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02-18-2007, 09:50 PM
It's hard to say...what's your most favorite movie...There are so many good flicks...let alone so many good actors.

It's like a breath of fresh air when a movie comes along...with all unknown faces..and you love it..:)

Many of us watch the same "Super Kick Ass Movies"..many times over...It's no different..and we shouldn't feel bad...because we do the same thing with music...

We love our favorite singers...as we do actors/actresses...We sometime chase a certain niche...or them...or style when it comes to music.

Some of us are addicted to a series...a triology maybe...

I could never answer who,what..or anything when it comes to music..or the theatre...We'll always have our favorites...

Alot of us when we get older...set in our ways...

A movie that was a good eye opener to me....was "Kung Fu Hustle"...It was funny...had a couple parts where one could get a tear...and had right & wrong....It even had a "Gay" Kung Fu Fighter..and a pretty girl called Buck Tooth Jane...and a beautiful girl who was deaf....It was a beautiful movie..that will make you laugh...some good kung fu action..and keeps you 100% interested the whole time...You'll love it..:)

It was made in China...so you have to read what's being said in English while watching this movie.

I never thought I could get into having to read what's being said on a screen..(close caption).but if it would of been any other way...this movie would not have been as special....A dam good movie...For a couple...if your single...or even a family if the kids are like...well they see so much now days...I'd say 14..or older.

Another good movie..was "Lord Ivanho"..that was on chanel 2..or some type of special channel...It was a beautiful movie...for anybody...

Rest assured...I am a good judge of movies....:)

Anybody ever see "Mystery Men"...dam good!!

How about.."The Spy Who Knew To Little"..is that the right title?...Bill Muray was in it...

Loved the Postman...and Open Range with Kevin Costner...as well...Robin Hood Price of Thieves made him known...:)

We all grew up with Clint Eastwood...some dam good movies..:)

Kurt Russel In Tombstone was good..and we can't forget "Big Trouble In Little China Town"...he was good in that..:)

We can all smile big..even thinking on "Babes In ToyLand"..with Laurel & Hardy....Even the "Wizard Of Oz" would be fun right now to watch..:)

In a way...movies & music shape who we are...We all differ some in taste....but we all have some in common we all like.

I grew up with Zepplin..the Stones..and the Beatles...Love 70's music....but also love classical..and the band "The Cranberries"...and got into Randy Travis for a bit to...Mel Haggard..etc...

I hate to end this on a bad not...but I can not stand heavy metal..or rap in the least...I'm glad I grew up in a different generation...That's one thing we are thankful for when we get older...We know what's cool..:)


Mr. P
02-18-2007, 10:05 PM
Two movies off the top of my head that I saw years ago I still remember as being great.

1. Amadeus
2. Empire of the Sun

02-18-2007, 10:06 PM
9 to 5

and The Exorcist

02-18-2007, 10:09 PM
black hawk down
natural born killers
pulp fiction
Apocalypse now
deer hunter

Abbey Marie
02-18-2007, 11:05 PM
Kurt Russel In Tombstone was good..

Love Tombstone, but for me it was Val Kilmer. :thumb:

02-19-2007, 05:06 PM

02-19-2007, 05:08 PM

oooooooooooooo good choice

02-19-2007, 09:13 PM
Braveheart IS a good choice. My number 1 movie of all time, actually.

Pulp Fiction
Whale Rider
Princess Bride
A Bronx Tale
Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather
(And I know there are about 20 more, so I'll probably keep adding to this).

For silly days:
Young Frankenstein
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Fifth Element (my favorite train wreck movie)
Doc Hollywood
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Apartment
The Odd Couple
Barefoot in the Park
Animal House
Blues Brothers

02-19-2007, 10:39 PM
Oh yeah....Bronx Tail...great flick!

Platoon is a great war movie.

Sports movies:

02-19-2007, 11:35 PM
Anything with John Wayne is a good flick. Even some of the ones where he wasn't the star.

Then there is:

Men in Black
Remember the titans
Miracle on 34th street
Risky Business
Rules of Engagement
The boys of company C
Firebase Gloria