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red states rule
01-15-2008, 06:52 AM
This should come as no surprise that white liberals is Obama's biggest obstacle to becoming President

Barack Obama's Race Problem: White Liberals
By Charles J. Sykes

Barack Obama has a racial problem, but it's not what the media thinks -- it's not rednecks, older voters, or even women offended by attacks on Hillary Clinton. Obama's racial problem is white liberals.

"I'm OK, You're Not."

A central tenet of modern liberalism, after all, is the unshakeable conviction that white American is deeply and irredeemably racist. For three decades, America's white liberals have invested in the belief that American is so incapable of racial fairness that society needs a panoply of laws, preferences, quotas, set-asides, and remedial programs to ensure that black people are treated fairly.

All of those policies are fundamentally based on the belief that America is deeply racist, that their fellow Americans are personally biased and institutionally prejudiced -- consciously and unconsciously, intentionally and structurally; racist in history and practice.

It follows that many race-holding liberals will be among the last to believe that America will ever elect an African-American as president.

for the complete article


01-15-2008, 07:34 AM
Obama is certainly #2 on my preference list of democratic candidates...and I am a white liberal.

red states rule
01-15-2008, 07:36 AM
Obama is certainly #2 on my preference list of democratic candidates...and I am a white liberal.

I thought you said you were a moderate - not a liberal

Like with most libs, every once in awhile the truth does slip out

01-15-2008, 07:38 AM
I am a liberal as opposed to conservative...I am a democrat as opposed to a republican...

but when you line me up with other democrats - like the ones I serve with on my country committee, I am pretty far from the left edge.

red states rule
01-15-2008, 07:40 AM
I am a liberal as opposed to conservative...I am a democrat as opposed to a republican...

but when you line me up with other democrats - like the ones I serve with on my country committee, I am pretty far from the left edge.


There are liberals, kook liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals. You can pick which one fits ou the best

I already know which one applies to you

01-15-2008, 07:43 AM

There are liberals, kook liberals, liberal hacks, and moonbat liberals. You can pick which one fits ou the best

I already know which one applies to you

and you are a muscular conservative republican!:laugh2:

who supports RUDY, the gay loving, abortion loving, gun controlling, philandering, New York Moderate!!!!:


you crack me up!

red states rule
01-15-2008, 07:45 AM
and you are a muscular conservative republican!:laugh2:

who supports RUDY, the gay loving, abortion loving, gun controlling, philandering, New York Moderate!!!!:


you crack me up!

On the issues that matter most to me - I like both Rudy and Mitt

Now, back to the topic of the thread - which you are trying to duck

Rush's Morning Update: History!
January 15, 2008

In 2001, African-American civil rights icon [and] three-term Atlanta mayor Maynard Jackson ran for head of the Democrat National Committee. But a Clinton henchman, Terry McAuliffe, wanted the gig. So Maynard Jackson was kicked to the curb and humiliated. Heartbroken, he died two years later.

In 2002, New York Comptroller Carl McCall -- the first black to hold statewide office in New York -- ran for governor. Not only did Clinton henchman Terry McAuliffe withhold DNC funds, he publicly derided McCall's campaign and humiliated him. My listeners felt so bad for McCall, we raised money for his campaign!

Now it's 2008. Barack Obama -- first African-American to win a Democrat primary -- faces Clinton, Inc. First, Clinton campaign workers were caught spreading false rumors about his religion. Then her campaign urged the press to investigate whether Barack was a drug dealer in his youth. Next, Mrs. Clinton said Barack is too ambitious and hasn't done enough, quote, "spadework." She also said Martin Luther King's efforts wouldn't have amounted to much without the white guy, Lyndon Johnson. Mr. Clinton called Barack's presidential aspirations a "fairytale."

Well, here's the latest: Hillary Clinton sent out a powerful black TV executive to remind people that a youthful Barack used drugs... while the Clintons were emotionally connected to black people. And now Mrs. Clinton has accused Barack of injecting race into the campaign, when they are the ones who did so!

So my question, brothers and sisters, and my fellow Americans, is this: Are you catching this "history" in the making? Are you paying attention to this? Hmmm?


01-15-2008, 07:48 AM
I think Hillary is getting desperate. Like I said, she has always been way down on my preference list for democratic candidates.

But trust me.... white democrats are not abandoning Obama because of Hillary's smears... we all can smell her fear.

red states rule
01-15-2008, 07:50 AM
I think Hillary is getting desperate. Like I said, she has always been way down on my preference list for democratic candidates.

But trust me.... white democrats are not abandoning Obama because of Hillary's smears... we all can smell her fear.

She is losing part of the black vote to him, and the racist attacks from white libs are just beginning

01-15-2008, 07:58 AM
She is losing part of the black vote to him, and the racist attacks from white libs are just beginning

you are wrong. She will ultimately lose the black vote to him, but white racism from liberals will not be a significant factor in the primary campaign....

only on Rush's show.

red states rule
01-15-2008, 08:04 AM
you are wrong. She will ultimately lose the black vote to him, but white racism from liberals will not be a significant factor in the primary campaign....

only on Rush's show.


Rush laid out a breif history of white libs against black libs. It is very telling about the party that claims to support blacks.

They do, as long the black folks know their place

01-15-2008, 09:06 AM

Rush laid out a breif history of white libs against black libs. It is very telling about the party that claims to support blacks.

They do, as long the black folks know their place

I disagree...and so do the vast majority of black folks!:laugh2:

GW in Ohio
01-15-2008, 09:26 AM
Obama is certainly #2 on my preference list of democratic candidates...and I am a white liberal.

Obama has moved to the top of my preference list, manfrommaine. My preferred list of the top Dems reads:


Who is your top choice?

01-15-2008, 09:31 AM
Obama has moved to the top of my preference list, manfrommaine. My preferred list of the top Dems reads:


Who is your top choice?

I still like Edwards, although I realize he is a long shot.

GW in Ohio
01-15-2008, 09:31 AM

Rush laid out a breif history of white libs against black libs. It is very telling about the party that claims to support blacks.

They do, as long the black folks know their place

I firmly believe that for the vast majority of white voters, race is irrelevant. Those whities supporting Obama are doing so because they think he's the best candidate.

Black voters are more ambivalent. Although many (most?) believe he's the best one, many are for him simply because he is black. I can understand that. And as a white American, I think an Obama presidency would heal most of the remaining racial problems in this country.

01-15-2008, 10:16 AM
I have just one question....did Rush consult Donovan Mcnabb before completing his research on white liberals and blacks?

01-15-2008, 11:03 AM
I have just one question....did Rush consult Donovan Mcnabb before completing his research on white liberals and blacks?

no.....did hillary consult ron brown?

01-15-2008, 12:20 PM

Rush laid out a breif history of white libs against black libs. It is very telling about the party that claims to support blacks.

They do, as long the black folks know their place

And it's time you learned yours. :slap:

01-15-2008, 12:37 PM
I have just one question....did Rush consult Donovan Mcnabb before completing his research on white liberals and blacks?


01-15-2008, 12:44 PM
I firmly believe that for the vast majority of white voters, race is irrelevant. Those whities supporting Obama are doing so because they think he's the best candidate.

Black voters are more ambivalent. Although many (most?) believe he's the best one, many are for him simply because he is black. I can understand that. And as a white American, I think an Obama presidency would heal most of the remaining racial problems in this country.

That is an interesting thought. What makes you think that Obama would solve the racial problems of America? It would be nice if that happened, but I don't see how one person, black or white, can do that.


01-15-2008, 01:54 PM
That is an interesting thought. What makes you think that Obama would solve the racial problems of America? It would be nice if that happened, but I don't see how one person, black or white, can do that.Easy. Permit only interracial marriages until everyone looks alike. :)

01-15-2008, 02:30 PM
Easy. Permit only interracial marriages until everyone looks alike. :)

Oi Vey! or however you spell it.


red states rule
01-16-2008, 07:17 AM
That is an interesting thought. What makes you think that Obama would solve the racial problems of America? It would be nice if that happened, but I don't see how one person, black or white, can do that.


He won't. It is another liberal fantasy and talking point. The same way only women can understand and represent women, blacks can only understand and represent blacks, ect

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 05:52 PM
I still like Edwards, although I realize he is a long shot.

What exactly is it about the breck girl that you like so much?

01-16-2008, 06:23 PM
What exactly is it about the breck girl that you like so much?

Well, he isn't Hillary. That's got to count for something! :laugh2:

01-16-2008, 09:18 PM
What exactly is it about the breck girl that you like so much?

his "two Americas" metaphor

Hugh Lincoln
01-16-2008, 09:39 PM
And as a white American, I think an Obama presidency would heal most of the remaining racial problems in this country.

Isn't that sweet. Will Obama tuck us all in?

01-16-2008, 09:43 PM
his "two Americas" metaphor I can't stand the Breck girl but I will agree on the 2 America's One is legal Americans The Other is Illegal Americans THE WETBACKS

01-16-2008, 10:35 PM
imagine all the billies.....

kickin up at the white house freely.....

cause he had the young one, two or three time feely....

love all the black folk....

they made my vote....

but, i have none in my cabinet, squat percent in my staff.....

crap, rhyme was goouuud.....

01-16-2008, 11:35 PM
I can't stand the Breck girl but I will agree on the 2 America's One is legal Americans The Other is Illegal Americans THE WETBACKS

I had another two in mind, and am pretty sure that Edwards does too.:laugh2:

01-17-2008, 01:00 AM
I have to admit, the Democrats are really kind of pushing the envelope in this Presidential race. They have a guy that is kind of black pretending he is Martin Luther King, a lesbian who is pretending to be a straight woman and an ultra rich faggot trying to pretend he is poor and straight...... what a diverse crowd of empty pant suits. I wouldn't vote for any of these clowns for the local trash collector.

01-17-2008, 01:12 AM
And as a white American, I think an Obama presidency would heal most of the remaining racial problems in this country.

You realize, that that is exactly why Al Sharpton and the Democrats cannot let Obama win don't you? If he manages to win, and do it without the support of the self proclaimed civil right leaders, it can heal any perception of racial inequality in the nation.

If that happens. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and their ilk are out of a job. If that happens Democrats can't continue to persuade Black Americans that they need hand outs from them to survive.

Hell, the sheer fact that Obama is running has the potential to completely destroy the modern Democrat party. Especially if Hillary can't win with the primaries and has to use Super delegates to take the nomination. A black man doing well in a Presidential campaign without help from government is the scariest thing that's happened to Democrats since Ronald Reagan won the White House.

Let's face it, this election on both sides has the potential of completely rocking politics in this country forever.

01-17-2008, 07:10 AM
I have to admit, the Democrats are really kind of pushing the envelope in this Presidential race. They have a guy that is kind of black pretending he is Martin Luther King, a lesbian who is pretending to be a straight woman and an ultra rich faggot trying to pretend he is poor and straight...... what a diverse crowd of empty pant suits. I wouldn't vote for any of these clowns for the local trash collector.

could you possibly BE any more gratuitously insulting?:laugh2:

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 08:23 AM
I have to admit, the Democrats are really kind of pushing the envelope in this Presidential race. They have a guy that is kind of black pretending he is Martin Luther King, a lesbian who is pretending to be a straight woman and an ultra rich faggot trying to pretend he is poor and straight...... what a diverse crowd of empty pant suits. I wouldn't vote for any of these clowns for the local trash collector.

could you possibly BE any more gratuitously insulting?

'Gratuitously insulting?' I thought he rather eloquently told the truth... :laugh:

red states rule
01-17-2008, 09:58 AM
'Gratuitously insulting?' I thought he rather eloquently told the truth... :laugh:

Telling the truth about libs is considered a personal attack by liberals

The last thing the left wants in a debate is for anyone to remind and point out to the voters what Dems actually say, do, want, or what they have voted for in the past

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 10:17 AM
Telling the truth about libs is considered a personal attack by liberals

The last thing the left wants in a debate is for anyone to remind and point out to the voters what Dems actually say, do, want, or what they have voted for in the past

Everything they want to do is just.... WRONG! It's like they're from another planet or something. Like they're oblivious to what the real problems are in this country. As if our government isn't out of control with spending as is, that's their answer to EVERYTHING! MORE TAXES, MORE SPENDING, BIGGER GOVERNMENT! You've got to be INSANE to endorse a democrap.... :dunno:

red states rule
01-17-2008, 10:22 AM
Everything they want to do is just.... WRONG! It's like they're from another planet or something. Like they're oblivious to what the real problems are in this country. As if our government isn't out of control with spending as is, that's their answer to EVERYTHING! MORE TAXES, MORE SPENDING, BIGGER GOVERNMENT! You've got to be INSANE to endorse a democrap.... :dunno:

PR, liberal compasion comes at a very hefty price. The liberal media has ignored how much more Dems want in taxes

The trillion dollar tax fight

By: Lisa Lerer

By now, everyone knows Rep. Charles B. Rangel is poised to introduce the “mother” of all tax reforms, the biggest and most expensive tax code overhaul since 1986. But what they don’t know is how the New York Democrat plans to pay the more than $1 trillion price tag — and that uncertainty is fueling rampant speculation from Capitol Hill to K Street.

The classic Washington guessing game is frustrating anxious corporate lobbyists but amusing others, including the House Ways and Means Committee chairman who started it all. “It is surprising how nervous people get when I use the words ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’ to describe our efforts to simplify the tax code and encourage economic investment,” the New York Democrat told Politico.

The fiscal fortunetellers fall into four categories: Robin Hoods, Goldilockses, Chicken Littles and Scarecrows.

The Robin Hoods predict Rangel will increase taxes on the very rich and expand breaks for the poor. Rangel’s most talked-about goal is to eradicate the alternative minimum tax, expected to hit 23 million high- and middle-income families this year.

for the complete article


Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 10:31 AM
PR, liberal compasion comes at a very hefty price. The liberal media has ignored how much more Dems want in taxes

The trillion dollar tax fight

By: Lisa Lerer

By now, everyone knows Rep. Charles B. Rangel is poised to introduce the “mother” of all tax reforms, the biggest and most expensive tax code overhaul since 1986. But what they don’t know is how the New York Democrat plans to pay the more than $1 trillion price tag — and that uncertainty is fueling rampant speculation from Capitol Hill to K Street.

The classic Washington guessing game is frustrating anxious corporate lobbyists but amusing others, including the House Ways and Means Committee chairman who started it all. “It is surprising how nervous people get when I use the words ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’ to describe our efforts to simplify the tax code and encourage economic investment,” the New York Democrat told Politico.

The fiscal fortunetellers fall into four categories: Robin Hoods, Goldilockses, Chicken Littles and Scarecrows.

The Robin Hoods predict Rangel will increase taxes on the very rich and expand breaks for the poor. Rangel’s most talked-about goal is to eradicate the alternative minimum tax, expected to hit 23 million high- and middle-income families this year.

for the complete article


You should have started a whole new thread with that. It ought to scare the crap out of anybody with half a brain.

red states rule
01-17-2008, 10:35 AM
You should have started a whole new thread with that. It ought to scare the crap out of anybody with half a brain.

I did, but nobody posted on it. The libs wanted nothing to do with it BTW

01-17-2008, 10:40 AM
Telling the truth about libs is considered a personal attack by liberals

The last thing the left wants in a debate is for anyone to remind and point out to the voters what Dems actually say, do, want, or what they have voted for in the past


calling Obama a guy "prentending to be black", Hillary a "lesbian", and Edwards a "faggot" is certainly RSR's idea of "telling the truth"

fucking pathetic.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 11:51 AM

calling Obama a guy "prentending to be black", Hillary a "lesbian", and Edwards a "faggot" is certainly RSR's idea of "telling the truth"

fucking pathetic.

Obama is only half black, hillary's sexuality has been in question for years, but calling edwards a fag might be a stretch... all in all, yes, a rather pathetic group. :coffee:

01-17-2008, 12:01 PM
Obama is only half black, hillary's sexuality has been in question for years, but calling edwards a fag might be a stretch... all in all, yes, a rather pathetic group. :coffee:

quit coming to the little twit's defense.

and you wanna put any money on the election? My money is on the fact that the american people will elect one of that "rather pathetic group" and if they do, what will that say about the bozos in your primary battle?

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 12:20 PM
quit coming to the little twit's defense.
Just trying to have some fun with ya mfm. Don't mean to rile you up.

and you wanna put any money on the election? My money is on the fact that the american people will elect one of that "rather pathetic group" and if they do, what will that say about the bozos in your primary battle?

Sure. I'll bet you Mitt Romney is going to be the next prez. Now you pick which one of the losers in your line up you want, and we'll figure out a wager.

01-17-2008, 12:53 PM
Just trying to have some fun with ya mfm. Don't mean to rile you up.

Sure. I'll bet you Mitt Romney is going to be the next prez. Now you pick which one of the losers in your line up you want, and we'll figure out a wager.

I'll go ahead and say that my money is on the democratic nominee, regardless.... and I won't hold you to the Mitt pick if your party decides to go with Fred or Rudy or Mac instead.

01-17-2008, 01:04 PM
I'll go ahead and say that my money is on the democratic nominee, regardless.... and I won't hold you to the Mitt pick if your party decides to go with Fred or Rudy or Mac instead.

What about Schmuckabee? :laugh:

Talk about a group of clowns that no one in his right mind would support for local trash collector.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 01:15 PM
I'll go ahead and say that my money is on the democratic nominee, regardless.... and I won't hold you to the Mitt pick if your party decides to go with Fred or Rudy or Mac instead.

OK... and the loser has to put "I'm a homo" under his board name for a month... :laugh:

01-17-2008, 09:13 PM
OK... and the loser has to put "I'm a homo" under his board name for a month... :laugh:

you're on!

01-17-2008, 09:16 PM

calling Obama a guy "prentending to be black", Hillary a "lesbian", and Edwards a "faggot" is certainly RSR's idea of "telling the truth"

fucking pathetic.

hey smart guy, explain to us why he is not white.... :poke:

01-17-2008, 09:18 PM
Hee, hee. Can't wait to see if either of you ubermales follow through on the bet. It's a carte blance of GOP v DNC, right?

01-17-2008, 09:26 PM
hey smart guy, explain to us why he is not white.... :poke:

he is not white.

I would suggest that a great explanation might be found by studying the ethnicity of the appellant in Plessy v. Ferguson.

here's a link:


01-17-2008, 09:27 PM
Hee, hee. Can't wait to see if either of you ubermales follow through on the bet. It's a carte blance of GOP v DNC, right?

DNC is the incorrect palance, but essentially, you are correct.

01-17-2008, 09:30 PM
DNC is the incorrect palance, but essentially, you are correct.

Clarification, now's the time to speak up!

If any Democrat wins Presidency, PR must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar for a month.

If any Republican wins Presidency, Maineman must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar.

Right, Pale and Maine?

01-17-2008, 09:39 PM
Clarification, now's the time to speak up!

If any Democrat wins Presidency, PR must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar for a month.

If any Republican wins Presidency, Maineman must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar.

Right, Pale and Maine?


01-17-2008, 09:43 PM

01-17-2008, 09:55 PM

Want to change the bet? Now's the time.

01-17-2008, 10:17 PM
he is not white.

I would suggest that a great explanation might be found by studying the ethnicity of the appellant in Plessy v. Ferguson.

here's a link:


that's your answer to race issues? you're the one with KKK in your democratic closet and you give me this case?

i asked for "your" explanation. it appears you can't speak for yourself. odd, given you rile RSR for doing exactly what you just did to me.

care to try again? or would you rather give up? if i want stats or some outdated case, i will westlaw it, i want your opinion as it was your opinion that caused me to respond in my post. i am positive you did not have that case in your mind when you made your post. you went digging and ended up digging yourself a big hole.


01-17-2008, 10:44 PM
Clarification, now's the time to speak up!

If any Democrat wins Presidency, PR must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar for a month.

If any Republican wins Presidency, Maineman must have 'I'm a homo' under or in place of his avatar.

Right, Pale and Maine?

I think Pale should put "CHARTER homo." :laugh:

01-17-2008, 10:50 PM
You homophobes are just so funny!!!!!!! Can you get a 15 second gig on Jay Leno? I doubt it.

01-17-2008, 10:52 PM
I think Pale should put "CHARTER homo." :laugh:

you're the only one laughing at your statement that you consider a joke

01-17-2008, 10:53 PM
You homophobes are just so funny!!!!!!! Can you get a 15 second gig on Jay Leno? I doubt it.

your soap dropping routine on Leno is so, so over, get over it....

01-17-2008, 10:54 PM
You homophobes are just so funny!!!!!!! Can you get a 15 second gig on Jay Leno? I doubt it.
Hell, they can't even have a decent day of fishing! They have to throw back every rainbow trout.

01-18-2008, 01:37 AM
I work with a huge number of both American and African blacks, full on bull dikes, a couple of homosexuals and at least one transgender. I have asked the blacks, that I know, what they think of Obama, both American and African feel he is not a true American black....... half white, not raised in the hood, etc.

The dikes I have questioned all say that Hill is at the very least bi but they also think she is probably a lesbian because of the way she has used Bill..... there is obviously no love there...... they are all supporting her so that the U.S. can have the first Lesbian woman President.

The gay guys I have spoken to, that claim to have gaydar, say that Edwards is definitely gay and they also feel JFKerry is also..... they are actually supporting him because they feel that he is the first modern homosexual Presidential candidate and he excites them.

There you have it, that is from a study I have done at a place with thousands of employees....... it is all about what they say, not me. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

01-18-2008, 02:01 AM

A very well done study..

Pretty much nails it...

red states rule
01-18-2008, 06:20 AM
Hee, hee. Can't wait to see if either of you ubermales follow through on the bet. It's a carte blance of GOP v DNC, right?

When Dems lose they will whine how the election was stolen. We wil have to wait and see if MM plays that tune

red states rule
01-18-2008, 06:42 AM
Of course Clinton Inc is playing the race card, and getting desperate to take out this rookie Senator

Black Dreams, White Liberals
By Charles Krauthammer

Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ... It took a president to get it done. -- Hillary Clinton, Jan. 7

WASHINGTON -- So she said. And then a fight broke out. That remarkable eruption of racial sensitivities and racial charges lacked coherence, however, because the public argument was about history rather than what was truly offensive -- the implied analogy to today.

The principal objection was that Clinton appeared to be disrespecting Martin Luther King Jr., relegating him to mere enabler for Lyndon Johnson. But it is certainly true that Johnson was the great emancipator, second only to Abraham Lincoln in that respect. This was a function of the times. King was fighting for black enfranchisement. Until that could be achieved, civil rights legislation could only be enacted by a white president (and a white Congress).

That does not denigrate King. It makes his achievement all the more miraculous -- winning a permanent stake in the system for a previously disenfranchised people, having begun with no political cards to play.

In my view, the real problem with Clinton's statement was the implied historical analogy -- that the subordinate position King held in relation to Johnson, a function of the discrimination and disenfranchisement of the time, somehow needs recapitulation today when none of those conditions apply.

The analogy Clinton was implying was obvious: I'm Lyndon Johnson, unlovely doer; he's Martin Luther King, charismatic dreamer. Vote for me if you want results.

for the complete article


01-18-2008, 08:44 AM
that's your answer to race issues? you're the one with KKK in your democratic closet and you give me this case?

i asked for "your" explanation. it appears you can't speak for yourself. odd, given you rile RSR for doing exactly what you just did to me.

care to try again? or would you rather give up? if i want stats or some outdated case, i will westlaw it, i want your opinion as it was your opinion that caused me to respond in my post. i am positive you did not have that case in your mind when you made your post. you went digging and ended up digging yourself a big hole.


my opinion is, that rooted in American history and society is the fact that white effectively means "lily white". and black means pure black or mulatto or quadroon or even octaroon. No one ever questions that Tiger Woods is a black man.... even blacks call him black. Why is HE not Thai? Why does the right not get up in arms when Tiger's accomplishments are attributed to a black man? WHy are they not screaming, Tiger is not black..he is just as much Thai!!!

and the case I gave you was THE most important civils rights case heard by the supreme court until Brown v. Board of Education which overturned it. That case had established separate but equal and it upheld a railroad company's right to deny passage on a whites only railroad car to a declared octaroon. It was the law of this land in my lifetime. And with a father who was a civil rights attorney, trust me...I knew all about Plessy.

01-18-2008, 02:31 PM
my opinion is, that rooted in American history and society is the fact that white effectively means "lily white". and black means pure black or mulatto or quadroon or even octaroon. No one ever questions that Tiger Woods is a black man.... even blacks call him black. Why is HE not Thai? Why does the right not get up in arms when Tiger's accomplishments are attributed to a black man? WHy are they not screaming, Tiger is not black..he is just as much Thai!!!

Actually, when Tiger first hit the big time on tour, blacks weren't claiming him. I asked numerous blacks at the time, what they thought of him. Most, if they even knew who he was, said he was Asian being fronted as black by the media. Now that he is number one in the golf world, "whitey's game", and he has married a token blond white woman, he is now considered black....... yea right. You can still count all of his black fans on one hand though.

01-18-2008, 02:43 PM
Actually, when Tiger first hit the big time on tour, blacks weren't claiming him. I asked numerous blacks at the time, what they thought of him. Most, if they even knew who he was, said he was Asian being fronted as black by the media. Now that he is number one in the golf world, "whitey's game", and he has married a token blond white woman, he is now considered black....... yea right. You can still count all of his black fans on one hand though.


01-18-2008, 02:52 PM

You brought up Tiger, these are the facts........


Earl Woods, 64, is one-quarter Native American, one-quarter Chinese, and half black. A natural athlete-he was the first black baseball player at Kansas State and is also now a 1-handicap golfer-the elder Woods bestowed Tiger with athletic genes. A former Green Beret, he toughened his son mentally. He even asked a Navy psychologist to hypnotize Tiger when he was just 13 years old to help the teen concentrate.

In fact, it was Earl's arduous and dangerous missions in Vietcong-held villages with his Vietnam wartime buddy that prompted his son's nickname. "Tiger" is in honor of Phong Nguyen of the South Vietnamese Army, who bravely pulled Earl off a rice-paddy dike and away from the sniper fire raking them.

His mother, Kultida, is half Thai, a quarter Chinese, and a quarter Dutch. She met Earl in Bangkok while working in an office at a U.S. Army base, where Woods was assigned. They moved to Brooklyn after their marriage in 1969, and then to Cypress, Calif., where Tiger was born on Dec. 30, 1975.

In a sport considered by many as "white"-and viewed by some as racist-Tiger Woods is often described as the "Great Black Hope." His mother, Tida, as she is called by friends, bristles at this description.

"To call Tiger black is to deny my existence," she told Newsweek last year. "You know what my grandfather on my mother's side is? Dutch! White! Hah!"

While Woods writes "Asian" on forms requesting ethnicity-"Actually, I'm 90 percent Oriental, more Thai than anything," he's said-Tiger feels his ethnicity should never be an issue. And, if he is a role model, it's simply because some people want him to be.

"I don't want to be the best black golfer," he said. "I want to be the best golfer, period."

His father is perhaps more conscious of the prominent role race has played in the perception-particularly in the marketing-of his son.

Earl has a market-wise formula: When Tiger is playing in the U.S., he's black; when he's playing in Asia, he's Asian.

It's a formula that seems to have paid off quite well. Tiger has already won a $40-million contract from Nike and Titleist, which manufacturers balls and other golf equipment. As a professional, he'll earn an estimated $8 million a year.

01-18-2008, 03:00 PM
the point is: Obama is not a white man. There has never been a time in American history when a mulatto has EVER been considered WHITE. To be asked to "prove" that truism is silly. And to nearly every white man and woman in America who doesn't think of Obama OR Tiger Woods as black men.

Pale Rider
01-18-2008, 04:51 PM
you're on!

God I hope I win... :eek:

01-18-2008, 05:14 PM
God I hope I win... :eek:

I can just see it!

Pale Rider
I like riding the baloney pony, and I don't care how pale it is!

victory will be sweeeeeet!

01-18-2008, 05:43 PM
I can just see it!

Pale Rider
I like riding the baloney pony, and I don't care how pale it is!

victory will be sweeeeeet!

how mature and intellectually refreshing.... did you come up with that all by your lonesome or did some grade school kid give you some help....

Pale Rider
01-18-2008, 06:30 PM
I can just see it!

Pale Rider
I like riding the baloney pony, and I don't care how pale it is!

victory will be sweeeeeet!

It's going to be more like...

I just can't get enough pipe up the brown eye, please do me.


01-18-2008, 10:39 PM
:lol:time will tell, pole smokin' rider!:lol:

red states rule
01-19-2008, 06:48 AM
:lol:time will tell, pole smokin' rider!:lol:

Coming out of the closet MM?

red states rule
01-19-2008, 06:50 AM
God I hope I win... :eek:

Your win is assured

01-19-2008, 12:43 PM
It's going to be more like...

I just can't get enough pipe up the brown eye, please do me.

:laugh:NO NO NO it should be Womenfrommaine just can't get enough pipe up the brown eye, please do me

01-19-2008, 12:46 PM
I had another two in mind, and am pretty sure that Edwards does too.:laugh2:

:poke:YA but mine is the right two :laugh2:

red states rule
01-19-2008, 12:48 PM
:poke:YA but mine is the right two :laugh2:

Most people are right when countering MM's posts

Tried to rep you, but I have to spread it around before I can rep you again

Sorry, I tried

I will have to owe you

01-19-2008, 12:56 PM
Most people are right when countering MM's posts

Tried to rep you, but I have to spread it around before I can rep you again

Sorry, I tried

I will have to owe you Don't worry about I owe you quite a few already :coffee:

red states rule
01-19-2008, 01:02 PM
Don't worry about I owe you quite a few already :coffee:

I always pay what I owe REDWHITEBLUE2

01-20-2008, 03:31 PM
Your win is assured
Only in your own private Idaho, which not even extremists like glockspam buy into. :laugh: