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View Full Version : Romney wins Michigan

01-15-2008, 10:12 PM
If the numbers keep up, McCain will have lost by a significant margin. Im surprised. I thought it would have been closer. But there wasnt a significant independent turn out.

More importantly, Romney has dominated among Republicans, especially conservatives.

Romney could potentially end up with a double digit lead over McCain when its over. So I am pleasantly surprised.

Huckabee came in a distant third. I think this demonstrates a problem for Huckabee. If he can't break out among non evangelicals, and if he continues to not even get the evangelical vote the way he did in Iowa, i dont think he can keep up the race.

Now lets see what happens in the next races

01-15-2008, 10:14 PM
It looks like Romney was finally able to buy a win with his millions.

01-15-2008, 11:06 PM

Looking at the exit polls, Romney even beat Huckabee among Evangelicals.

01-15-2008, 11:07 PM
Another interesting stat is that Romney beat McCain in those who approve of the war in Iraq. and quite frankly thats McCains issue.

01-15-2008, 11:10 PM
Another interesting stat is that Romney beat McCain in those who approve of the war in Iraq. and quite frankly thats McCains issue.

the economy is quickly becoming the issue of this campaign.....and electing a ceo seems like a good idea........there is something about mitt that i can't quite put my finger on yet but i don't trust him.....

01-15-2008, 11:22 PM
Michigan is Romney's home state. He did not campaign in Iowa or NH. Because of poor weather and lack of interest, very few supporters of the other GOP candidates bothered to vote.

red states rule
01-16-2008, 12:09 AM
Michigan is Romney's home state. He did not campaign in Iowa or NH. Because of poor weather and lack of interest, very few supporters of the other GOP candidates bothered to vote.

The liberal media is not happy with Mitt winning. They are now having a temper tantrum since their guy McCain lost

AP's Instant Michigan Vote Analysis: 'Mitt Won, Authenticity Lost'
By Tim Graham | January 15, 2008 - 23:34 ET
The ink was barely dry on the Michigan primary results when the Associated Press circulated an "On Deadline" column from political reporter Ron Fournier headlined "Mitt Won, Authenticity Lost." Fournier savaged Mitt Romney for pandering to Michigan voters and demonstrating he is "the most malleable — and least credible — major presidential candidate." Fournier complained that John McCain "deserved a better result," and that "The man who spoke hard truths to Michigan lost."

So much for journalists not taking sides. Here's how the Fournier news analysis began:

WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney's victory in Michigan was a defeat for authenticity in politics.

The former Massachusetts governor pandered to voters, distorted his opponents' record and continued to show why he's the most malleable — and least credible — major presidential candidate.

And it worked.

The man who spoke hard truths to Michigan lost. Of all the reasons John McCain deserved a better result Tuesday night, his gamble on the economy stands out. The Arizona senator had the temerity to tell voters that a candidate who says traditional auto manufacturing jobs "are coming back is either naive or is not talking straight with the people of Michigan and America."

Instead of pandering, McCain said political leaders must "embrace green technologies," adding: "That's the future. That's what we want."

But wait. When "green technologies" -- like, say gasoline with ethanol -- are pitched in a state like Iowa, that's not pandering? Fournier's article seems like drop-dead proof of the Fred Barnes theory that reporters loathe Romney because he switched his "smart" and "moderate" positions for conservative (read: dumb, heartless) positions:

This is a man who campaigned for governor of Democratic stronghold Massachusetts as a supporter of abortion rights, gay rights and gun control — only to switch sides on those and other issues in time for the GOP presidential race. The first thing he did as a presidential contender in January was sign the same no-tax pledge an aide dismissed as "government by gimmickry" during the 2002 campaign.

He was a political independent who voted for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Massachusetts presidential primary; now he is a Reagan conservative. He was for embryonic stem cell research; now he favors restrictions on it.

Here's the puzzling part: Romney is a smart man who succeeded in both business and politics, by all accounts a solid family man who won over Democrats and independents in Massachusetts with his breezy charm and political moderation. He tackled one of the nation's most vexing issues — the cost and accessibility of health care — and helped devise a system in Massachusetts that requires both personal responsibility and government empathy.

Rather than running on his record as a can-do pragmatist in an era of government incompetence, Romney listened to advisers who said there was a tactical advantage in turning himself into the field's social conservative.


01-16-2008, 01:11 AM
Michigan is Romney's home state. He did not campaign in Iowa or NH. Because of poor weather and lack of interest, very few supporters of the other GOP candidates bothered to vote.

Talk about spin....

Romney is the first to win two and it doesnt count.

01-16-2008, 01:15 AM
Talk about spin....

Romney is the first to win two and it doesnt count.

yes the local news is spinning three different winners and that the party is in chaos........

and then says hillary is the clear frontrunner.......

i like dick morris he goes on and says edwards should join obama and take out hillary......then he says VP is better than retirement....:laugh2:

red states rule
01-16-2008, 07:08 AM
yes the local news is spinning three different winners and that the party is in chaos........

and then says hillary is the clear frontrunner.......

i like dick morris he goes on and says edwards should join obama and take out hillary......then he says VP is better than retirement....:laugh2:

or taking a trip to Ft Marcy Park in the middle of the night