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View Full Version : Can McCain remain competitive?

01-15-2008, 11:00 PM
I am seriously asking a question here. Everyone was saying how Michigan was a must win state for Romney, but I think it was a must win state for McCain.

I've attached the map from the 2000 race. Outside New England, McCain only won Michigan and New Mexico (I was surprised cause i would have expected him to win Arizona atleast).

He has already lost Michigan. I know Romney can be competitive in New England and in the west. Does McCain have a chance of being competitive anywhere else?

I know he is doing well in South Carolina at the moment, but that was also prior to the Michigan vote and due mostly from the New Hampshire bounce. And quite honestly, i dont think McCain will win in South Carolina.

I know he wont bow out yet, but are there any other states he can be competitive in? Because if there arent, he is in serious trouble. Especially with his lack of money.

01-15-2008, 11:05 PM
Probably not, because as he moves to states that only allow Repubs to vote, he'll lose out because he is such a liberal.

I'm begining to think Fred Thompson is the last gasp of hope for conservatives in this country. But he would have to win in SC.

01-15-2008, 11:06 PM
I hope not-----I couldn't stand to listen to him for 4 years.

01-15-2008, 11:09 PM
I hope not-----I couldn't stand to listen to him for 4 years.

he is still going to be in the Senate...

red states rule
01-15-2008, 11:10 PM
I am seriously asking a question here. Everyone was saying how Michigan was a must win state for Romney, but I think it was a must win state for McCain.

I've attached the map from the 2000 race. Outside New England, McCain only won Michigan and New Mexico (I was surprised cause i would have expected him to win Arizona atleast).

He has already lost Michigan. I know Romney can be competitive in New England and in the west. Does McCain have a chance of being competitive anywhere else?

I know he is doing well in South Carolina at the moment, but that was also prior to the Michigan vote and due mostly from the New Hampshire bounce. And quite honestly, i dont think McCain will win in South Carolina.

I know he wont bow out yet, but are there any other states he can be competitive in? Because if there arent, he is in serious trouble. Especially with his lack of money.

I do not think so. McCain pissed of so many conservatives with his amnesty for illegals, and saying recently he would vote against the Bush tax cuts

I am glad to see Romney win tonight. Rudy is all but done, and Huck Finn is a modern day version of Jimmy Peanut Carter

01-15-2008, 11:13 PM
mccain got 230k votes in michigan.....hillary 280k......pretty much tells the story no.....

red states rule
01-15-2008, 11:15 PM
mccain got 230k votes in michigan.....hillary 280k......pretty much tells the story no.....

Hillary was the only one on the ballot for the Dems. She beat out the uncommitted and that was about it

01-15-2008, 11:15 PM
he is still going to be in the Senate...

Senators just sleep until some aide tell em there's something they gotta sign. :laugh2:

red states rule
01-16-2008, 12:23 AM
The liberal media was doing all it could to help McCain win

Schieffer: Republicans Anti-McCain Because He Challenges Authority
By Brent Baker | January 15, 2008 - 20:56 ET
Asked by Katie Couric Tuesday night why having Republicans dominate the Michigan GOP primary, as opposed to independents and Democrats, is bad for John McCain, CBS's Bob Schieffer didn't cite any of McCain's views -- such as on immigration, tax cuts and freedom of speech -- where he's out of sync with most Republicans. Instead of realizing how McCain is too liberal for many conservatives who are the majority in the GOP, Schieffer contended Republicans just don't like him because he's “willing to challenge the authority,” insisting:

John McCain has always been sort of a maverick. He's always been willing to challenge the authority and a lot of Republicans just have not forgiven him for that.


Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 02:17 PM
I was listening to Rush yesterday... am today too but... there were a couple callers that asked, "who are all these people voting for McCain?" I have to wonder myself, because there isn't ONE CONERVATIVE or REPUBLICAN that I've talked to that LIKES him. I do believe McCain's following is a product of all the support, praise and air time he's been given by the Lame Stream Media. They would LOVE to see a liberal like McCain on the Republican ticket KNOWING it would pretty much ensure a democrat victory, because there are so many true conservatives that have VOWED NOT to vote for McCain, me being one of them. Let the country suffer through a liberal in the White House if that's the kind of CRAP the Republican party shoves down our throat and expects us to vote for them.

But, actually, I think McCain's candicy is bleeding after last night. I don't think he has another win coming.

01-16-2008, 02:28 PM
I was listening to Rush yesterday... am today too but... there were a couple callers that asked, "who are all these people voting for McCain?" I have to wonder myself, because there isn't ONE CONERVATIVE or REPUBLICAN that I've talked to that LIKES him. I do believe McCain's following is a product of all the support, praise and air time he's been given by the Lame Stream Media. They would LOVE to see a liberal like McCain on the Republican ticket KNOWING it would pretty much ensure a democrat victory, because there are so many true conservatives that have VOWED NOT to vote for McCain, me being one of them. Let the country suffer through a liberal in the White House if that's the kind of CRAP the Republican party shoves down our throat and expects us to vote for them.

But, actually, I think McCain's candicy is bleeding after last night. I don't think he has another win coming.

I have a hunch that a lot of his supporters think that he has the best chance of picking up indepedents and (so called) undecideds and are happy to have anyone as president who has an R behind his name. They could care less what he actually does.

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 03:44 PM
I have a hunch that a lot of his supporters think that he has the best chance of picking up indepedents and (so called) undecideds and are happy to have anyone as president who has an R behind his name. They could care less what he actually does.

In other words... ignorant voters.