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View Full Version : Fasting to lose weight

01-17-2008, 12:53 PM
Has anyone ever went on a fast to lose weight here on the board? One of the news programs was talking about fasting being popular way to lose weight this morning and was warning about some of the associated problems.

In 1982 I was stationed in Germany, I was 34 at the time and a friend and I went on a fast. My friend quit after two weeks. I started the fast weighing in at 220 with a 36 inch waist and I'm of a medium frame. The fast I used was as follows: I drank coffee with cream and sugar the first two weeks and then switched to black coffee, only coffee... I went to the bars every night and drank all the German beer I desired but absolutely no food with the exception of a medium pizza with everything on Wed. evening each week. I danced a lot at the clubs and usually had long days from wake up at 6:00 -7:00AM and sleep from 2:00 to 4:00AM every night.

I remained on this fast for seven weeks and weighed in at 155 pounds with a 32 inch waist. I really never felt any abnormalities after the first week and then it was just missing the routine...

I was able to eat sparingly following the fast and keep my weight within 10 pounds as long as I maintained my hectic schedule burning calories of the continued beer consumption.

Anyone else?

01-17-2008, 01:01 PM
Ive been losing quite a bit of weight lately. and i have been fasting. Not specifically to lose weight. Mostly ive been trying to clean out the toxins from my system to help me work smoother. and it seems to be working.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 01:11 PM
Has anyone ever went on a fast to lose weight here on the board? One of the news programs was talking about fasting being popular way to lose weight this morning and was warning about some of the associated problems.

In 1982 I was stationed in Germany, I was 34 at the time and a friend and I went on a fast. My friend quit after two weeks. I started the fast weighing in at 220 with a 36 inch waist and I'm of a medium frame. The fast I used was as follows: I drank coffee with cream and sugar the first two weeks and then switched to black coffee, only coffee... I went to the bars every night and drank all the German beer I desired but absolutely no food with the exception of a medium pizza with everything on Wed. evening each week. I danced a lot at the clubs and usually had long days from wake up at 6:00 -7:00AM and sleep from 2:00 to 4:00AM every night.

I remained on this fast for seven weeks and weighed in at 155 pounds with a 32 inch waist. I really never felt any abnormalities after the first week and then it was just missing the routine...

I was able to eat sparingly following the fast and keep my weight within 10 pounds as long as I maintained my hectic schedule burning calories of the continued beer consumption.

Anyone else?

Sheeezzuz.... that just sounds extremely unhealthy. When I want to drop some weight, I just watch how much and what I eat, and exercise. I always exercise anyway. But I was always told that if you don't eat your body goes into starvation mode.

01-17-2008, 01:17 PM
Ive been losing quite a bit of weight lately. and i have been fasting. Not specifically to lose weight. Mostly ive been trying to clean out the toxins from my system to help me work smoother. and it seems to be working.My friend had did quite a bit of research on fasting and told me it was very important to eat one meal a week. He said the metabolism will automatically start to save body fat when food doesn't come regularly but can be fooled if you eat once a week allowing the body to continuously burn body fat since the metabolism doesn't slow down.

I've seen these advertisements for foot patches that cleanse the body of toxins on TV over the last couple of weeks and they reminded me of my childhood, my parents used a lot of home cures and used poultices to draw splinters and other thorns from picking wild berries out of our bodies. They worked great! Once I was running around barefooted outside and slid breaking off a piece of wood from a tree limb in the bottom of my foot and my mother put this poultice on my foot and in a week a large chunk of wood was pulled through the skin an inch from where it went in.

01-17-2008, 01:21 PM
My friend had did quite a bit of research on fasting and told me it was very important to eat one meal a week. He said the metabolism will automatically start to save body fat when food doesn't come regularly but can be fooled if you eat once a week allowing the body to continuously burn body fat since the metabolism doesn't slow down.

I've seen these advertisements for foot patches that cleanse the body of toxins on TV over the last couple of weeks and they reminded me of my childhood, my parents used a lot of home cures and used poultices to draw splinters and other thorns from picking wild berries out of our bodies. They worked great! Once I was running around barefooted outside and slid breaking off a piece of wood from a tree limb in the bottom of my foot and my mother put this poultice on my foot and in a week a large chunk of wood was pulled through the skin an inch from where it went in.

i wouldnt recommend fasting more than one day. Most of the time I fast like half days. but im not doing it specifically to lose weight. im doing it to cleanse myself of toxins. im losing the weight by eating smart. you do it too much you slow your metabolism big time.

Ive seen those patches. if i had money id be very tempted to try it out.

01-17-2008, 01:22 PM
Sheeezzuz.... that just sounds extremely unhealthy. When I want to drop some weight, I just watch how much and what I eat, and exercise. I always exercise anyway. But I was always told that if you don't eat your body goes into starvation mode.Yes, I explained that in post 4... vitamins would probably be a good idea too.

When I moved to Puerto Rico I went from a laid back office job to working with my father-in-law building concrete houses, including my house and the dog assed hard work had the same affect on me as the fast and I was once again in as good of shape as I was when I graduated Army Airborne school... back to 155/32 waist.

01-17-2008, 01:33 PM
i wouldnt recommend fasting more than one day. Most of the time I fast like half days. but im not doing it specifically to lose weight. im doing it to cleanse myself of toxins. im losing the weight by eating smart. you do it too much you slow your metabolism big time.

Ive seen those patches. if i had money id be very tempted to try it out.Maybe you could make your own patch or buy one that does the same thing... look at poultice on Wiki and it explains they are even used to remove stains from granite... that means they remove metal stains so if there is metal in your body it should do the same for you. There are over the counter poultices or make your own from bran and cloth.

01-17-2008, 01:47 PM
Fasting is NOT healthy. Think of your body like a car. Keep running the fuel down to nothing and eventually you'll have bigger problems than just trying to get around. You'll end up gaining all the weight back (and usually more) once you start eating normally again.

Your body's metabolism speed is triggered by how often you eat and what kinds of foods you eat as far as nutritional value. Taking time eating your meal instead of horking it down helps you actually eat less overall.

I lost 60lbs on Weight Watchers... I never starved at all, and I ended up eating MORE than when I wasn't. This is because I made better choices as to what I ate and made sure that I ate nutrient-dense foods and as low-fat as possible. I still eat fast food at least once a week, but I try to eat 90% healthy 5/7 days. I usually let myself indulge a little on the weekends.

No diet pills, no fasting, no meal replacement bars, just regular food from the store (well, some of it was Weight Watchers' brand meals just for convenience) and I have been able to keep it off for over a year. I started at 200lbs post 2nd baby, and I am now at 145 (as of last week). Although I am now trying to drop one more dress size before my cruise (I'm a 10 now, and I want to be an 8), so I am doing the program again. The first week is always a little hard to get into the routine, but I am doing pretty good now.

01-17-2008, 02:18 PM
i wouldnt recommend fasting more than one day. Most of the time I fast like half days.

Hell, in my world, that's just called being too broke to eat lunch!:laugh2:

I'm getting ready to start working on losing some weight, though. When I was in high school, I lost about 50 pounds in like four or five months. I just ate reasonably well (not even "health" food per se, just sensible portions of normal food, then on Saturday, I'd reward myself with something unhealthy), lifted weights, and jogged. But, again, I was only 18 at the time, so my metabolism was probably pretty strong to begin with.

01-17-2008, 02:21 PM
Hell, in my world, that's just called being too broke to eat lunch!:laugh2:

I'm getting ready to start working on losing some weight, though. When I was in high school, I lost about 50 pounds in like four or five months. I just ate reasonably well (not even "health" food per se, just sensible portions of normal food, then on Saturday, I'd reward myself with something unhealthy), lifted weights, and jogged. But, again, I was only 18 at the time, so my metabolism was probably pretty strong to begin with.

i havent even started working out hard core other than more stretching than usual. im working on my eating because once i master that ill be a master:-D

01-17-2008, 02:42 PM
i havent even started working out hard core other than more stretching than usual. im working on my eating because once i master that ill be a master:-D

You should work on baiting, because once you master that, you'll be a master.... Well, you know.

01-17-2008, 02:45 PM
Fasting, sounds like something you'd get on a pro-ana forum. Anyway, nah, bad idea, you gain the weight back to quick. It's only good if you need to drop weight fast for a way in or the like.

Hagbard Celine
01-17-2008, 03:03 PM
Does this religion make me look fat?

01-17-2008, 06:13 PM
I've only fasted for religious purposes, and never for more than 3 days. While fasting and flushing toxins from your system may have its health benefits, I'd recommend a sustainable diet and exercise if you're looking to lose weight.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 06:56 PM
Yes, I explained that in post 4... vitamins would probably be a good idea too.

When I moved to Puerto Rico I went from a laid back office job to working with my father-in-law building concrete houses, including my house and the dog assed hard work had the same affect on me as the fast and I was once again in as good of shape as I was when I graduated Army Airborne school... back to 155/32 waist.

Yup. A sensible diet and exercise. There's no better way to get and stay in shape. I picked up a couple pounds over the holidays, eating like a horse and eating the wrong stuff, pies, cookies, sugar rich junk, etc.. I've lost it all already. I just got back on my high protein and fruit diet with a daily multi vitamin, and always the exercise. I exercise everyday whether I feel like it or not. I force myself. And drink plenty of water.

01-17-2008, 07:08 PM
Yup. I exercise everyday whether I feel like it or not. I force myself. And drink plenty of water.

Good for you! I wish I had that kind of willpower about making myself exercise on a regular basis. The only real exercise outside chasing after the boys that I get, is doing Dance Revolution on PS2... but that at least makes it fun. You can even keep track of calories burned, hours and log your weight.

01-17-2008, 07:27 PM
Yup. A sensible diet and exercise. There's no better way to get and stay in shape. I picked up a couple pounds over the holidays, eating like a horse and eating the wrong stuff, pies, cookies, sugar rich junk, etc.. I've lost it all already. I just got back on my high protein and fruit diet with a daily multi vitamin, and always the exercise. I exercise everyday whether I feel like it or not. I force myself. And drink plenty of water.

just had to rub in: Ive lost 20lbs over the holidays:D

Im so cool.. oh yeah!:)

01-17-2008, 07:38 PM
Mi dos centavos...

I'm 5'11" tall, weigh 215 pounds and have a 34" waist. My body fat is around 10-12%. I lift weights 4-5 times a week. One week I do high rep training, the next heavy resistance. I do cardio 3-4 times a week, usually the stair master for 30 minutes. I eat on average 6 times a day and snack in between. My last two meals only contain a protein, usually steak or chicken, and fibrous carbohydrates. Starchy carbs eaten late tend to stick to your ribs. By eating smaller, more frequent meals my blood sugar stays stabilized and my metabolism is boosted. The resistance training also builds muscle mass and increases metabolism as well. That is my recipe for losing weight.

01-17-2008, 08:44 PM
I've never tried to lose weight. 105 to 120 is about what my weight ranges from depending on the scale I'm on and time of month. I exercise about twice a week ie weight lifting and running. I get other exercise to basically being up and about, dancing to music, ect.

01-17-2008, 09:03 PM
Yup. A sensible diet and exercise. There's no better way to get and stay in shape. I picked up a couple pounds over the holidays, eating like a horse and eating the wrong stuff, pies, cookies, sugar rich junk, etc.. I've lost it all already. I just got back on my high protein and fruit diet with a daily multi vitamin, and always the exercise. I exercise everyday whether I feel like it or not. I force myself. And drink plenty of water.It is all about what you want and what you are willing to pay for it. The reason I went on a fast was a 19 year old blond that told me, hey you're cute but you are fat... six weeks later she was giving me head and helping me pick out my new wardrobe.

I was never out of shape in my career in the Army, a little beer belly but I could run four miles a day and max my physical exam. I was the NCO in charge of the fat boy program at Fort Lee, Va when I returned from Germany and I had a guy that was overweight that couldn't do three pushups or the same situps... he went on a lettuce diet to lose weight and gained weight... I asked him how much lettuce he was eating and he said something like 10 or 12 heads a day... I dogged him until I thought he would kill himself adn finally he was able to pass the basic PT test and had lost the weight to meet Army standards. When I was a teen and in my early twenties in the Army I routinely did a 4 mile run M-F after doing 40 jumping jacks, same pushups, situps and other drills and was chunky because I would eat to make up for the energy I burned off in exercise. Just before going to Germany where the girl told me I was fat the Command Sergeants Major was leading a run at Ft. Bragg... it was a hot summer day and we were running in uniform in the afternoon with combat boots, 95F with humidity and at the 4 mile mark the CSM asked, who wants to go for another mile? I answered, lets do 2 more miles, I want to see your old heart have an attack! I was in shape, but just liked to have strawberry shortcake and biscuits and gravy for breakfast after a run.

I don't think fasting is dangerous at all, it is quite normal I guess people in poor countries do it quite often and live to talk about it. The body will protect itself and reserve body fat if you don't trick it so if you want to lose weight then trick your body. It for sure makes more sense than all the diets and exercise equipment folks try to sell you to lose weight. Any honest person doesn't need equipment to exercise nor do they need a diet to lose weight. I can dog you out even if you eat only lettuce... you can do the same if you have the will... there is no easy way... everything in moderation is good... stop doing pushups when you can't do the next one and increase the reps two days later... the same with situps on odd days... knee, back or other problems are no excuse for not walking or running... walk if you take one step and run if you take two... Don't drive around the gym looking for a parking place near the door but park in the last space away from the entrance... do the same at every destination and eat in moderation and you will be fit.

01-17-2008, 09:42 PM
Does this religion make me look fat?

tool, i need a good tool

anyways, you think only people who adhere to religion fast? LOOOOOL......live your burb Mr. CNN man..... go to hollyweird.....

01-17-2008, 09:45 PM
Don't drive around the gym looking for a parking place near the door but park in the last space away from the entrance
Sorry but I don't like walking in cold and rain if I don't have to.

01-17-2008, 10:04 PM
82nd's lifestyle is no doubt a surefire way to maintain...however...fasting is not bad when done in moderation. it truly does clean the body out and when done in moderation, keeps the body in check, e.g., lets the stomach know the mind is in charge and that you can do without all that food, all the time.

fasting more than a 24 hour period should not be done unless you absolutely know what you are doing. even when only doing a 24 hour period, make sure to drink lots of water and juice, 100% juices. the first 24-48 are the hardest and most critical to your body.

i also get a head rush around "day" periods of eating, especially the first day, dinner is huge. second day is, well, you each have their own experience.

again, don't do it unless you know what you are doing.

01-17-2008, 10:07 PM
I can't fast. I pass out and my blood sugar bottoms. Can't move around. I don't eat a lot but when I start getting weak and my legs feel wobbly I have to eat something. Like right now, I didn't eat any lunch or supper, forgot/busy now I'm sick and eating some cereal.

01-17-2008, 10:58 PM
I can't fast. I pass out and my blood sugar bottoms. Can't move around. I don't eat a lot but when I start getting weak and my legs feel wobbly I have to eat something. Like right now, I didn't eat any lunch or supper, forgot/busy now I'm sick and eating some cereal.

then your metabolism is not ready. it is not for everyone. we aren't muslims, there is no compulsion. :)

fasting done right can and will cleanse your body. the body cannot be compared to an automobile engine, for one, the body has been around much longer and no human invented it......

01-18-2008, 07:45 AM
82nd's lifestyle is no doubt a surefire way to maintain...however...fasting is not bad when done in moderation. it truly does clean the body out and when done in moderation, keeps the body in check, e.g., lets the stomach know the mind is in charge and that you can do without all that food, all the time.

fasting more than a 24 hour period should not be done unless you absolutely know what you are doing. even when only doing a 24 hour period, make sure to drink lots of water and juice, 100% juices. the first 24-48 are the hardest and most critical to your body.

i also get a head rush around "day" periods of eating, especially the first day, dinner is huge. second day is, well, you each have their own experience.

again, don't do it unless you know what you are doing.Everything in life should be done in moderation... anything done in extremes will lead to death including living too damned long. Moderation is boring is the problem and the voice in the head usually says gamble for bump cheating moderation whether it is sex, food, speed, drugs, alcohol or whatever the voice directs.

Whatever vice you have must be balanced by an opposite, for example I like to eat chocolate but I keep sauerkraut in my refrigerator and when the urge hits me I take turns and the drastic opposite causes me not to think of chocolate as soon as without eating a fork full of sauerkraut to answer the urge. I walk daily to burn food I consume and exercise my body, often 5K... I refuse to allow things to stress me regardless of the stress... someone cuts me off while driving I smile and wave... the kids want the high speed I give them the high speed and use it later and find another method to entertain me as I do without the computer for an evening.

Life should be like water flowing down hill and if a rock gets in your way simply flow around the rock... it is too damned hard to move them out of the way and there are just too damned many of them. In the end we all reach sea level about the same time regardless of our resistance to change.

01-18-2008, 08:07 AM
Sheeezzuz.... that just sounds extremely unhealthy. When I want to drop some weight, I just watch how much and what I eat, and exercise. I always exercise anyway. But I was always told that if you don't eat your body goes into starvation mode.
Pale is right. If you want to lose weight without getting sick and you want to keep it off, the best thing to do is practice moderation in what you eat, avoid certain foods (fried foods, for instance) and exercise regularly.

Unless you're morbidly obese, fasting is something to avoid.

Hagbard Celine
01-18-2008, 09:49 AM
tool, i need a good tool

anyways, you think only people who adhere to religion fast? LOOOOOL......live your burb Mr. CNN man..... go to hollyweird.....


Come again! :poke:

Pale Rider
01-20-2008, 09:17 AM
I can't fast. I pass out and my blood sugar bottoms. Can't move around. I don't eat a lot but when I start getting weak and my legs feel wobbly I have to eat something. Like right now, I didn't eat any lunch or supper, forgot/busy now I'm sick and eating some cereal.

Signs and symptoms

Hypoglycemic symptoms and manifestations can be divided into those produced by the counterregulatory hormones (adrenaline and glucagon) triggered by the falling glucose, and the neuroglycopenic effects produced by the reduced brain sugar.

Adrenergic manifestations

Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, tremor
Palpitations, tachycardia
Sweating, feeling of warmth
Pallor, coldness, clamminess
Dilated pupils
Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" in the fingers

Glucagon manifestations

Hunger, borborygmus
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort

Neuroglycopenic manifestations

Abnormal mentation, impaired judgement
Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying
Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
Personality change, emotional lability
Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
Paresthesias, headache
Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
Generalized or focal seizures


01-20-2008, 09:59 AM
Maybe the reason my fast was successful is that it wasn't a fast in the true term since in Germany is classed as bread.

Beer is considered to be 'liquid bread', according to some royal decree back in the day, and as such, is considered a staple food and cannot be taxed. And as a result, beer was cheapest in Germany, by a long shot. About the same as water in some places. Brilliant! And the beer in Germany was more than acceptable, so we drank beer every day. Hoorah!
