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View Full Version : Its not wrong for people to want their race to inter marry

01-14-2008, 10:54 PM
its an opinion, if some people wanna whine like idiots about it, thats their problem not mine

01-14-2008, 11:10 PM

Mr. P
01-14-2008, 11:27 PM
Its not wrong for people to want their race to inter marry

Sure it is! It's wrong to race to marry....period.

01-14-2008, 11:52 PM
so is it wrong to want to marry someone from a different race?

01-14-2008, 11:54 PM
I just want my daughters to be happy and treated well.

01-15-2008, 12:28 AM
So you will consent to your daughter marrying a black or Muslim guy?

01-15-2008, 12:35 AM
So you will consent to your daughter marrying a black or Muslim guy?

Who? Me? As long as they are respected, treated well, and happy, my daughters are free to marry whomever they choose with my complete approval. As far as consent goes, these days I'm not sure consent is sought anymore.

Pale Rider
01-15-2008, 01:22 AM
its an opinion, if some people wanna whine like idiots about it, thats their problem not mine

What brought this on?

01-15-2008, 01:27 AM
its an opinion, if some people wanna whine like idiots about it, thats their problem not mine

That's random....


01-15-2008, 01:31 AM
Who? Me? As long as they are respected, treated well, and happy, my daughters are free to marry whomever they choose with my complete approval. As far as consent goes, these days I'm not sure consent is sought anymore.

How old are your daughters? :D

01-15-2008, 01:39 AM
How old are your daughters? :D

24, 20, 15.

Jail, working/college, high school.

01-15-2008, 05:31 AM
so is it wrong to want to marry someone from a different race?

yes.....someone from the Boston Marathon should NOT marry someone from the Indy 500.......

01-15-2008, 08:29 AM
Your question is really unclear. Are you speaking about parents or people in general?

I don't think for most young adults care one way or the other how their parents think about their choice for a wife or husband. Maybe if the parents were rich and the young adult had something to lose by not keeping mom and dad happy they would look for approval from the parents.

My dad was a bigot and my mother was religious and open minded... guess they would have preferred I marry a woman they could relate to? I married a Korean woman, German woman and now a Puerto Rican woman and never once did I consider how my parents or other family members would accept or reject my choice.

Entering into a relationship with a person outside of your culture, regardless of race will take a lot of understanding. For example, a white southern man marring a woman from the Northeast where values and norms are very different will require both sides to be flexible. Likewise, rich and poor or other races compounds an already difficult living arrangement as people learn to adjust to each other and each other's families.

01-15-2008, 01:06 PM
Who? Me? As long as they are respected, treated well, and happy, my daughters are free to marry whomever they choose with my complete approval. As far as consent goes, these days I'm not sure consent is sought anymore.

Well said mick!! I agree. I dont care who my daughter marries as long as she is A. Happy
B. Treated well.

01-15-2008, 01:13 PM
Well said mick!! I agree. I dont care who my daughter marries as long as she is A. Happy
B. Treated well.

As parents, I think that is all we really want for our children, happiness and respect. The truth is, as much as some other things might make life easier, they are no substitute for happiness. As long as the person who makes any of my daughters happy respects them and treats them well, I will have no complaints.

Hagbard Celine
01-15-2008, 01:14 PM
its an opinion, if some people wanna whine like idiots about it, thats their problem not mine

Thanks for that.

01-15-2008, 01:42 PM
Haha, this has got to be the first thread ever that started out very angry, then got calmer as it went along. Usually it's the other way around, round these parts.

01-15-2008, 07:07 PM
Haha, this has got to be the first thread ever that started out very angry, then got calmer as it went along. Usually it's the other way around, round these parts.

Why don't you shut the hell up, jerkwad?!!

:laugh2: Just kidding... couldn't resist!

01-15-2008, 07:25 PM
my personal opinion, it is not wrong to marry someone of a different race, all i said was, its not racist to simply have the opinion that people should marry within their own race.

I do think it is more dificult to marry someone of a different race, and much more dificult to marry someone of a different religion.

so is it wrong to want to marry someone from a different race?

01-15-2008, 07:28 PM

What brought this on?

01-15-2008, 07:33 PM
all i said was, its not racist to simply have the opinion that people should marry within their own race.

I disagree. And regardless of how "difficult" bigots in society make it for interracial couples, it is their decision and theirs alone. What you are saying is just like saying that it is not homophobic to want people to only date the opposite sex.

01-15-2008, 07:33 PM
Your question is really unclear. Are you speaking about parents or people in general?

Me: im talking about people in general

I don't think for most young adults care one way or the other how their parents think about their choice for a wife or husband.

me: true, but you do marry the other family, and you have to deal with your family

Maybe if the parents were rich and the young adult had something to lose by not keeping mom and dad happy they would look for approval from the parents.

My dad was a bigot and my mother was religious and open minded... guess they would have preferred I marry a woman they could relate to?

me: marrying a different culture presents its own set of challenges, that is not to say they cannot be overcome but to pretend were all the same, even though we are equal is being disingenuous

I married a Korean woman, German woman and now a Puerto Rican woman and never once did I consider how my parents or other family members would accept or reject my choice.

Me: Im not judging your choices, im simply acnowledging I accept peoples right to their own opinion

Entering into a relationship with a person outside of your culture, regardless of race will take a lot of understanding.

me: agreed

For example, a white southern man marring a woman from the Northeast where values and norms are very different will require both sides to be flexible.

me: flexibility is always, values matter too, but race, and religion is atleast something to consider, for some it matters little, for some alot.

Likewise, rich and poor or other races compounds an already difficult living arrangement as people learn to adjust to each other and each other's families.

me: fair enough, i just wanted a discussion.