNOWN..." right?

It's called "thinning the herd". This guy was obviously too stupid to live anyways.

01-18-2008, 08:57 AM
Or as a friend of mine would say "If you gonna be stupid, ya gotta be tough"