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View Full Version : McCain stands by rebel flag stance

01-16-2008, 06:33 PM
Lets lose the South now.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080116/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_confederate_flag;_ylt=AnHO4g9a8gr0DQH3nSMgi Xis0NUE

SPARTANBURG, S.C. - John McCain on Wednesday sharply defended his opposition eight years ago to the flying of the Confederate battle flag over the South Carolina state capitol in Columbia, brushing aside protests that dogged him at campaign events and suggesting most people in the state don't want the issue reopened.

Several protesters aggressively waved Confederate flags at McCain's bus procession as it arrived for campaign events in Greenville and Spartanburg and passed out literature recalling McCain's April 2000 call for removal of the flag from atop the South Carolina statehouse.

The dispute became an issue in the 2000 presidential contest as McCain waged a losing battle in South Carolina against then Texas Gov. George W. Bush. The flag was subsequently moved and now is displayed elsewhere on the statehouse grounds.

01-16-2008, 06:51 PM

01-16-2008, 08:06 PM

Hugh Lincoln
01-16-2008, 09:29 PM
McCain sucks. The General Lee is awesome.

01-17-2008, 09:51 PM
Senator McCain was, is and will remain an American Hero in my eyes forever.

01-17-2008, 09:53 PM
Senator McCain was, is and will remain an American Hero in my eyes forever.

Something we can agree on. Doesn't mean either of us will vote for him.

01-17-2008, 10:08 PM
Senator McCain or I can do without your apology, kitty.

Something we can agree on. Doesn't mean either of us will vote for him.

Just who needs you?

01-17-2008, 10:10 PM
Senator McCain or I can do without your apology, kitty.

Just who needs you?

No apology there, fuktard.

01-17-2008, 10:23 PM
Like I said, neither Senator McCain or I need your senseless and useless apology.

No apology there, fuktard.

You don't represent anything, kitty.

01-17-2008, 10:33 PM
Like I said, neither Senator McCain or I need your senseless and useless apology.

You don't represent anything, kitty.

and you great one, do?

01-17-2008, 10:43 PM
I do very well, yurt.

and you great one, do?

But, I am not "great" as you portend but I do very well in the Democratic venue in which I now participate. I recently helped a Democratic candidate win a county supervisor gig in which no Democrat has ever won. And in Mississippi, no less!!!!!!!!!!!

I also shuttle vets to and from the VA hospitals and clinics, attend Veterans issues seminars and other meetings, register voters that really never believed their votes counted anyway and sometimes help in the public school closest to me when they need assistance in whatever capacity I can. I do many other things as well, Yurt. What do you do?

01-17-2008, 10:55 PM
McCain sucks. The General Lee is awesome.

Wow, what a shock coming from our resident racist. You better get going, your going to be late to your Klan meeting. :fu:

01-17-2008, 11:02 PM
Klan meetings may be more common from these contributors than you might imagine, nm.

01-17-2008, 11:16 PM
Klan meetings may be more common from these contributors than you might imagine, nm.

Nope, just Ron Paul supporters.

01-17-2008, 11:20 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080116/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_confederate_flag;_ylt=AnHO4g9a8gr0DQH3nSMgi Xis0NUE

SPARTANBURG, S.C. - John McCain on Wednesday sharply defended his opposition eight years ago to the flying of the Confederate battle flag over the South Carolina state capitol in Columbia, brushing aside protests that dogged him at campaign events and suggesting most people in the state don't want the issue reopened.
There are plenty of legitimate places to fly the flag for historical reasons. I don't believe that a state capitol building should be one of them.

01-17-2008, 11:24 PM
Ron Paul certainly has problems for which he must atone for himself but I don't believe Ron Paul is the subject here.

Nope, just Ron Paul supporters.

Your obfuscation diminishes your own argument. Care for some more?

01-17-2008, 11:35 PM
I do very well, yurt.

But, I am not "great" as you portend but I do very well in the Democratic venue in which I now participate. I recently helped a Democratic candidate win a county supervisor gig in which no Democrat has ever won. And in Mississippi, no less!!!!!!!!!!!

It is not "I" that "pretend" you are great.... :)

Well, politcally, congrats, if true. How exactly did you help?

I also shuttle vets to and from the VA hospitals and clinics, attend Veterans issues seminars and other meetings, register voters that really never believed their votes counted anyway and sometimes help in the public school closest to me when they need assistance in whatever capacity I can. I do many other things as well, Yurt. What do you do?

This is your "pissing" contest with me? Dude, you insulted someone by saying: "your senseless and useless apology"...... Do you really want to get into "exactly" what I have done as compared to you? LOOOOOOL.

Don't forget the hole you are stepping in.......

My point, solely, was that you have nothing on Kathy and your shuttle stories prove it. Could it be that you both do good for the USA?

01-17-2008, 11:42 PM
You are certainly a silly one, yurt.

It is not "I" that "pretend" you are great.... :)

Well, politcally, congrats, if true. How exactly did you help?

This is your "pissing" contest with me? Dude, you insulted someone by saying: "your senseless and useless apology"...... Do you really want to get into "exactly" what I have done as compared to you? LOOOOOOL.

Don't forget the hole you are stepping in.......

My point, solely, was that you have nothing on Kathy and your shuttle stories prove it. Could it be that you both do good for the USA?

Just who is Kathy and furthrmore who are you. You've both given me ample information as to what your handles represent but I have no clue as to just 'who" either of you actually are.

Are you just drinking or do you always spell, conjugate and represent as you demonstrate here?

01-18-2008, 12:28 AM
You are certainly a silly one, yurt.

Just who is Kathy and furthrmore who are you. You've both given me ample information as to what your handles represent but I have no clue as to just 'who" either of you actually are.

Are you just drinking or do you always spell, conjugate and represent as you demonstrate here?

dude, don't hit the bottle till the weekend.....

01-18-2008, 12:36 AM
'Zat your requirement?

dude, don't hit the bottle till the weekend.....

Even in the military I didn't have to abide that kind of control. Just what kind of a control nut are you?

01-18-2008, 12:43 AM
'Zat your requirement?

Even in the military I didn't have to abide that kind of control. Just what kind of a control nut are you?

uh, you brought up the drinky first bub..... you couldn't match logic, so hit with -- yurt is drinking....

now you are sputtering in your cup....

01-18-2008, 12:48 AM
I didn't say anything like that, jerk.

uh, you brought up the drinky first bub..... you couldn't match logic, so hit with -- yurt is drinking....

now you are sputtering in your cup....

You brought up the "drinky first bub" crap and I called you out on it. My only complaint was that you somehow expect to control me or anyone else outside yourself. Logically connect this, jerk, YOU AIN"T NOTHIN' TO ME.

01-18-2008, 12:50 AM
uh, you brought up the drinky first bub..... you couldn't match logic, so hit with -- yurt is drinking....

now you are sputtering in your cup....

typical Psycho.

01-18-2008, 12:56 AM
I didn't say anything like that, jerk.

You brought up the "drinky first bub" crap and I called you out on it. My only complaint was that you somehow expect to control me or anyone else outside yourself. Logically connect this, jerk, YOU AIN"T NOTHIN' TO ME.

haha, go back and read the thread.........

i see your *hic* logic is *hic* geeeeettttinnng better as the nnnnniiiggght goes on........LOL

all you have is "jerk"



01-18-2008, 12:58 AM
What is so typical, kitty? jerk brings the "drinky bub" bullshit into the conversation without provocation. He accuses me of bringing it into the conversation. I did not. I called him out on it and now you say it is "typical Psycho".

With each word you speak you become more irrelevant. Carry on , kitty.

01-18-2008, 01:27 AM
You are correct, Yurt, that I don't have "anything on Kathy" as you propose. Kathy pretends to have plenty on me and I wish to call her out on it. While we're talking about it, just what do you have? Just why do either of you have to have something on anyone? Can we not talk?

It is not "I" that "pretend" you are great.... :)

Well, politcally, congrats, if true. How exactly did you help?

This is your "pissing" contest with me? Dude, you insulted someone by saying: "your senseless and useless apology"...... Do you really want to get into "exactly" what I have done as compared to you? LOOOOOOL.

Don't forget the hole you are stepping in.......

My point, solely, was that you have nothing on Kathy and your shuttle stories prove it. Could it be that you both do good for the USA?

Anyone that attempts in any way to diminish my efforts towards the overall good of the USA can generally kiss my ass, Yurt. kitty has done that and you are approaching that threshold. Care to cross on over?

01-18-2008, 01:35 AM
Yurt, you've just proved yourself above the norm. PB is turning himself every which way to say he rules. While he fails, in his world, he succeeds. Welcome to psychoworld.

01-18-2008, 01:36 AM
You are correct, Yurt, that I don't have "anything on Kathy" as you propose. Kathy pretends to have plenty on me and I wish to call her out on it. While we're talking about it, just what do you have? Just why do either of you have to have something on anyone? Can we not talk?

Anyone that attempts in any way to diminish my efforts towards the overall good of the USA can generally kiss my ass, Yurt. kitty has done that and you are approaching that threshold. Care to cross on over?

making my point clear.

01-18-2008, 01:44 AM
Considering that screed by you, kitty, I am left to only consider that it is your purpose to somehow diminish my efforts and reputation.

making my point clear.

Sincerely, KISS MY ASS.

01-18-2008, 02:03 AM
Senator McCain was, is and will remain an American Hero in my eyes forever.

:clap: :salute:

01-18-2008, 02:12 AM
So Psycho, you have done a great job of pretending to be a drunk redneck but I think I have finally figured out your true identity........ you are Senator Edward Kennedy, aren't you?

That truly explains your history here.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

01-18-2008, 02:20 AM
I wasn't looking for your applause or your salute, martin. My admiration for John McCain goes back many years and I stand ready today to kick the ass of anyone that would somehow diminish his service to this country or his reputation in delivering that service. I have said before on this board and I will say it again, I have always loved John McCain. I have never said that I particularly agree with everything John McCain says or does but my love for him remains. It is similar to the love I have always felt for all American Presidents pre gwb.

:clap: :salute:

Just for a side note, let me repeat that Trent Lott and Tom Delay set me free in 1993. I had never before heard such remarks about a President and now I feel completely free to express my own.

01-18-2008, 02:23 AM
Wrong again, zorro!!!!!

So Psycho, you have done a great job of pretending to be a drunk redneck but I think I have finally figured out your true identity........ you are Senator Edward Kennedy, aren't you?

That truly explains your history here.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

But, I still suspect you are at least all the pussy that your avatar pictorial would intimate.

01-20-2008, 12:14 AM
Well, it was really good while it lasted. Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!