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View Full Version : Ministers ditch the phrase 'war on terror'

01-17-2008, 06:14 AM
By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor
Last Updated: 8:23am GMT 17/01/2008

Ministers have dropped the term "war on terror" and will refer to jihadis as "criminals" in an attempt to stop glorifying acts of terrorism.

The move is part of the Government's drive to prevent young Muslims falling under the influence of fanatics.

A new Home Office unit has been set up specifically to counter al-Qa'eda's efforts to manipulate individuals and groups

"As you disrupt radicalisation you must be aware of how you describe it and must not do so in a way that is inadvertently inflammatory," said a Whitehall source.

"We need to communicate more effectively - but we don't think we can communicate our way out of this."

Today Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, will outline the Government's counter-radicalisation strategy with a pledge to target internet sites used to foment hatred.

She will pledge to work with Internet companies to clamp down on extremist websites that groom "vulnerable people".

"We are already working closely with the communications industry to take action against paedophiles. I believe we should also take action against those who groom vulnerable people for the purposes of violent extremism," she will say.

"An effective response to terrorism depends on us - on the active commitment of individuals and communities to certain rights and responsibilities, to shared values which apply irrespective of religion or culture," she will add.

Her speech at the International Centre for Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence comes as MI5 continues to monitor dozens of websites seeking to recruit for al-Qa'eda.

One Arabic site briefly carried a threat, posted on Jan 6, to kill Gordon Brown and referred to "the creation of the al-Qa'eda organisation in Britain".

The site, already visited by more than 17 million people, also urges young Muslim men to rise up against infidels such as "Brown and Blair".

However, security experts said the site was not being treated any differently from dozens of others carrying similar messages.

"We check it out to try to identify the author," said a Whitehall source. "But it is more a statement of aspiration and, unfortunately, there is quite a lot of that stuff around. People who are really plotting attacks tend to do so covertly."

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01-17-2008, 10:26 AM
The correct term would be the war on islam. But its been a long time since people and governments called things what they are. Calling it what it is might hurt somebodies feelings.And we all know that feelings are much more important than lives and property.

It's not a war, it's acute politics.