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View Full Version : A walk to remember (spoiler?)

01-17-2008, 10:01 AM
I never really paid attention to Mandy Moore before seeing this last evening. Wow, not only is she pretty, but she puts on a great acting performance, and she sings beautifully!

This is a very sad movie and yet uplifting at the same time. I forget who the guy is that plays opposite her in this (nobody I knew before this) but he's a high school senior who has the looks and the friends, but doesn't have much of an interest in school or his future - but that all changes later on.

Because of a prank gone bad he is forced to do janitorial duty at school, help under privileged kids on weekends and be a part of the school year end play. He sucks as an actor in the play so seeks out the help from Moore. She states she will, so long as he promises not to fall in love with her, which he scoffs at.

She is the local ministers daughter and is basically invisible to everyone else, and when they do see her they just laugh because she's considered a plain jane. During the play, she is all dressed up and hair done, she goes on to give a beautiful performance with a song and that's when he realizes just how beautiful she is, and it causes him to forget his lines.

I won't ruin too much of it in case anyone chooses to see it, but it gets a bit sappy after time goes on, but at the same time it is inspiring. I'm embarrassed to admit it had some tears in my eyes in a few scenes. Damn good movie IMO!

01-17-2008, 03:34 PM
:gay: FAG!!

01-17-2008, 03:48 PM
all i remember from that movie is that i got dirty looks from the ppl in line waiting and the ppl exiting the theater. all of the female viewers that were leaving were dabbing their eyes from crying, some still crying. so i say (apprentally louder than i thought) " oh great, i bet somebody dies!"....and...oh..wow...i have never had some many femals give me the stink eye at once before or since then. but yah...that is the only thing that i really remember about that movie..