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01-17-2008, 01:39 PM

I dont know, but i think Mitt Romney can save the economy.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 06:33 PM

I dont know, but i think Mitt Romney can save the economy.

I say he's the best man for job, bar none.

01-17-2008, 06:41 PM
No president has enough power to radically improve the economy. The most they can do is avoid making it worse.

And Mittler isn't the least bit interested in solving any economic problems.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 07:14 PM
No president has enough power to radically improve the economy. The most they can do is avoid making it worse.

And Mittler isn't the least bit interested in solving any economic problems.

Yes Presidents have enough power to radically effect the economy. It just takes what he's done a few years to catch up with their effort.

And you state Mitt isn't interested in solving any economic problems like you actually had sat down with him and he told you that in person. But nothing could be further from the truth. I realize it's election time typo, but that statement is just pure horse dung.

01-17-2008, 07:52 PM
Yes Presidents have enough power to radically effect the economy. It just takes what he's done a few years to catch up with their effort.Can you name any action that any president took in the last 50 years that directly resulted in real growth?

And you state Mitt isn't interested in solving any economic problems like you actually had sat down with him and he told you that in person. But nothing could be further from the truth. I realize it's election time typo, but that statement is just pure horse dung.
Mittler has almost an identical economic plan to GWB's, and look where that's got us. Both are as globalist as they come, Pale.

red states rule
01-17-2008, 07:53 PM
No president has enough power to radically improve the economy. The most they can do is avoid making it worse.

And Mittler isn't the least bit interested in solving any economic problems.

Pres Reagan cleaned up the mess from Peanut Carter

and Pres Bush's tax cuts brought the economy back after 9-11

01-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Pres Reagan cleaned up the mess from Peanut CarterAll Reagan did was plunge the nation into a nearly unrecoverable debt. Big whoop.

and Pres Bush's tax cuts brought the economy back after 9-11Horse dung. The economy never came back at all except for the subprime smoke and mirrors scam, which just covered up the mess.

red states rule
01-18-2008, 06:30 AM
All Reagan did was plunge the nation into a nearly unrecoverable debt. Big whoop.
Horse dung. The economy never came back at all except for the subprime smoke and mirrors scam, which just covered up the mess.

Your lack of knowledge on the facts is very telling

Under Pres Peanut, the US had double digit inflation, double digit inflation, and near double digit unemployment. People were paying 20% interest rates on their mortgages. The top tax rate was 70%, and the US was in a deep recession

Pres Reagan came in, cut taxes, deregulated business, and unleashed the power of the American worker

Money to the US government DOUBLED to over $1 trillion in his eight years

The voters rewared him with a 49 state reelection win in 1984

Now Dems try to say how bad the current economy is, despite our economic growth, a declining annual budget deficit, and increasing worker productivity

Only 5% of homeowners are late with their monthly payments, and in many cases what causes them to be late with their payments is increased property taxes which are paid out of their escrow account

Right now, people can refin their ARM's to a fixed rate, and in some cases do it with no closing costs

01-18-2008, 01:43 PM
All that "deregulating business" meant was that consumers ended up paying more for less.

"Your lack of knowledge on the facts is very telling." :slap:

red states rule
01-19-2008, 06:45 AM
All that "deregulating business" meant was that consumers ended up paying more for less.

"Your lack of knowledge on the facts is very telling." :slap:

Check your facts - which would be something new for you

Pres Reagan laid the groundwork for the biggest economic expansion in US history

Funny that was your only point you replied to - shot you down over your post how thr US President can't do anything with the economy

Pale Rider
01-19-2008, 06:52 AM
Can you name any action that any president took in the last 50 years that directly resulted in real growth?

Reagan tax cuts, Bush tax cuts, which stimulated the economy. And on the other hand, Clinton tax hikes, which stifled the economy.

Mittler has almost an identical economic plan to GWB's, and look where that's got us. Both are as globalist as they come, Pale.

I agree Bush is a globalist, almost to the degree of being traitorous. But, you've got to be joking about Romney, I wouldn't lump him in with Bush on his worst day.

red states rule
01-19-2008, 06:57 AM
and lets not forget the tax cuts JFK passed.

other economic accomplishments of Pres Bush


01-19-2008, 12:14 PM
No president has enough power to radically improve the economy. The most they can do is avoid making it worse.

And Mittler isn't the least bit interested in solving any economic problems.

al and bill disagree with you....they created the dot com bubble and created a surplus.....

red states rule
01-19-2008, 12:16 PM
al and bill disagree with you....they created the dot com bubble and created a surplus.....

and declared war on Microsoft, and the corporate cooked booked scandal

01-20-2008, 03:15 PM
Reagan tax cuts, Bush tax cuts, which stimulated the economy. And on the other hand, Clinton tax hikes, which stifled the economy.All just blue-sky theorizing. None of these statements can be conclusively proved one way or the other.

I agree Bush is a globalist, almost to the degree of being traitorous. But, you've got to be joking about Romney, I wouldn't lump him in with Bush on his worst day.There has to be a reason that the same people who backed Bush are backing Mittler now.

Black Lance
01-20-2008, 03:23 PM
Check your facts - which would be something new for you

Pres Reagan laid the groundwork for the biggest economic expansion in US history

Funny that was your only point you replied to - shot you down over your post how thr US President can't do anything with the economy

Actually the biggest economic expansion in US history was during WWII, when the previously underemployed US economy kicked into high-gear due to war-time demands. The national GDP increased by 20% in just five years.

Black Lance
01-20-2008, 03:25 PM
No president has enough power to radically improve the economy. The most they can do is avoid making it worse.

And Mittler isn't the least bit interested in solving any economic problems.

Sorry typo, but the President undoubtably has massive economic power due to his relationship with the FEDs.

01-20-2008, 03:29 PM
Sorry typo, but the President undoubtably has massive economic power due to his relationship with the FEDs.
I didn't say that presidents had no power at all, BL! My point was that presidential power in general is not able to do anything to the economy at large other than make it worse.

Only a good set of (well-enforced) legislation, coupled with a favorable global market, can exert a lot of positive power over the economy.

Black Lance
01-21-2008, 12:41 AM
I didn't say that presidents had no power at all, BL! My point was that presidential power in general is not able to do anything to the economy at large other than make it worse.

Only a good set of (well-enforced) legislation, coupled with a favorable global market, can exert a lot of positive power over the economy.

But the nature of the Presidents relationship with the FED ensures that his economic policy is not merely a result of legislation. Open market operations can make an ENORMOUS difference to the welfare of the marketplace, as Greenspan's entire career testifies to.

One of the incorrect assumptions common among my fellow Republicans is that the free marketplace will always allocate resources with the maximum level of efficiency. This simply is not so, as economic decisions are made by humans whose decisions are influenced by irrational factors such as emotions and predictions about future welfare. Timely and careful government in the economy can help keep the business cycle moving when the marketplace would have it grind to a halt, and can also reduce the damage done by the inevitable recessions that come with the booms.

01-21-2008, 06:49 PM
But the nature of the Presidents relationship with the FED ensures that his economic policy is not merely a result of legislation. Open market operations can make an ENORMOUS difference to the welfare of the marketplace, as Greenspan's entire career testifies to.You seem to be implying (and it sounds like you know better) that a president can order the Fed to do whatever he wants. I hope this never becomes reality.
Timely and careful government in the economy can help keep the business cycle moving when the marketplace would have it grind to a halt, and can also reduce the damage done by the inevitable recessions that come with the booms.Governmental, perhaps; presidential, no.